Story By Alexandherpen


5’7, gorgeous, dimpled, brown eyed human. Writing is a part of me, and I would love to see how far I can go with it.
Claimed by the Vampire king
Updated at Oct 15, 2023, 06:36
it was not just about how much he has fallen for the human girl, but this king soon realizes that for them to have a shot at forever together, he had to claim his human love in every way possible. he had to turn her into one of them. what happens next after this king realizes, that his human love can never be turned into a vampire?
Awake at a Different time
Updated at Mar 1, 2022, 13:25
Ally wakes up after being in a coma for a year, to discover that the entire world wasn’t the same as she remembers it. There has been five waves of explosions that was currently crippling civilization, and an outbreak that was causing people to fall into a deep endless sleep. She falls unconscious the second time, and wakes up one year earlier, a day before the gruesome accident that had left her unconscious one year ago. Now she has the chance to fix it the second time, let’s hope she doesn’t get carried away