Story By Angel Shine

Angel Shine

Struck by the Billionaire's Love
Updated at May 12, 2022, 23:36
In the bustling city of Chicago, a young middle school teacher is struck by a car as she rushes to the hospital to check on her youngest sister. Waking up to a tall, dark and handsome, well-dressed man, Eshe Johnson learns he was the driver. Recovering from a broken heart and a few bruises, Damien Godlee promises to come to her aid at every turn, so long as she signs a contract stating she will not disclose information regarding her wealthy benefactor to anyone. As Eshe's fortress of emotional unavailability is chipped away by the persistent, mysterious billionaire with a great sense of humor, a bond built on fate and conflict shifts to one of trust and romance. Honeymoon type escapades tarnish as Eshe discovers Damien has some secrets of his own. Can the two continue to overcome every obstacle laid at their feet, or will they fall back to protect themselves from getting hurt again? Struck by the Billionaire's Love is created by Angel Shine, an eGlobal Creative Publishing author.