Story By Krystal Doiron-Scrannage

Krystal Doiron-Scrannage

Hi I\'m Krystal and I am new writing on this site. I have been writing short stories since I was a kid. I usually write horror stories but just recently have delved into paranormal romance. I welcome all feedback I get because even constructive criticism is good feedback. I hope you all enjoy my stories!
Second Coming
Updated at Jul 8, 2021, 12:28
She had watched in agonized silence what had happened to her mother. Tears cascaded down her cheeks as she begged her mother to stay with her but it had not been meant to be. The All Mother had embraced her mother with open arms, reuniting her body with earth, where she belonged. Then she and her people disappeared. It was not her destiny to stay gone.... He was the most ruthless Alpha in history, trying to protect his people from Hunters and Rogues alike. He didn't want a mate. He was fine with his life the way it was. He fought and killed his enemies. He slept with any girl he wanted. His life was perfect until he scent her..... Can he change his man-whore ways and accept his mate or will he hurt her and risk the wrath of her people? Can she learn to forgive the past and move on? They will have to in order to survive and bring peace once more.
To Love thy Enemy
Updated at May 3, 2021, 11:05
She had been slumbering for thousands of years. She awoke to her mate, only her mate was with another woman. He thought his world was complete. He'd picked a she-wolf to be his chosen mate. Then his destined mate showed up. The only problem was that she was a vampire, his enemy. Can these two fight against the ingrained hatred wolves and vampires feel for one another or was their relationship doomed from the start?
Love and Betrayal
Updated at Apr 18, 2021, 14:22
Dani didn't know where she belonged anymore. The world was recovering from a pandemic of apocalyptic proportions and there was no longer a need for an elite Specialist like her. She was a living killing machine. She accomplished what other's couldn't. But she'd lost everything. Her reason for fighting, the man she considered her brother, even nearly her life. Just when Dani thought she'd given the world everything, she was activated. Someone's time was up and the Reaper was being sent to collect. She never thought she would find love amidst betrayal.
Joining the Alpha's Pack
Updated at Dec 3, 2020, 11:49
Think about all that you've ever thought you knew about vampires. Well most of it is wrong. Vampires are not reanimated dead bodies like the media says. They are just different like werewolves, banshees, Wendigos and others are different. They breathe, have heartbeats, can walk in the sun, have children and eat food as long as they drink a healthy amount of blood as well. They do have fangs and are sensitive to garlic but only because they are incredibly sensitive to its scent. In other words it really stinks. Silver can burn them or kill them if they are shot or stabbed in the heart. The only reason why no one knows about them is because they are really good a hiding in plain sight and it doesn't hurt that no one believes they exist not even other supernaturals. This is a Teenwolf Fanfiction story and in it the universally hated, narcissistic, psycho Peter gets his happily ever after.