Story By Bittersw33tCarousel


Bio: Hi, I am an italian artist, writer and musician, and I have a passion for stories about unusual, bittersweet friendships. I also love the characters being detailed, with deep psychological characterizations, just as much as I adore entertaining dialogues... I think these are the things which make stories more "alive"; I really hope I\'ll be able to represent them well in my fictions. Any constructive criticism will be appreciated. Well, I hope you\'ll enjoy my work! :)) Note: I\'m currently busy writing my original novel, so I won\'t have that much time to update my fanfiction. If you\'re interested, feel free to occasionally check on my journal; I will certainly post any news about my book there. :)) _____________________________ Youtube channel: _____________________________ Deviantart profile: __________________________ Ao3 profile: __________________________ FFnet profile:
Il clown e il clown
Updated at Feb 17, 2020, 09:20
Quando la piccola artista circense Momo si trova a esplorare per caso i tunnel dell'impianto fognario di Derry, non si aspetta di trovare al loro interno un inquietante mostro gravemente ferito. Momo, tuttavia, non si spaventa e non esita ad offrire il suo aiuto alla bizzarra creatura, senza rendersi conto che ciò equivale a corteggiare la morte...