Story By Author Idris Musungu

Author Idris Musungu

SKILLS: -Language Translation. -Proofreading and editing. -Harmonization, Phone Interviews. -Language quality Assessment. -Journalism, Multimedia. -Advertising and Public Relations. SPECIALIZATION: EXTENSIVE EXPERIENCE: -Translation, Editing, Compliance Product Information Leaflets, Sturdy Protocols, Advertisement, Informed Consent Documents, Contracts, Posters e.t.c. -Linguistic debriefing and harmonization projects.
Updated at Sep 29, 2021, 09:48
As the forest continues to grow darker and darker, Abednego's life rolls slowly to a boil in the horrific Igodo forest, a revered forest where no human soul can survive. The enemy lingers in the intense dark forest ready to sack out his blood. The horrific conditions in the forest is a prove to be even more dangerous to Abednego. He has no option but to save himself from evil spirits and the unseen ruthless creatures hunting him down. The only option is that he has to fight and fight it dirty to save himself or rather be killed and his body left to rote in this evil haunted forest. Most disturbing is that he is on a mission to get a tail of one of the creatures called Ogrism, luckily, he meets an old woman called Matendechere, who finally gives him a magic calabash that enables him to fend for himself against the creatures. Now, Abednego has to fight for his freedom, and set himself free from the forest trauma.
Updated at Sep 28, 2021, 01:49
It was the only secret that no one could afford to miss. Ogrism tail, that was the secret to eliminate the king, the only king in the village of Namamali, king Imboko. He killed innocent villagers ruthlessly, he burned them on stake, now the land is grieved, the spirits of the innocent souls that were murdered ruthlessly are angered. They want to revenge. Someone to avenge for their blood then they shall enter into everlasting . Yes, Abednego was the person, but he has to get the ogrism tail from Igodo forest, an evil forest, a forest haunted by all sorts of evil spirits, but will he be able to come out alive, will he be able to save the land from the ruthless King, Imboko? His wife Nina could not withstand it too, her only child Kipili has been taken away by the king's order. Her host friend is burned in the market, now she has no objection but to run for her dear life. She runs deeper into the intense forest of Igodo, that's when the reality of the forest dawns on her. She is a determined woman, she has to search for her husband Abednego. Abednego's mission is to get the ogrism tail, it is the only secret that will turn them into invisible being and get into the king's court to eliminate him. Hung on! The king has an invisible guardian spirit, before you get him, you have to kill the guardian spirit first. Hope Abednego and his wife Nina will get the ogrism tail, and come back to rescue the village and avenge for the innocent souls that were horrendously murdered.