Story By Lauren Dawson

Lauren Dawson

Lauren Dawson is a fiction writer, she has a bachelor\'s degree in linguistics. She went fully into writing afterward and has picked up a handful of freelance writing and copywriting works. She also worked part-time as an English tutor while in the university.
Not A Love At First Sight...
Updated at Apr 24, 2023, 14:47
Kelly is a 29yr-old chef who got entangled in a love triangle with two men. Both men have their strengths and weaknesses too which made it a difficult dilemma for her. Who did she choose? Jake, the one who helped her through her deepest moments but later betrayed her? or William, the one who cheated on her and broke up with her just so she could get her affairs in order?
Updated at Jul 27, 2022, 21:11
Ruby Holland, an attorney finds out in the most shocking manner that her boyfriend was responsible for her sister, Freya's pregnancy and death. She teamed up with Dave, Freya's fiance and both worked together to get revenge. Along the line, they discovered there was yet another woman, Alice who was also a victim of Peter's cruelty. They all formed an ally and embark on a revenge spree, While at this, they found out more of Peter's ugly secrets, hearts were broken, promises unfulfilled, and hopes shattered. Will they ever get justice for Freya? What will be the fate of Peter?
Updated at May 30, 2022, 18:09
Anabel Jones, a successful CEO has the perfect life with her loving husband, Terry Jones, and a son, Ethan. However, her perfect life vanished when she started an affair with multiple men and slowly loses control of her life.
Updated at Aug 25, 2021, 15:34
Anna Barnes, married to Dan with whom she has twins, Patrick. and Patricia. She is an amazing, stylish, and beautiful woman who has everything, including the love of her life, a perfect man any woman who'd ask for. But Anna wasn't satisfied with what her husband had to offer so she started an affair with her old friend from high school. This affair was her undoing as she lost all to lust.
Updated at Dec 16, 2020, 05:13
From her seat in the taxi, Anna took a glance at her husband, he was seated at the other end of the car with his eyes fixed outside the window, he looked sad and unhappy. With a lot of ifs running through her mind, Anna flashes back into the last 15 years of her marriage, she was a young, stylish, and beautiful girl who had everything, including the love of her life, a perfect man any girl who'd ask for — until she lost it all. If only she didn't keep all those secrets to herself...