Story By Success dudet

Success dudet

Hi, I\'m 16,and I\'m a girl. Idk what else to say. Anyways, enjoy<3 ..................................................................................................................................
The Past Is Here
Updated at Jun 16, 2022, 05:28
"Can you always watch where the hell you're going?",I heard a familiar voice say and I looked up. It was the same guy that bumped into me at English class. "What did you just say?",I stared back at him,my blood boiling I like this shirt,godamnit......and now it's tie-dyed wsaid - Could you maybe watch where the fuck you're going",he repeated slowly. "Well, I'm not deaf. But if I was deaf,then saying it slower wouldn't help me understand what you said,dumbass" "You walked into me",he said taken aback with my response. He probably wanting me to squeal sorry and run away. "I wasn't even walking. I don't know how you define walking but I'm pretty sure that you have to be moving",I responded. "Can you just shut up and keep walking?" "Are you deaf?,I said keep walking,bitch",he said. "First of all,I can't because you're still in my way",I said as I walked nearer to him."And second,never call a girl a bitch",I said as I emptied the remaining contents in the bottle on him. I heard a chuckle from the students that were around us and even his friends.
Another Cinderella's Story
Updated at Nov 10, 2021, 10:30
GOODNIGHT. A word said when we want to go to the comfort of our beds and rest. A word said after a day of stress to lie down on a soft mattress. That was the word Linda's mother said to her on the day of her birthday after a small celebration. Little did she know that it was GOODBYE FOREVER
Updated at Feb 15, 2021, 06:26
When the bad boy of the school fell in love with his worst female enemy,he makes sure to do everything within his power to win her over but it doesn't seem easy because of his friends