Story By Harriet Beecher Stowe

Harriet Beecher Stowe

La Case de l'oncle Tom
Updated at Apr 17, 2023, 23:19
Publié aux États-Unis en 1851, "La Case de l'oncle Tom" est un magnifique plaidoyer de l'écrivaine américaine Harriet Beecher Stowe contre l'esclavage qui devint rapidement, avec la guerre de Sécession, "le" classique de l'anti-racisme.Au 19e siècle, dans le Kentucky, une famille endettée est obligée de vendre Tom, son meilleur esclave. Celui-ci, malgré la douleur d'être séparé des siens, accepte son destin avec résignation. Persuadé que Dieu lui viendra en aide, et que la justice peut sauver le cœur des hommes, il ne perdra jamais confiance.
La Case de l'Oncle Tom
Updated at Apr 17, 2023, 23:07
Publié en 1851 aux États-Unis, "La Case de l'Oncle Tom" est un célèbre roman par Harriet Beecher Stowe, un magnifique plaidoyer contre l'esclavage qui devint rapidement, avec la guerre de Sécession, "le" classique de l'anti-racisme.Etre sans cesse achetés et vendus, tel est le sort des malheureux esclaves aux Etats-Unis. Elisa s'enfuit pour sauver son enfant, le vieil oncle Tom se résigne à être vendu... Les maîtres qui se succèdent ne se rassemblent pas toujours, et certains esclaves retrouvent leur liberté alors que d'autres meurent...Le personnage de Tom est à ce point sublime de bonté, de beauté morale, de tendresse pour tous ses semblables que l'on hésite à le croire vraisemblable. Une telle oeuvre fait mieux qu'émouvoir et convaincre, elle trouble la mauvaise conscience d'une bonne part de l'humanité.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Updated at Apr 5, 2023, 19:07
Published in 1852, a mere nine years before the start of the US Civil War, Harriet Beecher Stowe's heartbreaking classic "Uncle Tom's Cabin" seeks to unmask the horrors of slavery, revealing the brutalities that those who had not witnessed them could never have imagined, the terrors that those in the thick of it struggled to deny. In her story of suffering, barbarism, hope, and redemption, Stowe won millions to the abolitionist, or anti-slavery, cause in the US, and she created one of the most iconic and enduring novels in American literature."Uncle Tom's Cabin" was not intended to become a full-length novel, but its huge popularity led a publisher to contact Stowe and convince her to expand it. Though already an active abolitionist, the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was the impetus for Stowe to write the novel, which became a symbol of the power of literature in social reform. "Uncle Tom’s Cabin" was the best-selling novel of the nineteenth century and was only outsold by the Bible. The novel became a cultural phenomenon, spawning “Uncle Tom Plays” and giving birth to character tropes “Uncle Tom,” “Topsy,” “Simon Legree,” and others. The novel was banned in many of the Southern states and later in the Confederacy. Its popularity helped spread and strengthen the abolitionist movement throughout the Union. In spite of its role in the anti-slavery movement, the book is not without controversy. It is critiqued for perpetuating racial stereotypes; these negative connections often overshadow its historical significance."Uncle Tom’s Cabin" is comprised of two occasionally intersecting plots following Uncle Tom as he is sold down the river and Eliza and George Harris as they make their way north to freedom. Tom and Eliza are both slaves to the Shelby family of Kentucky. The Shelbys are indulgent masters and treat their slaves well. Tom is particularly well-liked by both the family and his fellow slaves for his honest, pious nature. Young George Shelby has a deep fondness for him.Mr. Shelby runs up debts, and his mortgage passes into the possession of Mr. Haley, a slave trader. Shelby is obliged to sell Tom and Harry, the sons of Eliza and George Harris...Stowe's novel is a story of cruelty and hope, of faith and despair, and of humanity in the face of inhumanity.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 07:38
Uncle Tom’s Cabin is one of the few books that can lay claim to having actually changed the world. Although the American anti-slavery movement had existed at least as long as the nation itself, Stowe’s novel of 1852 galvanized public opinion as nothing had before. The book sold 10,000 copies in its first week and 300,000 in its first year. Its vivid dramatization of slavery’s cruelties so aroused readers that it is said Abraham Lincoln told Stowe her work had been a catalyst for the Civil War.
La capanna dello zio Tom
Updated at Mar 30, 2020, 19:46
SOLIDARIETA" DIGITALE : tutto il nostro catalogo in promozione! Nel Kentucky, un proprietario di schiavi ricco di umanità, Arthur Shelby, è costretto a vendere ad un mercante di schiavi dall"animo crudele, due uomini della sua servitù. Si tratta dello zio Tom, il suo fidato braccio destro, e di Harry, un bambino di soli cinque anni figlio di Elisa e George Harris, mulatti. Tom ama il suo padrone e comprende che la decisione di venderlo era stata dettata dalla necessità. George Shelby, il figlio tredicenne di Arthur, gli promette che un giorno andrà a cercarlo e lo libererà. Tom viene imbarcato su un piroscafo con il mercante di schiavi, dove viaggiano anche la piccola Eva St. Clare, che si affeziona a Tom, e suo padre, Augustine, un proprietario terriero della Louisiana. Un giorno la piccola Eva, a causa di un improvviso e brusco movimento, perde l"equilibrio e cade in acqua. Tom, gettatosi prontamente riesce a salvarla e così il padre, riconoscente, lo compra. Ma Eva muore e mentre Augustine si appresta a preparare i documenti per ridare la libertà a Tom, viene colpito in una rissa e perde la vita. Tom viene così comprato da Simon Legree, un proprietario insensibile e cattivo, che possiede una piantagione di cotone sul Red River..
La capanna dello zio Tom
Updated at Mar 30, 2020, 19:46
La capanna dello zio Tom è un romanzo abolizionista scritto dalla statunitense Harriet Beecher Stowe. Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe (Litchfield, 14 giugno 1811 – Hartford, 1º luglio 1896) è stata una scrittrice e attivista statunitense.
La case de l'oncle Tom
Updated at Mar 17, 2020, 02:03
Extrait : "A une heure avancée d'une glaciale après-midi de février, deux gentils hommes étaient assis, en tiers avec une bouteille, dans une confortable salle à manger de la ville de P***, au Kentucky. Pas un domestique n'était présent, et les chaises rapprochées indiquaient que le sujet en question était chaudement débattu." À PROPOS DES ÉDITIONS LIGARAN Les éditions LIGARAN proposent des versions numériques de qualité de grands livres de la littérature classique mais également des livres rares en partenariat avec la BNF. Beaucoup de soins sont apportés à ces versions ebook pour éviter les fautes que l'on trouve trop souvent dans des versions numériques de ces textes. LIGARAN propose des grands classiques dans les domaines suivants : • Livres rares • Livres libertins • Livres d'Histoire • Poésies • Première guerre mondiale • Jeunesse • Policier