Story By Kian uWu

Kian uWu

heya, so im guessing if you are reading this, you dont know me and are new to this account and/or just want to read about who i am, well my name is Kian, not biologically but its what i prefer to go by, Im Genderfluid and my pronouns change almost every day, and sometimes even throughout days, im only in high school so please do not expect big things from me on here, I live in Britain and i enjoy reading even though i can never stay reading for more the two hours as i get distracted and then i dont go back to that book for awhile even though i want to, ya i dont know why, um so ya, thats ig all u really might want to know about me, bye?
They are not who you think
Updated at Feb 27, 2021, 12:52
the world of heroes amd villians start to collide as the heroes are not who they seem to be, but only the villians know of this, and have to prove that they arent they real bad guys, but the so called heroes are