Story By CAM


I\'ve been writing since I was 13, when I started writing stories about my friends and killing off ex-boyfriends. I enjoy creating the world\'s I see in my head and creating happy endings I wish I had.
Dream Demons
Updated at Apr 21, 2020, 11:26
Marita, devastated by the loss of her family, seeks solace at the bottom of a glass. Meeting Dar opens her eyes to a whole world she didn't know existed. She discovers there's more strength inside her than even she knows. Darconte is the leader of an elite group of warriors trying to save the world from inter-dimensional demons. Dar has finally found his Life mate can he convince her to stay with him and save the world?
Life Merger
Updated at Apr 9, 2020, 21:13
Karen's company has been going through a series of sabotage and threatening letters amidst the stress of the upcoming merger with an old flame. She hasn't seen him in ten years and for the good of her company is willing to face him just this once. Let him have the company. And the headaches. He better not think that she's part of the deal. David's been wishing for a chance like this for ten years. To finally see Karen again and find out what happened all those years ago.
World's Apart
Updated at Mar 25, 2020, 20:07
In her world Allie has a degenerative brain disease, but in her dreams she has the chance of a future. What if she can choose to stay there? Who's to say which world is real?