Story By B.H. Newton

B.H. Newton

Updated at Apr 13, 2023, 02:23
Los Barrett, una familia poco ortodoxa que vive en un lugar poco ortodoxo, son excepcionales en muchos sentidos. Desarrollan su vida en el agua de Tricker Lake, TN, cerrando la brecha entre la vieja magia de la montaña y el sueño estadounidense, mientras cada uno de ellos lucha por llegar a un acuerdo con lo que los hace felices y los poderes que podrían separarlos. Hank, un veterano de la marina que escapó de su guerra y Hennie, la chica misteriosa con la que tropezó, ahora se encuentran viviendo en esta casa flotante y criando a tres hijos. A lo largo de décadas y miles de kilómetros, su historia se desarrolla... y una profunda y oscura tragedia amenaza con engullir sus propias vidas.
The Alternator
Updated at Oct 8, 2023, 00:06
Publishing fiction and nonfiction since 2012.
The Haunting Hour
Updated at Jun 16, 2023, 19:34
S.E. Smith is a New York Times, USA TODAY, International, and Award-Winning Bestselling author of science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, and contemporary works for adults, young adults, and children. She enjoys writing a wide variety of genres that pull her readers into worlds that take them away
Day Moon Howl
Updated at Jan 31, 2023, 01:56
Marvin Spangler is a self-centered, ill-equipped teacher of high school history, tasked by his principal to form an auctioneering team that has a chance in hell of winning a Tennessee state championship. It comes as a welcome diversion from his tepid life as an unfulfilled husband to his icy pediatrician wife Lydia, and barely-there father to a unique set of children. He assembles a team comprising three very different souls: Larry Jr., the damaged prodigy, is led by fate, Eric, the obsessed jock, by unrequited love, and Helen, the usually disinterested beauty, by an inexplicable fascination. Together they surrender to a journey that carries them to the cusp of the summit of their dreams... and the nightmares awaiting far down below.
Updated at Mar 3, 2022, 01:09
An unorthodox family living in an unorthodox place, the Barretts are exceptional in many ways. Making their life out on the water of Tricker Lake, TN, they bridge the gap between old mountain magic and the American dream, while each of them is struggling to come to terms with what makes them happy - and the powers that could tear them apart. Hank, a navy vet who escaped his war and Hennie, the mysterious girl he stumbled upon, have now found themselves living on this floating house, raising three children. Over decades and thousands of miles, their story unfolds... and a deep, dark tragedy threatens to engulf their very lives.