Story By Everleigh Miles

Everleigh Miles

Everleigh Miles is an Australian award winning and bestselling erotic romance author for applications with work in the paranormal, science-fiction, contemporary and fantasy genres. For more by Everleigh, follow her on Facebook, Instagram or TikTok.,,
The Pack's Secret Keeper, The Havermouth Pack Series
Updated at Sep 11, 2022, 01:18
Some secrets tie you together, others break you apart. Havermouth is a town of secrets and telepath Aislen Carter knows them all. In a town of werewolves and vampires, being the one who knows their secrets can be powerful and dangerous. New to Havermouth, eighteen-year-old Aislen Carter attracts the attention of the Triquetra, a trio of alpha werewolves, and their relationship is a tangled mess of secrets, shame, sex, and misery until Aislen is awarded a scholarship that offers her a future free of Havermouth and the pack. Five years later, after the death of her father, Aislen Carter returns to Havermouth to settle his estate. Renewing her relationship with the Triquetra is not on Aislen’s “to do” list, nor is a sexy Daddy Dom vampire, however fate has other plans. Will the secrets they all keep save them, or destroy them?