Story By Charlie Fagerberg

Charlie Fagerberg

I am a swedish scriptwriter. I am 20 years old and I often write my plays in swedish because that is my first language.
De misslyckade marionetterna
Updated at Oct 29, 2021, 08:00
This play is about prisoners that participate in a mind control experiment. The four prisoners are sentenced to life in prison. One day Mr. Mason offers the prisoners to participate in an experiment to get a much shorter sentence. Mr. Mason's experiment would have a larger impact on their life and identity than no one ever could Imagine.
The Unsuccessful Puppets (english version)
Updated at Oct 22, 2021, 08:00
This play is about prisoners that participate in a mind control experiment. The four prisoners are sentenced to life in prison. One day Mr. Mason offers the prisoners to participate in an experiment to get a much shorter sentence. Mr. Mason's experiment would have a larger impact on their life and identity than no one ever could Imagine.