Story By [placeholder]


Yes, I am a very real person. I like doing regular human things like paying taxes, putting cucumbers on my eyes, and watching documentaries about the production of tiny bread. Just kidding. Or am I?
Fangs for the Memories
Updated at Dec 22, 2020, 11:27
Love is a complicated, yet simple emotion. Easily to define, but tricky to pin down. To love someone, you must accept the painful truth that someday, that person who you care for more than anything in the entire world, will one day die. Unless they happen to be a vampire, that is.
the hidden value of small spaces
Updated at Nov 13, 2020, 20:53
Time is not on my side, but that doesn't make it my enemy. Or maybe it does, I honestly don't know. The whole thing is a metaphor, meant to soften the truth, which is that every single breath I take could very be my last. Or something.
Updated at Nov 2, 2020, 20:26
Please write a description for your story with 200 to 3000 letters. This description should tell your potential reader(s) what they're getting into before they begin. This is barely a book, but it does have words inside.
the world is quiet (dark and deep)
Updated at Oct 18, 2020, 12:19
Though it is nothing more than sheer vanity, Rosaline can't help but wish she had worn something nicer to bed, instead of her usual ratty, over-sized t-shirt, the one with holes in the worst possible of places. Then again, can one really be blamed for wanting to leave behind a pretty corpse? All around the small town, otherwise healthy young people are dying in their sleep. The cause? Unknown. It's up to a team of investigators to find out the truth.