Story By Aine Trinidad

Aine Trinidad

Hi! Welcome to my site. This is Aine, 15, your aspiring. Who\'s fond of reading and writing fictional stuff. I love the young adult drama that somehow reflects reality and into realization. I write Tagalog with a blob of English. FB: Angel Faith Page: Aine Trinidad
Sealing the Yonder
Updated at Mar 23, 2021, 05:46
Riasco Grande Series #1 A spoiled, a brat, a bad-mannered. The narration of most to her. A kid with big talk. A soft-looking kid with a hard head. A beautiful outside with an opponent inside. She got the beauty that a man would have, but without a brain that parents could be proud of. She's no other yet, Althaia Meira Altivez. Everyone is staring at her. Everything is given to her. She could own almost everything. A flip and a punch. No hardships and effortless. But what if her life became windy, her life will be untamed wildly? It turned her tables away, it sank her dreams deeply. What might she'll do will be ruined. Whatever she'll ask needs pleading, time, and patience. Might she still walk and sail the wonder or... let everything in the yonder?