Story By Jummy Chriss

Jummy Chriss

I am a committed and devoted writer who specializes in various genres. Welcome to my world where you\'ll get hooked with exciting and thrilling stories from my imagination. When you\'re stressed out, less busy and bored, don\'t forget to read my books; They\'ll give you just the right feeling you need.??.
Updated at Jun 1, 2024, 04:25
Camelia's life has been far from sunshine and roses. Faced with nothing but hatred from her father, she lived as  a wolf-less omega in Goldmoon pack. She was known to be cursed due to her unique features;  Having a bicolored hair and three scars on her nape.Her heart was shattered when she received rejection from the Alpha's son, Carlos, who turned out to be her mate. *****Every six years, a selection is made for omegas from various packs according to a rule from the Famous Lycan beast-Xavier, who sought to find his destined mate at all cost.Unluckily for Camelia, she was among the chosen ones to be selected as his mate but things became awry when she found out she was the true mate for Lycan Xavier. Not only did things go awry, things became more complicated when Carlos came to reclaim her as his mate together with Desmond, a vampire who viewed her as his destined soulmate.This made Camelia realize one thing. She has not just one but three mates.Camelia stands at the center of a prophetic revelation, holding the key to something far greater than she can ever imagine. But as soon as she learns why she was chosen, evil slowly starts closing in.With her three mates serving as pieces to complete her puzzle-filled life, she is bound to make three great nations be at peace with each other. Camelia wasn't just an ordinary lady, she possessed a great secret power, unknown to her and was wanted and coveted  by various clans, demons and enemies.When she gets trapped in the hands of her enemies, who will be the fated one to save her and get to finally claim her? What happens when a sudden twist of events happens and she finds herself entangled with Zeus Dimitrious, the famous DRAGON KING from another kingdom? Will he turn out to be her capturer or just another mate?