Story By Kamore Marie

Kamore Marie

Hi everyone. I’m Kamore Marie. I am almost 25 years old and a mother of a handsome three year old. I just now getting back into writing, I’m more of the knitter/crocheter. But I love learning and will try and write some great stories.
Updated at Dec 7, 2021, 21:00
There comes a time in our lives when you have to grow up, some more quickly than others. Marisol is no different. Growing up hidden and sheltered, came with so many challenges, but more come her way as she tries to navigate her life inside and outside her pack. Join Marisol’s journey in finding herself.
Writing Camp + Connection
Updated at Jul 20, 2021, 13:07
My goal for Stary Writing Camp is to write 1500 words each day. I also plan to finish writing a book. I hope to learn and retain the knowledge Stary provides to finish this book and finish the two other stories I have started.
The Black Fae
Updated at Jun 21, 2021, 14:52
I will write when I have it. Will write when I have it. I will write when I have it. I will write when I have it. I will write when I have it. I will write when I have it. I will write when I have it.
The Misadventures of Safiya Young
Updated at Nov 10, 2020, 13:36
“Get out of here NOW!” dad growled at me. Soon, I am being dragged out and separated from my mom and dad. I yell out for them to get me. Soon I heard whimpers and growls from my parents. They were fighting the wolves. I didn’t know what was going on. Soon I heard nothing but footsteps coming towards me. I looked up and see that they weren’t my parents. I scream and scream and feel the arms that once dragging me off of me. I continue to scream not knowing what to do. I stayed in the middle of my backyard my knees to my chest crying and screaming. Not knowing, not being able to console myself.