Story By Jefftizo


The World We Want
Updated at Jun 12, 2020, 14:46
A task force is formed to run Planet Earth Action Project (PEAP) that would transform the world into a good place for all mankind. Will they be able to change the world from its current state. A combination of traditional ways and modern knowledge is used to reform the world and mindset of the people. They make a genetic vaccine to clear coronavirus. HC-duo drug is made to cure both cancer and HIV. Natural eugenics is implemented in order to achieve a generation with strong immunity, strong genes that can fight diseases, and survive in a hostile environment. Their major project is inventing the VOG vaccine that prevents humans from participating in sexual immoralities like fornication and adultery, and also end corruption by humans. Will they achieve a reformed world with no corruption, no sexual promiscuity, no sexual harassment? Will humans once again become sober and civilized? Read through and see how all this unfolds.