Story By Dragonrider 1413

Dragonrider 1413

I got to school and work so updates on any story are irregular Fort Lewis College I\'m from Colorado, United States.
The Lost One
Updated at Aug 17, 2021, 21:17
*This is a Sequel to His Bride. It can be read alone but preferred if read His Bride first for understanding. Lost in the world not remembering who you are, where you are, only your first name. Violet wakes up in a morgue not knowing where she was, who she was, just a blank canvas. She only knew her name because the one who brought her to back to life.. errr well sorta. She was a vampire. A year after she was doing well, she was going to school thought she forgot her forgotten past, when these two men show up in her life claiming her as their mate. Turns out they are connected to her past, she doesn't know how but they are and her world is about to come crashing down.
Dawn of the Dead
Updated at May 19, 2021, 10:22
Daphne was going to work, dealing with rude co-workers, and going back to her one bedroom apartment. Every day. She was fine with how things were, they were simple....until one day in the middle of the office something changed. A alert was sent out to everyone's phones warning people to stay inside, stay off the streets, and if anyone who was feeling ill they needed to quarantine themselves. No one knew what was going on. Their building was on lock down, no one could get to the lobby to escape. The upside? No one or thing could get in beyond the lobby. The downside? People were infected when they came to work that morning. When Daphne finally makes it out of the building she finds a whole new world, one completely different then the one she knew. She has no survival skills other than things she learned in girl scouts. Will she survive the zombie infested streets?
Dragon's Heart
Updated at Jan 12, 2021, 12:25
Dalia Vetti is a normal human who has her own business and owns a nursery, she has a love for plants and growing gardens. She was unaware of the supernatural until a certain dragon came along claiming that she was his Maite. His mate. Sean Smith was the Ceannaire of his clan and wants nothing more than to find his Maite and continue his line and raise his heir. He didn't expect for her to be a human. He doesn't have an issue with what she is and would take her away from her world in a heartbeat.. if it wasn't for her fiancé.
His Bride
Updated at Mar 25, 2020, 10:25
Ashley WIlliams is a senior in high school, has two best friends that are by her side no matter what. A family that would be considered the classic American family... yet she has an arrange marriage. She resents it, she doesn't want to go through with it. She's never met her mysterious husband to be and her parents refuse to talk about him. When she finally meets him she find's out his family's secret and what she is bound to become after their ceremony. She tries to do everything in her power to stop this wedding... but what do you do when you start falling in love?
The Wolf's Mate
Updated at Nov 9, 2018, 12:21
When Elena Brooke got rejected by her mate she decides to do what any rejected she-wolf would do in this situation, Runaway.  Elena comes back 8 years later because of her job, and she has to go to the alpha and ask if she could stay on the territory.She finds out that her pack and another pack decide to combine together and her Mate is the alpha. It doesn't help that one of her old enemies are trying to kidnap her and wants to do who knows what to her. Find out what happens to Elena Brooke in The Wolfs Mate