Story By Michiko Do

Michiko Do

27 ○ Philippines ○ Newbie ○ Lavender • Gray • Silver • Moomoo ○ ARMY ○ EXO-L ○ Home-body• Passive • Overthinker • ♦♦ "FEAR is often our immediate response to uncertainty. There\'s nothing wrong with experiencing fear. The key is not to get stuck in it." -Gabrielle Bernstein
Have You Wonder
Updated at Jan 26, 2022, 13:26
"They say Love is sweeter the second time around, but not every relationship deserves a second chance. Sometimes, self-love is way more important than loving other people. Sounds so stiff and cold-hearted? Well, I did my part but he gave me up so easily. He taught me that no matter how hard you try, that does not guarantee that you will end up with a good result. Maybe it's time for him to taste his own medicine. Now, no matter how hard he tries to have me back, I would never ever be back in his arms. Not now, that life has shown me that I deserve more. Someone who is willing to give me more. More than what I deserve." - Enzey
The Cure to My Scar
Updated at Dec 29, 2021, 08:40
In a world full of failed marriages, do you think "live-in" could be a solution to avoid such failure? Or do you believe that marriage is not about trial and error but a commitment that is promised for a lifetime, whether in good times or bad times?
Suddenly, I'm Engaged
Updated at Oct 21, 2021, 12:09
Could you ever imagine being engaged with someone whom you never met before? Someone you know but barely knew who he was? Have you ever said something out of joke but turns your life upside-down? Well, Aliah and Liam could answer all of these questions for you. ======== Mr. Shin adored Aliah so much for being a warm and kindhearted girl that’s why he thought that it would be great if he will match his grandson with her someday. The nine-year-old Aliah immediately agreed on it thinking it was just a joke back then. Aliah’s parents were in awe to hear such an idea thinking it’s too early to talk about that. Years have past and right after Aliah graduated from college, she finally met Mr. Shin’s grandson. She couldn’t believe that it was a real deal back then. And suddenly, she is engaged with a stranger.
Have You Ever
Updated at Aug 5, 2021, 19:30
"As I browsed my phone, I saw Mara’s post for the day. It was their picture from yesterday’s wedding. They suit perfectly each other. Maybe I was just an extra chapter to complete their story. Maybe I was just a part of the conflict on their plot. I thought I was the main character but it turns out I was just a supporting role." -Enzey