Story By Ace Shikto

Ace Shikto

I am someone with a lot of stories to share. For starters I have been a storyteller all my life. I vaguely remember the first character I made when I was about 6 or 7. From then on I kept writing. Now I have made my own superhuman universe that consists of more than 50 characters. I would like to share the stories of each character I made. In addition to superhero stories, I have experience in script writing, where I have written romance and drama as well. I call myself a dreamer. I challenge myself to make a entire story from fragments of my dream that I remember after waking up. Those are my best stories. If you are lucky enough you might read them or see it in some movies.
Level 25
Updated at Jan 23, 2021, 04:00
What would you do first if you get a chance to get back in time? Change past mistakes, earn money or start playing your favourite game disregarding all the above? Otto Rey does just that. If it's the world of Imaginary Characters Battle Adventure(ICBA) you might choose the same. Strap alongside Otto to know more about his battle adventures to beat the AI that created the game.