Story By Precious Chimeze

Precious Chimeze

Hi. My Name is Amuji Precious Chimeze. I am a student and 18 years old. I always loved writing but never really tasked myself to earning through it. I had seen that as a waste of time, resources and energy but here I am doing the same thing. Although I barely have followers now cause am new and upcoming, like this is literally my first online book I know one day I will get there. Mean while please if your reading through my book please like and drop a comment they really go a long way in encouraging me and making me put more effort to make you happier. You could also follow me that would make me super excited. With love, Your loyal writer, Precious Chimeze.
Updated at Nov 9, 2022, 17:23
Mrs Lexi Alfredo is a business tycoon who would do just anything to make her husband happy. she goes into a coma after finding out that her lovely husband was cheating on her with her sister. Now the both are determined to keep her unconscious forever and takes away everything she ever owned !