Story By Vanessa Voon

Vanessa Voon

I started writing my own stories after getting the interest of it by reading stories written by other people. I hope through this hobby I could inspire others who are both young and old that age does not matter and everything starts with a spark of idea
Untold Truth
Updated at Dec 29, 2021, 08:00
Continuation of the first book, 'Broken Chains'. It has been a rough couple of months since Skylar had broken up with Cody but being bestfriends with Carson had really brought her back down to Earth. Cody ends up making things worse though Skylar had no officiate her relationship with Carson but every time Cody sees the two of them with nothing but jealousy. However, as part of the bargain of the 'prophecy', Cody pulls Tyler through hell and ended up messing with the wrong spirit. What would happen next?
Broken Chains
Updated at Nov 30, 2021, 16:26
Skylar's father remarried and she had live with having to keep secrets from the people she loved as only her life would be at stake but also her boyfriend/step-brother. Her diary was always full of secrets but this story is the real deal as she finds love in various different ways that people least expected.