Story By Timothy B. Collier

Timothy B. Collier

I\'m a young South African actor and writer. I have a BA Hons. in Live Performance, which I obtained from AFDA. I have a huge passion for storytelling and believe that books are a gateway to countless other places and worlds. There is no limit to the imagination.
The Ring Bearer
Updated at Jan 3, 2021, 06:52
Prince Felix sets off on a journey to find his old mentor, a centaur, in the hope that he will be able to save his dying father, the king. On the way, he is betrayed and left for dead. After almost being executed for a murder he never committed and being sold into slavery, the prince eventually discovers that he has incredible magic powers and is able to transport between his world, Terra Somnia, and ours. Facing dangers and enemies in both worlds, Felix must master his newfound abilities, if he is to save his world from destruction.
Updated at Jul 27, 2020, 04:53
From the dawn of humanity, it was simply a matter of time before the world would tear itself asunder. Those who would remain would eventually have to put aside all differences and unite. In order to ensure the survival of the species, humanity would have to become something more; the imperfect would make way for the next generation. The New World now belongs to the Homoquintisentials, or Perfects and Homosapiens are the vermin. But, what happens when perfection is unobtainable and what is human, is threatened with extinction?