Story By Brandon Michael Gustin

Brandon Michael Gustin

War of the Heavens
Updated at Aug 14, 2020, 17:55
Years ago a battle raged across the entire planet, the pantheons that once battled for supremacy have long since given up on their petty struggles and took to nourishing the world below their realms,, unfortunately their chaotic battles and follow up over bearing nature of the mortals put the human world in a state of dependency, a fact that did not go past the eyes of their eternal foes, the Demon race. Each pantheon has always had their own Demons to face, their brutish and uncivilized minds only knew how to ravage and pillage, until upon seeing the weakened state of their prey, banded together, and unleashed an all out combined assault on the divine and their worshipers. In a desperate move the Gods above joined forces as well to counter the Demons, immortal as they were they had nothing to fear, but they knew the world below them could not afford such luxuries. Slowly the battle turned against the Demons, until a surprise second wind, and the first blow was struck, and five Gods were slain in the war, the revelation was the final point for the Supreme of each pantheon to combine their power and form an eternal prison around their foes, in a last ditch effort to put an end to this ever costly war, and to save their families and the families of humanity, Izanami, a member of the Shinto pantheon used her body as the focal point for the energy and sacrificed herself to ensure it made it to the heart of the Demons after they had gathered for the final assault. The worlds have spent many years rebuilding and recovering, the Gods grow ever closer, but as any parent realizes, they must let the mortals choose their destiny, even if it's war between pantheons.