Story By Terry O'Reilly

Terry O'Reilly

And Mama Makes Twelve
Updated at Jul 24, 2022, 23:38
Arnie Whitehall finds a stray dog during a snow storm and brings her home, where she promptly gives birth to eleven puppies. Over his partner Jason Feldman’s objections that they’re breaking their lease, Arnie is determined to keep Mama and her brood.<br><br>Arnie feels an instant attraction to Dr. Collin O’Connor when he takes Mama and the pups to the vet’s. Although Arnie resists, it soon becomes obvious the feeling is mutual. And where’s the harm? Arnie and Jason have become more like roommates than boyfriends over the years.<br><br>Will Arnie, Mama, and her babies be left homeless when their landlord finds out? Or will Collin come to the rescue and offer them a home and much more?
A Stronger Calling
Updated at Jan 25, 2022, 19:49
William Neilsen grew up on a farm next to The Abbey of the Falls. When his parents died in a tragic car accident while he was a teenager, the abbot agreed to offer a home to William, in exchange for him taking care of the farm, the produce from which fed the monks. The excess was to be sold in the abbey store and cheese and wine shop. William was happy living at the abbey. However, he never felt a religious calling to become a monk and the abbot never pressured him to do so.<br><br>Although he loves working in the fields and with the animals, it becomes too much for William to do alone. William asks the abbot for help and his request is answered when a young man, Samuel Drake, joins the abbey. William is confused both by his feelings for Samuel and Samuel’s open and flirtatious behavior towards him. Samuel isn’t like any postulant William has ever known, but he doesn’t feel comfortable quizzing the young man about the nature of his calling to become a monk.<br><br>William’s discomfort and guilt intensify as his relationship with Samuel becomes more emotional and then physical. Although William hasn’t taken a vow of chastity, that is Samuel’s eventual goal. Or is it? Do William and Samuel have a stronger calling?
Aunt Daisy's Funeral
Updated at Nov 21, 2021, 22:00
Danny Foley is about to attend his Aunt Daisy’s funeral alone and with a heavy heart. He’s lost his rock and protector, the only member of his dysfunctional family who’d believed he was destined to find the love of a good man.<br><br>Danny is so starved for male affection, he fantasizes about being with a muscular young man in a rest stop bathroom, his niece’s handsome fiancé, the brawny waiter at a restaurant, the stud lawyer reading Aunt Daisy’s will. But they remain only fantasies.<br><br>But even though she’s passed on, Aunt Daisy just may be able to turn fantasy into reality for her favorite nephew.
Stallions and Studs: Back in the Saddle Again
Updated at Nov 21, 2021, 21:59
Long ago, Mack MacIntyre left his life as a wild cowhand in the Big Sky country of Montana behind. For thirty-five years, he’s been a devoted husband, father, and successful New York City businessman.<br><br>One day his past comes knocking in the form of his former lover, Seth Buchanan. Seth has a business proposition, and a dream Mack finds hard to refuse.<br><br>Even though he’s widowed and his children are grown, does Mack have the courage to come out to his family and return to the wide open spaces of his youth and the love he once shared with this man?
Stallions and Studs: Shoulda Been a Cowboy
Updated at Nov 21, 2021, 21:59
Charlie Bradley has always entertained cowboy fantasies. When his boyfriend Jared offers him the choice of where to go on their summer vacation, Charlie chooses Stallions and Studs, a dude ranch catering to a gay clientele.<br><br>Upon arrival, Charlie meets the very handsome and studly Wade Connors, a riding instructor. Charlie is immediately enthralled with the man and finds his feelings, fight them as he may, are turning into love.<br><br>Wade, however, is a man who chooses a guest as his flavor of the week -- to romance, play with, and then move on. But this week Wade finds Charlie becoming more than he bargained for. What will happen when the week ends and Charlie has to leave for home?
Stallions and Studs: Rodeo Cowboy
Updated at Nov 10, 2021, 23:33
Lex Cunningham rides rodeo. Trent Boxwood is a good friend and fierce competitor, but Lex hopes Trent’s friendship can be turned to something more. Unfortunately, after a night of heavy drinking, he acts on what he thinks are the signs that Trent is interested in him but is rebuffed.<br><br>Rio Cody, on the rodeo circuit to recruit staff for the Stallions and Studs dude ranch, befriends Lex and encourages him to pursue his hopes for a relationship with Trent, as he feels Trent might eventually reciprocate.<br><br>If Trent likes Lex, then what stands in the way of a relationship between the two men? Does Lex have the courage to trust Rio’s intuition and try again to win Trent over, or will he pass up a chance at happiness and continue to ride solo?
Stallions and Studs: Reining In Rio
Updated at Nov 10, 2021, 23:32
The final installment in the <i>Stallions and Studs</i> series sees wrangler and riding instructor Rio Cody enjoying the single life. He can -- and often does -- have a different guest in his bedroll every night. Despite the urgings of fellow ranch hands, most of whom have found partners, Rio sticks to his motto of “monogamy is monotony.”<br><br>However, Rio’s resolve to stay foot-loose is severely tested when he locks horns with New York college student, Mark Wembley, at a local Quarter Horse show. Mark is not at all Rio’s type, and he’s a pain in the butt to boot. Rio returns to his job at the gay dude ranch and manages, mostly, to put Mark out of his mind.<br><br>What happens when Mark shows up at Stallions and Studs as a guest and Rio is forced to face the fact that despite all his efforts to the contrary, he finds himself having feelings for Mark? Will Rio dig in his boot heels and continue to ride life’s trails alone, or will Mark do what no other man has, rein in Rio?
You Don't Go Back
Updated at Nov 4, 2021, 00:45
What do you do when the past comes walking through your front door?<br><br>That’s what Rick Jensen and Ed Doherty have to decide when Jerry Taylor, Ed’s former lover, long thought dead, comes knocking on their door the night of their sixth anniversary. Will Jerry’s re-emergence in Ed’s life bring the end to the happiness Rick has found with him? Or will Rick’s love for Ed be strong enough to supersede the memory of what Jerry and Ed shared?
The Deal Breaker
Updated at Sep 17, 2021, 02:25
What do you do when you're a popular porn star and the love of your life is deeply religious and totally closeted? Why, you keep your true identity from him, create an alternate reality, and hope he doesn't find out, of course. Because, if he ever does, that would be the deal breaker. That was Jordan Hearst's reasoning, anyway. However, despite Jordan's best efforts at keeping his charade a secret, Spenser Hudson does find out.<br><br>Having a liar and a porn star as a boyfriend is a deal breaker as far as the devastated Spenser is concerned. Fearing the loss of both his job and his family, Spenser abruptly disappears from Jordan's life, castigating himself for ever letting his carnal desires override his faith, thus allowing him to fall in love with the handsome, charming Jordan.<br><br>With all attempts at reconciliation rebuffed, Jordan tries to move on, but the love he feels for Spenser won't go away, making it impossible for him to return to his job of having meaningless sex in front of the cameras.<br><br>Spenser is given a different perspective on his and Jordan's situation from an unlikely source. Can the love he still feels for Jordan be the key to rekindling what they once shared? Is it enough to make Spenser see there's more than one way to look at the deal life has given him? Can a new deal to be struck?
Keenan's Forever Love
Updated at Mar 12, 2020, 22:46
Keenan Hunter, a naïve farm boy, quickly falls for his college roommate, Tucker Reynolds, a more sophisticated city slicker. For a time, Keenan's feelings for Tucker appear to be reciprocated, although neither man openly expresses any feelings they may have for the other. For reasons Keenan can't understand, Tucker starts to date Jane Williams, a fellow student. Keenan deals with the pain of rejection by finding another man to love. But time and again, this proves unsuccessful. Tucker has captured Keenan's heart and no one else can match the forever love Keenan thought he had with Tucker. When Tucker marries Jane, he asks Keenan to be his best man. Keenan reluctantly agrees and performs his duties, all the while hiding the pain of his broken heart. The experience leaves Keenan with a life-long aversion to weddings. Years pass and the two men drift apart. Keenan becomes the head veterinarian at an animal rescue center. And because of a three-legged Yorkshire terrier, Tucker comes back into Keenan's life. Circumstances have changed for Tucker. Will these changes finally allow Keenan to regain his forever love? Maybe weddings aren't so bad after all.
Class of '03
Updated at Dec 12, 2019, 06:07
Shay Rogers has avoided going back home to Alabama because he fears running into his high school lover, Dwayne Sayles. Because of Shay’s reputation as an All-American straight stud, he tried to keep his love for Dwayne secret. Shay’s fear of his friends and family finding out about him ultimately led to his breaking up with Dwayne. However, when the invitation to his fifteen year high school reunion arrives, Shay’s friend convinces him to go, with her as his fictitious girlfriend. Within moments of meeting again, the long-dormant feelings between Shay and Dwayne are rekindled, but so are Shay’s fears. Is Shay finally ready to embrace the chance of happiness by living openly with Dwayne, or will his need to hide the truth about himself win out yet again?
Love or the NFL
Updated at Aug 20, 2019, 23:44
"Gymnast Frank Bethune arrives on campus already enamored with the star tight end, Bill Billingsly. Although the chances of them meeting are slim, fate draws them together, and their friendship turns to love. Ever since childhood, Bill has dreamed of playing professional football. Though high risk to his potential career, Bill would seek out clandestine encounters with other guys when and where he could, but the first time he spots Frank, Bill knows he is someone special, someone he could possibly share a life with. If he’s drafted, will Bill and Frank be able to continue their closeted relationship, running the risk of discovery? Or will they have to part company for the sake of Bill living out his dream? Bill knows he’ll need to use all his considerable skills learned on the field to score the life he wants off of it, too. Either way, is happiness even possible when it’s the NFL vs. love?"
Tangled Web
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Kevin Baker is a banker, fifty-eight years old, but tells anyone who seems interested that he’s fifty-five. He regularly visits his gym in order to keep in shape, as well as to scope out the hunks. One particular hunk, Jake Whittiker is a leather-clad,muscled, tattooed, shaven headed biker. Kevin is infatuated with Jake and takes every opportunity to check the guy out. On the surface, Kevin and Jake couldn't be more different, however, they have certain things in common: both are gay and are seeking love in lieu of meaningless brief encounters. Both also have something they are hiding. Life for Kevin becomes increasingly complicated when passion and testosterone take over his normally reticent behavior. He agrees to go back to Jake’s house for sex. Here Jake’s secret is revealed and Kevin inadvertently confesses what he, too, has been holding back. The happy future for which both yearned seems impossible. Now the lies and omissions are revealed, can Jake and Kevin accept each others' imperfections and weave a new future with what's left?"
Frank's Place
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Danny Marshall drops in on his favorite upscale gay bar, Frank’s Place, in hopes of finding Mr. Right or, if necessary, Mr. Right Now. With Christmas right around the corner, the place is nearly empty except for one man. Attractive by most standards but not Danny’s type, Danny decides what the hell and tries to score. Even though the mysterious stranger isn't Danny's type, Danny finds himself falling for the man. But when the man disappears from the scene, Danny if left confused and frustrated. Could this be the Mr. Right Danny has been searching for? Will Danny reconnect with the tall, handsome man? Can he discover the secret that caused the stranger to leave him hanging?"
Shoulda Been a Cowboy
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Charlie Bradley has always entertained cowboy fantasies. When his boyfriend Jared offers him the choice of where to go on their summer vacation, Charlie chooses Stallions and Studs, a dude ranch catering to a gay clientele. Upon arrival, Charlie meets the very handsome and studly Wade Connors, a riding instructor. Charlie is immediately enthralled with the man and finds his feelings, fight them as he may, are turning into love. Wade, however, is a man who chooses a guest as his flavor of the week -- to romance, play with, and then move on. But this week Wade finds Charlie becoming more than he bargained for. What will happen when the week ends and Charlie has to leave for home?"
You Don't Go Back by Terry O'Reilly
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"In the days before the internet, how did gay men find someone to hook up with? They cruised the city parks, rest stops, and public rest rooms. Handsome, sexy Tom Clarkson is doing just that. He is out to find someone for an afternoon of sexual pleasure, and today he has chosen Delph Lake Municipal Park. He sits on a picnic table displaying his wares, hoping to attract a man who fulfills his high standards for a sex partner. Will he find what he is looking for or is he in for a surprise?"
The Custodian and Mr. Chapel
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Patrick Chapel teaches high school science. Every night Ray, the custodian, cleans his room. Every night Mr. Chapel waits so he can admire the muscular young man as he does his job. And every night he goes home to fantasize about the amazing sex they’d have. What Mr. Chapel doesn’t know is that Ray has fantasies of his own. Each night the custodian hopes when he comes to clean one room in the B Hall, he will find a certain teacher there working on grading papers. After his work is done and the school is empty, Ray goes back Mr. Chapel’s room and, sitting in the teacher’s chair behind his desk, lets his mind play out a fantasy he hopes one day might come true. But will it? Will the shy custodian ever feel the touch of the teacher he loves?"
Tune Up
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Kenny left the small, hick hometown where he grew up and went to trade school in the city, where a vibrant gay community allowed him to live life outside the closet. But when his father passes away, he comes home to care for his mother. When she, too, is gone, Kenny finds it difficult to move on. He has a steady job as an auto mechanic but longs to get back to the city. More than anything, he misses the sex. Here in BFE, he’s the only gay man around, and he’s getting tired of everyone telling him he needs to get married. Kenny isn’t a big believer in love. All he wants is to get laid. Then a handsome stranger rides in on his Harley, in need of a tune up. This just might be Kenny’s lucky day."
Western Pleasure
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Handsome Ty Steele, a professional horse trainer, is looking to add to his income by offering horseback riding lessons at his horse farm. Unfortunately, he accidentally places his ad in the personals section of the local newspaper. Gordon Burkhart, recently transferred from New York to the Midwest, comes across the ad. His over-active libido causes him to misinterpret the ad as offering something far different than what Ty intended. What happens when Gordon arrives at the farm for his ‘lesson’?"
Welcome Home, Soldier
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"A broken-hearted Ward Cartwright left town to join the army when his boyfriend Tyler Hughes turned his back on their love and married a woman. Ten years later, Tyler is a widower with two young boys, and Ward has returned home. He is hopeful he can re-establish his relationship with Tyler. Even though a decade has passed, Tyler still feels tied to the family-owned feed mill. He has folks depending on the mill for employment, there are his children to consider, they live in a small town, and ... But despite this, Tyler finds there are plenty of benefits to giving Ward a job in the mill -- lots of out-of-the-way places to explore Ward’s army-honed, muscular body. Just when Tyler resolves to live more openly with Ward, rumors begin to surface, not just at the mill, but at his sons’ school. Ward knows the upcoming battle is just as serious as anything he’s faced in Afghanistan. Instead of fighting for his country, the soldier is fighting for his lover’s heart. Will Ward finally emerge victorious, or will Tyler’s self-doubt and fear of prejudice win out again?"
Rodeo Cowboy
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Lex Cunningham rides rodeo. Trent Boxwood is a good friend and fierce competitor, but Lex hopes Trent’s friendship can be turned to something more. Unfortunately, after a night of heavy drinking, he acts on what he thinks are the signs that Trent is interested in him but is rebuffed. Rio Cody, on the rodeo circuit to recruit staff for the Stallions and Studs dude ranch, befriends Lex and encourages him to pursue his hopes for a relationship with Trent, as he feels Trent might eventually reciprocate. If Trent likes Lex, then what stands in the way of a relationship between the two men? Does Lex have the courage to trust Rio’s intuition and try again to win Trent over, or will he pass up a chance at happiness and continue to ride solo?"
First and Goal
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"After being disappointed too many times by the hook-up sites, Broadway dancer Darrin Houghton takes down his profiles. However, when he gets a message from an intriguing hunk on a site he’d forgotten about, Darrin sets up a meeting despite his reservations. Brad Grabosky is a deeply closeted football player in the NFL. Brad has a preference for no strings attached, anonymous, one night flings in seedy motel rooms. However, love has a way of complicating the intentions of both men, leading them to make compromises they never thought possible. Will Darrin and Brad find a way to get to first and goal and ultimately score a touchdown? Or will their chance at happiness be fumbled away?"
The Search for Soaring Hawk
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Son of an Indian brave and a white captive, Soaring Hawk is raised in the native customs. As he grows into manhood, he discovers his desire for the love of men. Knowing the fate of those of ‘two spirits’ within his tribe, he leaves the Indian village, disguises his heritage, and enters the white man’s world as Samuel Hawkins. He soon discovers life is difficult for a man who prefers men. While he finds companionship, and forms bonds with many of the men he meets, he is unable to find a relationship which satisfies his deepest need. He also discovers much of what is in the world outside his village conflicts with the values of his native upbringing. He embarks on an odyssey which takes him across the continent and into the arms and beds of many lovers. As he travels, he comes to realize love has many forms. But the one he seeks most continually eludes him. Where will his odyssey lead him? Will he ever come to the end of his search for Soaring Hawk?"
David and Andrew Book 1: One Night in December
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"David Bennett is a widower. He had a wonderful relationship with his wife, but now she's gone. He decides he's done with relationships -- he has no sex drive and no interest in life in general. Andy Barnes is a homeless man who often stands at the end of an exit ramp begging for help. For some unfathomable reason, David is always tempted to pick him up on his way home. One wretched night in December, fate intervenes and David finds himself bringing the man home and into his life. Much to his surprise, he begins to fall in love with this down and out young man. As love returns, David realizes he does have a reason to go on with life after all. Over the next few years, the two face life as a partnered gay couple with humor and courage. Each year brings with it happiness, tragedy, joy, and sorrow; the stuff life is made of. Along the way, the love the two share for each other helps them to overcome all obstacles and face all challenges."
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"For Dave Felder, his junior year of high school starts with a move from his small hometown to a larger city. With the new home comes a new school, East Leyden High. He isn't the least bit reluctant to leave his old school. Once popular and well-liked, things changed when he was outed to his fellow students. A new school gives him a fresh start, where no one knows him or his secret. Tall, handsome, and athletic, he soon finds himself surrounded by new friends, the popularity he once lost regained. But he doesn't count on meeting someone who brings out the feelings he hoped to keep buried inside. Someone like Ricky. Once these feelings surface, Dave has to make a choice -- continue to hide who he really is and protect his popularity, or be true to himself."
Parks and Recreation
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"In the days before the internet, how did gay men find someone to hook up with? They cruised the city parks, rest stops, and public rest rooms. Handsome, sexy Tom Clarkson is doing just that. He is out to find someone for an afternoon of sexual pleasure, and today he has chosen Delph Lake Municipal Park. He sits on a picnic table displaying his wares, hoping to attract a man who fulfills his high standards for a sex partner. Will he find what he is looking for or is he in for a surprise?"
David and Andrew Box Set
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"All three novels in Terry O'Reilly's best-selling gay erotic romance trilogy, David and Andrew, are now available in one box set! Contains the stories: One Night in December: David Bennett, a widower, figures he's done with relationships and sex. One night in December, against his better judgment, he rescues Andy Barnes, a homeless man, and takes him home. It turns out to be the best decision he ever made. With These Rings: David Bennett and Andy Barnes continue their adventures begun in One Night in December. From the joy of a wedding ceremony on a Cape Cod beach to the despair of a bedside vigil in a hospital room, With These Rings is punctuated with love, laughter, and steamy romance. The Next Generation: Brad Sturgis is all grown up. As he faces life with his boyfriend Hank, he realizes it contains many challenges which he tries to meet with the same courage and good humor as his adoptive parents before him."
The Price of Fame
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Freddy Perkins comes to California hoping to become a movie star. Changing his name to Les Banister, he surrenders his principles as he gives into the demands of a casting director to secure his first role. He relinquishes control of his personal life so the studio can build an image of him as the next American heartthrob. This means giving up Russ, his loving and supportive boyfriend, to hide the truth from his fans. He’s gay. These sacrifices pay off for the young actor and he becomes a star. But as Les continues to pay the price for fame, he realizes at the height of his success that it’s cost him too dearly. Will he have the courage to take the chance of losing it all to be true to himself?"
Santa? Seriously?
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Ivan Tykovsky is a security guard at Hinkleman’s Department store and has come to despise the shopping element of Christmas. The holiday season means his workload of apprehending shoplifters and breaking up fights over merchandise increases. When the Santa the store has booked shows up drunk, the six foot six, 240 pound, red-bearded Jewish giant is forced to stand in. Ivan isn’t happy about the idea, but there’s one compensation -- the diminutive Skip Mueller, an out-of-work actor who’s been hired as one of Santa’s elves. Skip comes to Ivan’s rescue, coaching the big man through his dealings with the children. Ivan becomes an instant celebrity, and when a permanent replacement Santa is found, the store’s customers demand Ivan’s return. Will there be a special Christmas gift this year for a certain Jewish Santa and his special elf?"
Divided Hearts
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Sequel to Awakening Robert, handsome half-breed apprentice cooper, travels to the Ohio Country with Nathaniel Morgan. Robert has loved Nathaniel since being apprenticed to him many years before. Robert’s love is unreturned, as Nathaniel’s heart belongs to another who has been left behind. Robert is unwillingly sent as an interpreter with the British Army to inform the settlers and the Shawnee that King George will honor the Indians’ claim to the land. Captured by the Shawnee, Robert comes to be loved by an Indian brave. Robert returns his love but only up to a point, as he is still held captive by his love for another man. Can he let his love for Nathaniel go and give himself completely to Red Horse? Or will he forever live his life with a divided heart?"
Love You Forever
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Derrick Fredricks didn’t believe in love at first sight. He didn’t think ghosts existed either, but that didn’t keep either of those two things from happening to him -- he fell in love with Cooper Jennison the moment they met, and then he became a ghost. Returning to the side of his lover in spirit form, Derrick tries to reach across the divide to comfort and guide his boyfriend as Cooper deals with Derrick’s death while warding off the attentions of Derrick’s best friend. Memories of their brief time together remind Derrick of his pledge to Cooper: love you forever. Will Derrick succeed in being able to contact his love, or will the veil between the living and the dead prove impenetrable?"
For Rent or For Real
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"College student Ted Davis is desperate for money. Without a source of income he’ll be forced to quit school and return home to his homophobic stepfather who cut him off when he was caught fooling around with his best friend. While working as a waiter, Ted meets suave, handsome Trace Morrison, who offers Ted a job as an escort. Ted is reluctant at first, as he doesn’t believe himself to be gay. However, when Trace seduces him, Ted realizes his stepfather’s assessment of him was correct. Ted quickly discovers that working as an escort is not as glamorous or satisfying as it appears on the surface. He becomes disillusioned with his life as a rent boy and seeks to find a way out of his situation -- to escape the world of shallow, impersonal sex to find a relationship that has real depth and meaning. Will Ted be trapped in this life of sex for hire until he’s too old to attract the attention of the parade of rich and needy clients that rent his body to fulfill their fantasies? Or will his own fantasies of a real, loving and monogamous relationship be realized when someone from Ted’s past re-enters the picture?"
Mirror, Mirror
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"It isn’t going to happen to Dave Fleming. No way. He isn’t going to end up growing old. He has this aging thing beat. He works out, eats healthy, takes all the right supplements. As a result, he’s a handsome man, with a killer body, and it’s going to stay that way. But it doesn’t work. Though he’s done his best to swim upstream, Dave is swept steadily along to senior citizenship along with everyone else. In the process, he passed up chances for love. Now here he is, in his twilight years and alone, sharing his life with his faithful Labrador. One night as Dave stands before his bathroom mirror getting ready for bed, he bemoans the fact that he was so absorbed in the physical that he’d let love pass him by. He stares at his reflection in the mirror and wishes he could go back, be young again, and experience it all once more, even for just a short time. Maybe he’d even find love. If Dave gets his chance, will he take advantage of it and make his wish come true?"
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Before the advent of the Internet, men looking to make sexual contact with other men would cruise rest stops, shopping malls, and parks. There they often left messages on the walls of restrooms hoping to meet someone of like interest. Alan Daniels, a young Vietnam veteran, has recently been questioning his sexuality. He takes a chance and writes a note in the john of his local municipal park. Handsome, sensual Tom Clarkson, a college student going to school mainly to avoid the draft, is intrigued by a new message he finds in the park bathroom. Is Tom destined to spend another night indulging in meaningless sex, or could the note lead to something more? Only one way to find out ..."
Happy Birthday Bobby
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"It’s Bobby’s birthday but he's all alone with no one to help him celebrate. On the way home from work, he decides to stop at a favorite restaurant to treat himself to dinner. There his bitterness turns to happiness when he is treated to a round of drinks by a couple of strangers. Larry and Dan are in town for a work-related event. Though married, the two men used these trips to indulge in the pleasure of each other's company. Now they're looking for a spot of fun, and after a few too many drinks, they invite Bobby back to their hotel room to join in. Will Bobby have a happy birthday after all?"
Stallions & Studs: Back in the Saddle Again
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Long ago, Mack MacIntyre left his life as a wild cowhand in the Big Sky country of Montana behind. For thirty-five years, he’s been a devoted husband, father, and successful New York City businessman. One day his past comes knocking in the form of his former lover, Seth Buchanan. Seth has a business proposition, and a dream Mack finds hard to refuse. Even though he’s widowed and his children are grown, does Mack have the courage to come out to his family and return to the wide open spaces of his youth and the love he once shared with this man?"
The Marine Next Door
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Schoolteacher Julian Reynolds is disillusioned with the seedier side of gay life in New York City with its self-absorption, vanity, and preoccupation with sex. When his long-time relationship with his high school sweetheart ends, he returns to his hometown and vows to live a simple life free of the extremes of the gay lifestyle and romantic entanglements. With that end in mind, he rents the carriage house next door to a large Tudor-style home. Tate Butler, a former student of Julian’s, lives in the big house with his mother. Tate is bitter and withdrawn after losing a leg while serving in the Marine Corps during the war in Afghanistan. Fearing rejection from his mother and blaming himself for his father’s death, Tate stays firmly in the closet and punishes himself by refusing to learn how to walk again. Can Tate and Julian help heal each other’s pasts and forge a real and lasting future together? Or will the driveway that separates their houses prove too wide a gulf to cross?"
Once Upon an Island
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Neil Logan, recently graduated equine veterinarian, always felt he’d know when he found the man he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Unfortunately, though Neil cares deeply for him, his college roommate Jordan is not that man. Neil takes a summer position far from home, foolishly thinking time and distance will cool Jordan’s feelings for him, and they can both move on. Neil’s job is on an island attractive to tourists. There, horses are the sole mode of transportation, and Rolf Gundersen is the head farrier. Neil is immediately attracted to the handsome, mature man, and starts to believe Rolf might be the one for him. Frustratingly, despite Neil’s best efforts, Rolf seems determined to avoid him. When Neil discovers the reason for Rolf’s aloofness, he’s able to forge a relationship with the farrier. Can Rolf and Neil find happiness in their newfound love, or will Jordan continue to be a factor in Neil’s life, possibly undermining Neil’s efforts to win Rolf over?"
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Randal Cummings is about to be given his first ministry, but he has a secret: though he has been prayed over and supposedly delivered from the perverse demon of homosexuality, he is still as queer a rhino with wings. To make matters worse ... his ministry is to those who share this abominable affliction and wish to be freed from its bondage. Then Randal meets a man who shares his desires. Can he suppress his feelings for his ministry or will he find his own deliverance in the end? This lighthearted spoof of a conservative religious community answers one simple question -- who ministers to whom?"
Aunt Daisy’s Funeral
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Danny Foley is about to attend his Aunt Daisy’s funeral alone and with a heavy heart. He’s lost his rock and protector, the only member of his dysfunctional family who’d believed he was destined to find the love of a good man. Danny is so starved for male affection, he fantasizes about being with a muscular young man in a rest stop bathroom, his niece’s handsome fiancé, the brawny waiter at a restaurant, the stud lawyer reading Aunt Daisy’s will. But they remain only fantasies. But even though she’s passed on, Aunt Daisy just may be able to turn fantasy into reality for her favorite nephew."
Farm Call
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Dr. Daniel Parker, equine veterinarian, has always assumed he was straight. Recently divorced, Dan is now on a quest to discover what these feelings of attraction to other men, which have lurked in the background all his life, really mean. Na?ve and inexperienced, wearing his heart on his sleeve, Dan jumps feet first into the gay dating scene and soon finds himself out of his depth in the various gay subcultures. His hopes are raised then dashed several times after discovering that what he's really looking for is a loving and committed relationship. Frustrated, Dan throws himself back into his work. When Dan goes on a farm call to examine two newly-purchased horses, he meets Scott Wagner. His attraction to Scott is immediate. Could it have been this easy to find Mr. Right all along? But Dan's fantasies of domestic bliss fade when he learns the horses are for Scott's daughters -- Scott is married and straight. Disappointed, Dan wonders if he'll ever find love. Or will this farm call still make all the difference?"
Not In the NFL
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Adam Davis isn’t gay! He can’t be -- he’s a super star NFL quarterback and gay men don’t survive in the NFL. But along comes Brendan Fletcher, an outstanding, Super Bowl-winning linebacker who awakens something in Adam, something Adam hadn’t known was there. And now it’s wakened, the quarterback will never be the same. Despite the threat to their careers and their personal safety, Adam and Brendan find themselves irresistibly drawn to each other, starting something that grows from gratification of mutual needs to something more. Can these men of strength and power on the gridiron overcome the homophobia of their profession? Can they make what they have found stand for something more important than the fame and fortune of playing NFL football or even becoming Super Bowl champions?"
David and Andrew Book 3: The Next Generation
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Brad Sturgis, adopted son of Andy Barnes and David Bennett, is all grown up and ready to face life with his boyfriend, Hank Reynolds. However, he soon discovers life away from the Bennett-Barnes household proves much trickier than it seemed when he was growing up. Brad finds many things in Hank’s work as a horse trainer competing for the man’s attention and affection. The time-consuming nature of the equine show world and the constant demands of the clients Hank coaches -- their interest in him sometimes goes beyond that of trainer/rider -- test the strength of the bond between the two men. Will Brad learn to face such challenges with courage and good humor as his adoptive parents did before him? Will the next generation prove to be as tough and as tender, as solid and as steadfast as the one before?"
Meant To Be
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Howie Bosley has very strict rules about dating men. Get to know him, fall in love with him, then -- and only then -- go to bed with him. But, as Howie’s friends frequently point out, his rules aren’t working because he’s still single. Just when Howie is about to ease up on his rules, he meets an Adonis at the gym who goes by the name of Matthew Timmons. Matthew is also looking to get to know someone before hopping into the sack. Is this destiny? But Matthew had planned a very different life path for himself, one that didn’t involve falling in love. Conflicted, he makes the painful decision to cut off all contact with Howie. What is Matthew hiding? Suddenly Howie’s fairy tale romance has taken an abrupt turn, and he doesn’t know if there’s anything he can do to get it back on track. Isn’t their happy ending meant to be?"
The Batboy
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Seventeen-year-old Thad Stevens loves baseball -- he’s loved it for as long as he can remember. Thad’s dream of becoming a batboy comes true when he’s chosen to be on the squad for the Buzzards, a local, semi-pro baseball team. His duties put him in constant contact with his idol, shortstop Iggy Hernandez. Thad struggles with his growing attraction to the handsome ball player. One day Thad accidentally discovers Iggy has a secret life. What will Thad do with this new information, and what implications does it have for the young batboy and his relationship with the man he admires?"
Terry O'Reilly's Variety Pack Box Set
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"From cowboys to clergy, barrooms to classrooms, lovers to sex buddies, Terry O’Reilly’s Variety Pack has a little bit of everything for everyone. Join in the action with Al, Larry, Doug, Antonio, Ray, and a host of others who romp through the pages of this collection in search of erotic encounters, one night stands, and lasting love between men. Contains the stories: Frank's Place: Danny drops in on his favorite upscale gay bar in hopes of finding Mr. Right. With Christmas around the corner, the place is nearly empty except for one man. Danny decides what the hell and tries to score. But when the man disappears from the scene, Danny if left confused and frustrated. Could this mystery stranger be The One? Will they get a chance to connnect somewhere other than Frank's Place? Happy Birthday Bobby: It’s Bobby’s birthday but he's all alone. On the way home from work, he decides to stop at a favorite restaurant. There his bitterness turns to happiness when he is treated to a round of drinks by two strangers. Larry and Dan are in town for a work-related event. Now they're looking for a spot of fun, and after a few too many drinks, they invite Bobby back to their hotel room to join in. Karl's Italian Adventure: Karl is a fifty-one-year-old school teacher who has led a very sheltered life. Finally deciding to break out of his shell, he signs up for a seven day tour of Italy. Little does he expect it to change his life. But when he meets Antonio, Karl realizes his life will never be quite the same again as the mystery and magic of Florence come to him in a way that he never could have imagined. Love You Forever: Derrick Fredricks didn’t believe in love at first sight. He didn’t think ghosts existed, either, but neither of those beliefs kept them from happening to him. He fell in love with Cooper Jennison and he became a ghost. Once dead, Derrick returns to the side of his lover to attempt to comfort and guide him. Will he succeed? Ministry: Randal Cummings is about to be given his first ministry, but he has a secret: though he has been prayed over and supposedly delivered from the perverse demon of homosexuality, he is still as queer a rhino with wings. Then Randal meets a man who shares his desires. Can he suppress his feelings for his ministry or will he find his own deliverance in the end? The Custodian and Mr. Chapel: Patrick Chapel teaches high school science. Every night the custodian Ray cleans his room. Every night Mr. Chapel waits so he can admire the muscular young man as he does his job. And every night he goes home to fantasize about the amazing sex they’d have. What Mr. Chapel doesn’t know is that Ray has fantasies of his own. Will the shy custodian ever feel the touch of the teacher he loves? Will Turner's Luck: Will Turner celebrates the end of a ten-year marriage by acting on his repressed longings and heading for a gay bar. Just his luck, the next morning he awakes in a strange room with a stranger, Robby, by his side. As Will unravels the mystery, he falls in love with Robby, despite many unanswered questions. Then the truth finally comes out, and Will is faced with a tough decision."
More Than Muscle
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Ernie Boudine -- early thirties, still lives at home with mom -- has never had sex, hasn’t even been kissed. In his mind the only guys who get in on the action are the muscled-up bodybuilders he worships on his computer. But Ernie knows to attract such a god He’ll need to transform his current blob of soft muscles covered with an ample layer of fat into body beautiful. Personal trainer Butch Noonan discovers his boyfriend has been cheating on him. Troy is the last straw. Butch decides he’s done dating bodybuilders with their self-centered and egotistical attitudes. Butch longs for a relationship with someone who believes in romance, togetherness, and fidelity. Joining a gym, Ernie feels like a kid in a candy store. So many beautiful men working out, so much hard muscle to ogle. Ernie is disappointed when Butch is assigned as his personal trainer. Despite the man’s name, the other trainers have bigger and buffer bodies. Soon, however, Ernie begins to appreciate Butch’s sexy, compact body and what’s more, the man genuinely seems to care for and about Ernie. Much to both men’s surprise, a tentative relationship begins to blossom, but then into the gym strolls Butch’s former college roommate. Bill is a serious bodybuilder and Ernie is immediately captivated by the man’s huge muscles and confident swagger. Can Butch stand idly by and watch Ernie make the same mistakes he has? Or will Ernie wise up in time and realize true relationships are about more than muscle?"
Go to Him
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Twenty years ago, Trent Hardy and Dean Pennington were on the brink of a loving relationship. Then Dean’s family suddenly whisked him half-way around the world. For a time the two tried to maintain contact, but life intervened, and they lost touch. Though he’d not heard from Dean in years, Trent still continued to hope. Following a vivid dream in which a voice repeatedly instructs Trent to Go to him, Trent is led back to Dean, who is delighted their love has survived the long separation. But is all as it seems? Can Trent hold onto Dean this time, or is it too late?"
My Beagle, the Yenta
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Bryan Jacobson has thrown his cheating boyfriend out. Gracie, Bryan’s little beagle dog is glad. She never liked Rob much as he was mean to her. Good Riddance as far as she’s concerned. She’s happy now it’s just the two of them. However, Gracie soon discovers her Bryan is not content. Even though Rob was a jerk, it seems Bryan needs more than the love of a little dog to feel complete. So, Gracie maneuvers Bryan into taking her to the dog park where she’s sure she’ll find Bryan a new man to make him happy again. The dog park is full of dogs and their humans. But which human goes with which dog? And even if she figures that out, how will she get Bryan to meet the right human for him? She does her best to find her Bryan the man of his dreams. But can a little beagle dog really be a successful matchmaker?"
Walking in Two Worlds
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Lee Masters, a handsome young cowboy, is fired from his cattle drive when his sexual orientation is discovered. Frustrated and angry, he rides to a mountain lake where he meets a Dakota native named Tatanka, who is also exiled from his tribe for refusing to adhere to tribal custom for braves who prefer men to women. They strike up a friendship, which readily turns to love. Their family is completed when a young Indian, Sleeps With Dogs, insists they take him with them on their search for a home. Their quest to find acceptance in either the white man's world or the native population is a difficult journey. Can two men who love each other find a place in the harsh reality of the western wilderness, or will they always be walking in two worlds?"
Hardwired For Love
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Three times burned, Br’er Harris swears off efforts to find love. He still has needs, though, which he satisfies by becoming a paid escort. Widower Ray Cunningham wants to explore the feelings of attraction to men he’s had most of his life but has kept hidden for fear of rejection from his ultra-conservative family. Ray doesn’t want a relationship with a man; he just wants to satisfy his urges with no-strings hook-ups. And the easiest way to achieve this is to hire an escort. Ray’s first encounter is with Br’er, and they’re instantly and powerfully drawn to each other. The attraction is so powerful and disturbing, each privately vows to never see the other again. However, their feelings will not be denied. Br’er accepts a second meeting, which leads to a third, then a fourth. Despite his previous history with relationships, Br’er knows Ray is the one for him. Unfortunately, Ray’s fear of being outed to his family keeps him from being able to offer more than clandestine meetings in out of town hotel rooms. Br’er says it’s enough, but Ray knows he deserves better. Ray is faced with a decision. Can he let Br’er go to find the love he deserves, or will he be able to throw open the closet door and live openly with the man he’s hardwired to love?"
Major League Shutout
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"O.B. Benson knows that, as a gay baseball player, his only chance to keep from being shut out of the Major Leagues is to stay as far from the public eye as possible. His low profile is threatened when the team manager insists O.B. take part in a TV interview to help boost lagging fan support. Avery Turner, TV reporter, is handsome, fit, and definitely pushes O.B.'s libido into high gear. He’s also out -- something O.B.'s situation doesn’t allow. And Avery believes in monogamous commitment -- something O.B. cannot identify with. But when Avery delivers a curveball to the catcher, O.B. doesn’t know how to handle it. When O.B.'s interview is aired, he’s forced to evaluate his life of meaningless one night stands. Can O.B. and Avery work out their differences and build a winning team, or will O.B. strike out?"
David and Andrew Book 2: With These Rings
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"When David Bennett and Andy Barnes meet, they fall in love and create a family, which is completed with the adoption of Brad Sturgis, orphaned after the death of his parents. David, Andy, and Brad embrace the joys and challenges of being a gay family. From horse shows, family celebrations, a wedding on the beach to bedside vigils, football games to identity crises, David and Andy face life together with steadfast love punctuated with passionate physical expression."
Finding the Words
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Ryan Phillips, a speech and language pathologist in the physical rehabilitation unit of a major university hospital, has recently been wounded by the ending of a relationship. He is called in to treat a patient suffering from a traumatic brain injury. In the course of his treatments, he begins to have feelings for the man. But is he ready to be healed, and will the patient heal enough to be able to return the love growing between them? Can he find the words to express it?"
Cowboy Dreams
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Store clerk Chadwick Algood dreams of leaving his small New England town and becoming Chad Armstrong, a cowboy living a life of adventure in the Wild West. However, Chad is the sole support of his widowed mother and younger sister, so knows his cowboy dreams may never be realized. Chad’s life is turned upside down when Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show comes to town and Chad meets Bo Miller, a roustabout with hopes and dreams of his own. A relationship quickly develops which deepens the young store clerk’s longing for his dream for a new life. Eventually, news from England sends Chad’s mother and sister across the Atlantic. Chad decides to stay in the US. Traveling from town to town in search of Bo and the Wild West show, Chad meets ranch owner Leon Scruggs in a bathhouse and feels an instant connection with the hot cowboy. Which cowboy dream will Chad choose? Or will fate choose for him?"
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Darrin Houghton, Broadway dancer, and Brad Grabosky, NFL football player, are engaged. However, Brad is reluctant to announce a date for the wedding. His excuse -- he doesn’t want to be the poster child for gay rights in the NFL. Darrin is getting discouraged, wondering if he and Brad are ever going to actually hear wedding bells. Darrin and the cast of his current musical are to perform on a float in the NYC pride parade. He asks Brad if he plans on coming to the parade. Brad says he’s sorry, but he has an important team meeting to attend. Downhearted, Darrin heads to the parade alone. Just as he’s about to get up on the float, a commotion breaks out. Darrin turns; what he sees takes his breath away."
Stallions & Studs: Reining In Rio
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"The final installment in the Stallions and Studs series sees wrangler and riding instructor Rio Cody enjoying the single life. He can -- and often does -- have a different guest in his bedroll every night. Despite the urgings of fellow ranch hands, most of whom have found partners, Rio sticks to his motto of “monogamy is monotony.” However, Rio’s resolve to stay foot-loose is severely tested when he locks horns with New York college student, Mark Wembley, at a local Quarter Horse show. Mark is not at all Rio’s type, and he’s a pain in the butt to boot. Rio returns to his job at the gay dude ranch and manages, mostly, to put Mark out of his mind. What happens when Mark shows up at Stallions and Studs as a guest and Rio is forced to face the fact that despite all his efforts to the contrary, he finds himself having feelings for Mark? Will Rio dig in his boot heels and continue to ride life’s trails alone, or will Mark do what no other man has, rein in Rio?"
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Jonathon Carver, a young Puritan school teacher, meets handsome Nathaniel Morgan, master cooper. He comes to recognize the longings he's had all his life as desire for the love of another man, and Nathaniel provides that love. Their love must be carefully guarded, as they live in Colonial America during a time of the call to Awakening of the Puritan spirit. Knowing the penalty for their love is dire, they strive to keep their affair secret. Desperate for a way to resolve their situation, they devise a bold plan which could free them to be together. But can their love for one another overcome the structure of the society in which they live? Or will they be destined to forego fulfillment of their desire and go their separate ways?"
The Dragon
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Raised in an orphanage after being found abandoned on the London docks as a newborn baby, without a known last name nor date of birth, Theodore has but one friend, Seth, a fellow orphan. Destiny takes Theodore away from Seth and back to the sea when he comes of age and is found an apprenticeship on a vessel in the English merchant navy. Thor, as he becomes known aboard ship, soon falls for Miguel, the handsome boatswain. However, his life is turned upside down when their ship is raided. Miguel is torn from his life and Thor is taken hostage and forced into the life of a pirate aboardThe Dragon. Both attracted to and repulsed by the evil Captain Wyvern, Thor finds the large dragon tattoo -- the symbol of the rank of the ship's captain -- taking hold of him and binding him to the man. Fate intervenes once more and Thor is elected captain ofThe Dragonwhen Wyvern is killed during a raid. Dismayed by Wyvern's ruthlessness, Thor is determined to show humanity to those vessels his crew plunders now that he is in charge. But despite his growing wealth, power, and reputation, Thor is restless and unfulfilled. He feels his life is not yet complete and somehow reaches beyond the decks of the pirate ship he now captains. A raid on a Dutch merchant ship brings yet another twist to Thor's life when someone from his past is found on board. Thor now has to face hard choices, the most difficult of which involves deciding if he can leave the sea and make a new life on land with his rediscovered love. But with a price on his head and a large tattoo of a dragon on his body, can Thor escape his past life of a pirate?"
Hidden Spirit
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Morgan O’Connor takes a long vacation to try to sort out his commitment issues, but his trip takes a mysterious turn once he crosses into Canada. There he begins to have vivid dreams, and is followed by a grey wolf only he seems to be able to see. On his way home, Morgan stops at a woodcarver’s shop, where he meets James Standing Elk. The two men have a strong and immediate connection. When Morgan learns James’ Ojibwe name is Grey Wolf, he’s more than a little unnerved and leaves before he can uncover the link between his visions and James. Back home, Morgan can’t keep out thoughts of either the wolf or his feelings for James. When he returns to the woodcarver’s shop, the true nature of his attraction and spiritual connection to James is revealed, and it’s more than Morgan could ever have imagined. Can this be the reason Morgan has never been able to make a commitment to anyone? What strange forces are at work to bring Morgan and James together?"
Second Thoughts
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"What do you do when your boyfriend begins acting strangely, and at the same time, you meet someone his total opposite? Do you start having second thoughts? Jesse Jamison must confront those very questions. After two years of living with his lover Dennis ""Denny"" Christopoulos, a charming flight attendant, the man starts taking on extra flights, making excuses for not coming home, and receiving private phone calls. During this time, Jesse also meets Nick Warden, a new neighbor. He immediately sees the contrasts between the two men and finds Nick attractive on so many levels. Meanwhile, Denny has growing reservations about his relationship with Jesse, especially once a new man comes into his own life. Yet Denny isn't ready to give up the good thing he has going with Jesse since he isn't sure about the new man's intentions, or his own feelings. Nick also struggles with his growing love for Jesse. While he would like nothing more than to claim Jesse for himself, his integrity prevents him from playing the home-wrecker. His hesitation to step in, however, nearly causes his undoing and a missed opportunity at love. Each man has his own second thoughts. But who will act on them, and what will be the consequences?"
Heat Wave: Traverse City
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"It’s the hottest July in Michigan in living memory and Cameron Mitchel’s A/C isn’t working. A co-worker offers the use of his parents’ cabin on a lake in Traverse City for the upcoming holiday weekend. Arriving with his faithful basset hound, Mr. Magee, Cameron is greeted by the good-looking next door neighbor, Emory. Emory Cauldwell is Cameron’s ideal man -- handsome, mature, and well-built. Best of all, he’s unavailable for a serious relationship. Cameron has had two failed relationships which have left him gun-shy, and he falls in love very easily. So to protect himself from another disappointment, he seeks the company of married men to safely satisfy his needs. What happens when Cameron discovers Emory is not off limits after all? Will the heat that has built between them during the weekend weld them together, or will Cameron be burned yet again?"
Karl's Italian Adventure
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Karl Simons, a fifty-one-year-old introverted and shy geography/history teacher, finally takes the plunge and goes on an academic tour of Italy. The first stop is Florence and La Galleria dell’Acciademia, the home of Michelangelo’s famous sculpture, The David. Upon viewing the work of art, Karl begins to sense strong emotions for and connection to the statue that he cannot explain. Just before leaving the tribuna, Karl turns back to gaze once more on The David and makes a wish. When he returns to his hotel, the place is abuzz with excitement. Unable to understand Italian, he proceeds to his room. There he finds Antonio, a naked young man, laying on his bed. Why is the man there? Where did he come from? On learning the answers to these and other questions, Karl realizes his life will never be quite the same ever again."
Will Turner's Luck
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Will Turner celebrates the end of a ten-year marriage by acting on his repressed longings and heading for a gay bar. Just his luck, the next morning he awakes in a strange room with a stranger by his side and no memory of how he got there or who his bedmate is. The bedmate, Robby, however, not only knows Will, but has definite plans for how the rest of their lives will go, complete with matching rings on their left hands. As Will attempts to unravel the mystery, he falls in love with Robby, despite the unanswered questions as to Robby’s past, character, expectations, and intentions in their growing relationship. Throwing caution to the wind, Will invites Robby to share his home and shoulders much of the financial responsibility for their lives together. When the truth finally comes out, Will is faced with a tough decision which has consequences for his future happiness."
Best Christmas Ever
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Bowing to his parents’ homophobic demands, Professor Henry Rodimacher always chose Christmas with his family over spending it with his partner. However, when Jeremy became terminally ill, Henry defied his family and stayed home for Jeremy’s final Christmas. After Jeremy passes, Henry decides it’s time to mend fences, so despite a raging snowstorm, he starts the long drive home. Before he gets very far, though, he’s alarmed to see a hitchhiker out in the weather, Henry offers the man a ride, and is surprised the hitchhiker is Jimmy Wilks, a former student of his. The heavy snow eventually forces Henry and Jimmy to leave the highway and take refuge in an abandoned log cabin. As the two hunker down to wait out the storm, they give into their mutual attraction and celebrate a wonderful Christmas together. Can their newfound love survive once the snow thaws? Will history repeat itself with Henry going back home alone, or will the magic of their best Christmas ever live on into the New Year and beyond?"