Story By emmamikey2k17


She changed me
Updated at Mar 28, 2020, 21:55
Blade Flynn the most arrogant, youngest and strongest alpha to have ever ruled a pack. Pacificly, The Red Stone Pack. The idea of having a mate disgusted him, but he knew he would have to have a mate for the sake of his pack. A mate that would make his pack stronger and unstoppable. Will he accept his mate and live a long happy life or will her reject her and die slowly for the longing of his mate?
Following me
Updated at Mar 26, 2020, 19:16
Damon harvey a teacher at a high rated high school, swan lake high school. Born and raised in California.the happiest child you could possibly imagine untill a tragedy struck upon his family. Ever since the tragic death of damon Harvey's parents chaos stuck open and hell began to let loose.