Story By abhi pk

abhi pk

Updated at Apr 16, 2024, 09:38
Here's a story for you: The small town of Ravenswood was never the same after the night the children disappeared. It was a typical summer evening, with the sun setting over the horizon and the crickets chirping in the fields. The children had been playing in the woods, exploring the old, abandoned mine that had been off-limits to them. But as the night drew in, the children failed to return home. Search parties were sent out, but no trace of the children could be found. As the days passed, the town became gripped with fear. Some said they saw the ghosts of the children wandering the woods, their eyes black as coal. Others heard whispers in the wind, tempting them to follow the children into the darkness. One by one, the parents of the missing children began to vanish too. They would be seen walking into the woods, never to return. The town was consumed by a sense of dread, as if something ancient and evil had awoken in the mine. Years went by, but the legend of the missing children never faded. People whispered of a cursed place, where the walls ran red with blood and the screams of the damned echoed through the tunnels. One dark and stormy night, a group of brave teenagers decided to explore the mine for themselves. They laughed and joked as they made their way deeper into the tunnels, but their merriment