Story By JNC MAUVE Jainisha sadacharam

JNC MAUVE Jainisha sadacharam

Jainisha is from Malaysia. She has been writing for the past three years because she hates to associate with people when she was younger. She is currently pursuing her bachelor\'s in English For Professionals. She has a dream that is to be a writer. She has been working hard to achieve her goals just for her survival. In short, she is an independent and a loner writer.
Her lipstick
Updated at Apr 12, 2023, 13:08
Two young girls who are in their 20's just got into a relationship. this story delineate their passion and how they whitstand their love in the world eyes.They are two different background people and so life never stop throwing them challenges and pressure.
She is his angel
Updated at May 19, 2021, 18:54
It is a story that revolves between angel and devil. There is an enthralling love story between them and constant adventure that further unfold the romance within two soul. It is a two generation story, and we will observe that only love remains behind!
Surrogate's Magical Friend
Updated at Nov 9, 2020, 08:07
The story speaks about adventure, mystery, and romance: most importantly, you will have a roller coaster of emotion when you read this. It depicts a girl's life with many twists and turns, which she had never expected.