Story By Authoress Peculiar

Authoress Peculiar

Hi, I’m Authoress Peculiar. I’m a new author on Dreame, Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy reading my books.
Updated at Jun 1, 2024, 17:01
Clair is a sexy single girl who has never dated a man in her life. She refused any man who made advances. She was too scared to trust any other person apart from her best friend. But that all changed when a hot mysterious man saved her from a pervert. WHO IS THIS MYSTERIOUS MAN AND WILL SHE BE ABLE TO SHUN HIM ALSO?
Updated at May 30, 2024, 06:15
Elena was betrayed by her boyfriend Toby who loved and cared for her for the three years they were in a relationship. She was heartbroken and she found it hard to believe that her loving boyfriend would cheat on her with someone she called her friend.Seeing how heartbroken she was, Nathan Elena’s best friend comforted her and stayed by her side doing everything he could to cheer her up.Elena gradually healed from the heartbreak and she found herself smiling whenever she was with Nathan, her best friend.She slowly started seeing Nathan as more than a best friend, she had a crush on her best friend. Toby, Elena's ex started appearing before her more often bringing different gifts to apologise, he begged Elena to return to him. His sincerity made Elena's walls quiver as she found out that she wasn’t completely over Toby yet, she still loved him.She was in a dilemma when she realised that she still loved her ex while falling for her hot best friend.