Story By Shanae Johnson

Shanae Johnson

A Flying Cross Ranch Romance
Updated at Feb 22, 2023, 00:41
Recon Pilot Aldo Matthews is adept at search and rescue missions, but can he adapt to show love and tenderness to the woman he once bullied as a girl? As the only unmarried person in her department, Elayne Jade is often overlooked and always passed over when it comes to the decision-making in her job as school guidance counselor. Those discussions take place at couples’ dinners and brunches which she's never invited. It's wrong that she's not up for career advancements because she doesn't have a ring or husband. Then she wakes up one morning with a diamond on her finger and her worst enemy in her hotel room. Since he was a kid, nothing has fascinated Aldo Matthews more than Elayne Jade. The curve of her lips when she's insulting him. The flash of her eyes when she dismisses his taunts. The flip of that fire red hair when she turns away from him in a huff. Aldo takes every chance he can get to rile Elayne’s temper so that he can see that fire inside her. So when he finds her one night at a bar out of town a bit tipsy, bemoaning the fact that she doesn't have a ring on her finger, he puts one there. Annulling this sham of a marriage is the first thing on Elayne's mind. Her reputation would never survive the fact she eloped with her mortal enemy after getting drunk. Only now that she's sober, she's seeing Aldo in a new light. And when her colleagues spot the ring on her finger, they start inviting her out and making her part of the conversation.  Aldo has no intention of letting Elayne flip her hair and walk away from him again. Not when it's so much sweeter to twine his fingers in her tresses and feel those sassy lips move against his. But Aldo's hiding a secret, one that could douse the growing heat between the woman who hates the fact that she's falling for him. Find out what happens in His Vow to Defend , the sixth in a series of heartwarming stories that prove that falling in love is an act of heroism, but finding family is life's most extraordinary achievement.
El Duque Y La Pinchadiscos
Updated at Feb 5, 2023, 19:21
Un elegante duque que necesita casarse con una heredera para salvar su hogar ancestral. Una pinchadiscos sin recursos que espera escapar de su pasado. Las tornas cambian cuando estos dos polos opuestos se atraen. Diego Zhi Wen de Bernadino, el duque de Mondego, juró no seguir nunca la tradición de la sangre azul de casarse por dinero. Desgraciadamente, con su padre derrochador y con su madre y su personal amenazados por la indigencia, casarse por amor no es una opción. Cuando una multimillonaria tecnológica organiza una fiesta en Córdoba, él está decidido a ganarse su afecto. Pero su prestigiosa educación y el dominio de cuatro idiomas no lo han preparado para el vocabulario único de una fiestera: su gran seducción se pierde en la traducción. La educación de la pinchadiscos Spin d'Elle la hizo desconfiar de la clase noble y adinerada. Spin vive su vida para la próxima fiesta y regala todo lo que no necesita. Pero cuando conoce al delicioso duque, el disco se raya y su tono cambia. Aunque acepta ayudarle a cortejar a su patrón, pronto descubre que la música que hacen juntos es más dulce. Con tanto en común, ¿podrán el duque y la pinchadiscos remezclar su dúo? ¿O las presiones del dinero y el deber harán que la melodía se desvanezca? Descubre si el amor reinará en este desenfadado y dulce romance de compromisos reales. ¡El Duque y la pinchadiscos es el tercero de una serie de romances reales que van más allá del cuento común!
El Príncipe Y La Pastelera
Updated at Feb 5, 2023, 19:21
Un príncipe playboy que busca que lo tomen en serio. Una pastelera con la mira puesta en el plato principal. ¿Puede un compromiso falso servir sus postres justos? Un príncipe playboy que busca ser tomado en serio. Una pastelera con la vista puesta en el plato principal. ¿Puede un compromiso falso servir sus postres juntos? El príncipe Alejandro, el notorio segundo hijo de Córdoba, se libró de la carga de gobernar la monarquía, para alivio de la nación. Sus hazañas por el mundo lo han convertido en carne de tabloide, así que cuando quiere perseguir su sueño de abrir un restaurante de fusión, nadie lo toma en serio. La única manera de convencer a los inversores de que es un buen riesgo es asegurar su herencia, lo que sólo ocurrirá cuando se case. Lástima que Alex nunca tenga intención de casarse. La pastelera neoyorquina Jan Peppers fue abandonada en el altar el día de su boda. Peor aún, no puede permitirse el lujo de dejar su sociedad comercial con su ex y su nueva esposa, que le echan sal en las heridas con regularidad. La oportunidad de libertad de Jan llega en forma de un acuerdo con el príncipe Alex: convertirse en su chef y falsa prometida y abrir el restaurante con el que ambos han soñado. Por suerte, Jan no tiene intención de volver a pasar por el altar. Ahora sólo tienen que convencer al mundo de que un príncipe playboy se enamoraría de una simple pastelera. Mientras Alex y Jan planean el menú, los sentimientos empiezan a calentarse en la cocina. Pero si la verdad de su falso compromiso sale a la luz, los inversores de Alex se echarán atrás y Jan se enfrentará a otra humillante despedida. O tal vez sirvan una relación real que sea algo a saborear para siempre. Descubre si el amor reinará en este desenfadado y dulce romance de compromisos reales. ¡”El Príncipe y la Pastelera” es el segundo de una serie de romances reales que van más allá del cuento común!
A Flying Cross Ranch Romance
Updated at Sep 9, 2022, 01:10
Journey home to the Flying Cross ranch with three sweet tales of second chances at love! Air Force Pilot Charlie Matthews has flown to the farthest reaches of the world, but he can never seem to reconnect with his first, and only love. Will their latest reunion finally land them on a path to forever in His Vow to Love? JAG Officer Joe Matthews can't afford a scandal when he comes home to run for political office. So finally admitting his feelings for his free-spirited childhood crush is probably not gonna be good for his image in His Vow to Treasure . Commercial Airline Pilot, Will Matthews's first crush showed him that he could fly high… until his heart came crashing down. Now, the one that got away is circling back around, but this time can he stick the landing in His Vow to Adore? Give the Matthews brothers a chance in this series of heartwarming stories that prove that falling in love is an act of heroism, but finding family is life's most extraordinary achievement!
Always On His Mind
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 16:54
When trauma claimed his memories, only her love can guide him to a new future.   After weeks missing in action and presumed dead, Private Reece Cartwright wakes up in a cave in the desert. His only possessions are a worn Bible, a handwritten love letter, and no memories of who he was. He’s eager to return home and reclaim his life and the love of the woman who wrote the letter. Her words give him a peace his ravaged mind and body desperately need—he only wishes he could remember her.   Beth Barrett has loved her best friend’s brother her whole life but only gets the confidence to tell Reece when he’s overseas serving their country. When her letter gets no response for months, she decides her only chance at a family of her own is to agree to marry the church’s new youth pastor. . . until Reece returns believing the two of them are engaged.   Reece’s memories are still MIA, but with his family home in ashes, his best shot at a new life is to marry Beth and create a new home together on the Purple Heart Ranch. With a chance at true love so close, can Beth go through with marriage to a man she doesn’t love? Or marry Reece whose memories could resurface at any time and prove their relationship a lie? Find out if love can truly heal all wounds in this light-hearted, sweet romance of convenient arrangements that unfold into lasting love. Always on his Mind is the seventh in a continuing series of marriage of convenience tales featuring Wounded Warriors who are healed with the power of love.
His Pledge to Honor
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 16:52
Scout Silver can rehabilitate the most wounded of horses. But when an injured soldier shows up at her ranch, will she follow his lead down a trail of love? Though she’s the daughter of a general, Scout Silver is used to giving orders, not taking them. That's why horses thrive on the rehabilitation ranch she runs with her half-sisters. Over the years, her absentee father’s many divorces created a patchwork family, held together by their love of the ranch. But his last will is an order that threatens to rip their lives apart.   As the leader of an elite group of soldiers run by the brilliant tactician General Abraham Silver, Lincoln Rawlings has set out on his final mission—to fulfill the dying wish of his commander by ensuring that the general's six daughters are taken care of. When Linc arrives on the Silver Star Ranch, he learns that what the Silver sisters need are husbands, else they’ll lose their beloved business. Instead of doing an immediate about-face, Linc's heart stands at attention under the assessing gaze of Scout, the eldest Silver.   Unwilling to let her father once again interfere in her life, even from the grave, Scout has no plans to give in to the general’s demands. But when she meets the handsome and accommodating Linc, she has a hard time reigning in her heart.   Letting down the general is not an option, but Linc is hiding a secret from Scout. And if she learns of the deep wounds he bears, he might lose everything—the ranch, his honor, and the woman he’s falling for.   Find out if love can truly heal all wounds in this light-hearted, sweet romance of convenient arrangements that unfold into lasting love. His Pledge to Honor is the first in a series of marriage of convenience tales featuring Wounded Warriors who are healed with the power of love.
The Duke and the DJ
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 16:52
A dashing duke who needs to wed an heiress to save his ancestral home. A down and out DJ hoping to escape her past. The tables turn when these two opposites attract.   Diego Zhi Wen de Bernadino, the Duke of Mondego, vowed to never follow the blue blood tradition of marrying for money. Unfortunately, left in crippling debt by his profligate father, and with his mother and staff threatened with destitution, marrying for love is not an option. When a tech billionairess hosts a party in Cordoba, he’s determined to win her affection. But his prestigious education and mastery of four languages hasn’t prepared him for a party girl’s unique vocabulary—his big seduction gets lost in translation.   DJ Spin d’Elle’s upbringing left her wary of the monied, noble class. Spin lives her life for the next party and gives away everything she doesn’t need. But when she meets the delicious duke, the record scratches and her tune changes. Though she agrees to help him woo her employer, she soon finds the music they make together is sweeter. With so much in common, will the duke and the DJ be able to remix their duet? Or will the pressures of money and duty cause the tune to fade out?   Find out if love will reign in this light-hearted, sweet romance of royal engagements. The Duke and the DJ is the third in a series of royal romances that are beyond the common tale!
His Strength to Stand
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 16:52
A paralyzed patient clinging to faith for his recovery. A brilliant surgeon relying on her skills to heal his wounds. But it’ll take a miracle for their forbidden love together to survive. For the past year, Paul Hanson’s chronic pain has affected his ability to do what he loves most -fight for his country. The moment he accepts his limitations, the old battle injury deals him a new blow, robbing him of his ability to stand tall like the proud warrior he is. Another surgery is the last thing he wants, and when a beautiful female surgeon asks him to trust her skilled hands, Paul is more focused on how he can get her hand in marriage. Dr. Madison Gray left her life in the big city for a promising new position in the middle of nowhere Montana. But her cheating ex-boyfriend follows her, not only trying to steal his way back into her heart but trying to steal her new job! Madison needs to impress her boss with her surgery skills, plus she knows it’s the key to helping Paul walk again. But the battle-weary wounded warrior is a trying patient, trying her patience with his disarming charm and flirtatious attitude. While she tries to get him to agree to go under the knife, Paul just wants to sweep Madison off her feet. But can he do that while lying prone on a hospital bed? Madison is convinced that without the surgery, he might never stand on his own two feet—even worse, if her growing feelings for her patient become known, she could lose her career. Find out if love can truly heal all wounds in this light-hearted, sweet romance of convenient arrangements that unfold into lasting love. His Strength to Stand is the eleventh in a series of marriage of convenience tales featuring Wounded Warriors who are healed with the power of love.
In Want of a Wife
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 16:52
When Charlotte Lee settles for a marriage of convenience, she isn't expecting romance… until she begins to fall in love.   It's a truth universally acknowledged that you don't go after your best friend's boyfriend. Charlotte Lee is definitely not breaking that code, not even after her girlhood crush has been unceremoniously dumped by her bestie. Charlotte can't blame Collin for wanting to be a part of the Bennett family. It's been her secret wish ever since Eliza Bennet inconceivably picked her as her BFF. And now, finally, the life that Charlotte has always dreamed of is at her fingertips since she's a shoe-in for the job of head trainer on the Bennett’s horse ranch. But everything goes wrong when the job goes to someone else, leaving Charlotte in the lurch.   Some say Collin Hunsford doesn’t have a heart. Not true, as evidenced by his love for rehabilitating wounded race horses. The problem is he often puts horses before women, which probably accounts for his dating woes. Unfortunately, in order to afford to save the horses up for auction at the annual Pemberley Races, Collin needs to fulfill the terms of his inheritance and find a wife. Too bad Eliza rejects his marriage proposal before their third date gets underway. After giving it some logical thought, Collin determines her quiet friend Charlotte is likely the better choice.   For a woman who has few romantic choices and fewer career prospects, Charlotte has little choice but to accept Collin's offer. Besides, she's not betraying her best friend if Eliza never loved Collin. But if Charlotte can't crack Collin's stoic shield, she'll be in danger of losing not only her best friend, she'll be in danger of losing her heart to a man who might never admit his feelings. And for Collin, plain, shy Charlotte sparks unfamiliar emotions within him. Abandoning logic could result in the loss of his bid for the horses who need him, but keeping his heart closed off could risk the woman who makes it beat for the first time.   Get swept off your feet by this clean and wholesome, laugh out loud romantic comedy filled with sweet and swoony situations and a heartwarming happily-ever-after. In Want of a Wife is the first in a series of modern day Jane Austen retellings -set on a ranch!
The Rancher takes his Star Crossed Love
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 16:51
When a bacon-loving Army Ranger and a flower-child, vegan farmer declare their true loves’ vow it won’t be enough to stop their families from feuding in this modern day marriage of convenience. David Porco has believed in true love since the first time he saw his doting parents kissing. After that, he was happy to kiss any woman to find out if she was his princess. He thought perhaps he’d felt the spark of true love with his ex-girlfriend, but when he goes to win her back, his ex’s friend catches his eye his heart explodes with one word; Mine. Jules Capulano has always known she was destined to find her true love. She knows that man is not Paris, her neighbor that everyone expected she’d marry. There’s no spark between them. When she locks eyes with the town’s wandering romantic, a spark inside her whispers that he’s the one. After just one night together, Jules and Porco know what they’re feeling is real. Like so many couples before them, they rush to the altar. But neither of their families are happy with the union. Porco works for the cattle ranch at war with Jules’ vegan commune. As the two star crossed lovers try to find a place where their union can grow strong, a careless mistake from Porco’s past threatens to topple everything Jules and her family has worked for. If they can’t find a way to right the mistake, they’ll lose more than each other to this family feud. 
On His Bended Knee
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 16:51
She needed a place to stay. He needed to save his ranch. Together they just might make a home. Sgt. Dylan Banks lost more than just his leg in the war. His fiancée and family turned their backs on him as well. Now, he’s determined to create a safe place where wounded warriors like himself can heal. But a hidden zoning law requires all residents of the Purple Heart Ranch to be married. To save his dream, Dylan and his men will have to tie the knot—but can a man with such deep scars inside and out believe in love again?   Maggie Shaw lost both her job as a veterinary technician and her apartment on the same day. Who knew her unreasonable landlord would kick her out for being four dogs over the one pet limit? Now, she and her gang of special-needs dogs are in trouble. Then fate puts her in Dylan’s path with a proposal that seems too good to be true—but can her heart bear a loveless marriage of convenience?   Dylan yearns to reach out for Maggie’s healing touch, but he keeps his distance, convinced his wounds are too deep for her embrace. Maggie sees past Dylan’s injuries, but if she fails to capture his heart they both could lose it all: her beloved animals, his ranch, and each other.   Find out if love can truly heal all wounds in this light-hearted, sweet romance of convenient arrangements that unfold into lasting love. On His Bended Knee is the first in a series of marriage of convenience tales featuring Wounded Warriors who are healed with the power of love.
The Rancher takes his Runaway Bride
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 16:51
Chasing his runaway bride to the altar is all this Army Ranger cares about in this modern day marriage of convenience. After years of fact-checking and fetching coffee, reporter Lana Hunt has finally been given a chance to shine. Her exposé on the Montana ranch where soldiers are finding a gold rush of convenient brides could lead to the job of her dreams. Putting her investigative skills to the test to discover if the ranch is a cult or the stuff of fairy tales, Lana goes undercover inside a bridal boutique only to come face to face with the man she left at the altar a year ago. Even though he was jilted by the love of his life, Mac Kenzie still loves weddings and is happy to help his friends plan theirs. But when he goes to assist the bride to be, he’s stunned to find his own runaway fiancée dressed in a wedding gown. Even more shocking, Lana is still wearing Mac’s engagement ring. Certain she still has feelings for him, he proposes a deal. He’ll help her get the scoop on the Purple Heart Ranch if she’ll help him plan his friends’ wedding. To get the story and the promotion, Lana agrees to Mac’s conditions. But as the two of them plan a future for the bride and groom, Lana wonders if there’s a chance to revise the ending of their own story? And after years of coming in second to her career, Mac knows this is his last shot to make Lana his. But as her deadline draws closer, he can’t help but wonder if the girl who’s held his heart since he was six will choose her byline over taking his last name?
Offering His Arm
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 16:50
An ex model struggling to lose the weight. A wounded veteran on a mission to gain her heart. Will they find a balance before time runs out? Reed Cannon may be a numbers guy but being minus one arm due to enemy fire hasn’t slowed him down. Now he’s faced with a new challenge—find a bride so he can stay on the rehabilitation ranch that has given him and his squad back their lives. With the ranch becoming zoned strictly for families, he’ll have to find a girl, woo her, and marry her in less than two months. Reed turns to a dating app to narrow down the selection of potential brides. The woman who matches him nearly 100% is accessible online, but out of reach in reality.    Sarai Austin has done the impossible, she’s found a great guy online. The problem is now he wants to meet in person, and Sarai's not ready for IRL. Her profile picture was taken three years and thirty pounds ago. To hide her weight issues, she tells Reed she’s out of town on business. All she needs is a couple of months to lose the weight—but she doesn’t count on running into Reed in town.   After meeting in person, Reed knows Sarai is the one. But as the two grow closer, their insecurities get in the way. Reed isn’t sure he’s enough for her. Sarai is certain she’s too much for him. When the lies and doubts come to a head, will their relationship be over before it has a chance to begin? Find out if love can truly heal all wounds in this light-hearted, sweet romance of convenient arrangements that unfold into lasting love. Offering His Arm is the third in a series of marriage of convenience tales featuring Wounded Warriors who are healed with the power of love.
The Rancher takes his Best-Friend's Sister
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 16:49
Falling for his best friend’s sister is not an option when an Army Ranger is tricked into a modern day marriage of convenience. Army Ranger Griffin “Grizz” Hayes watched his mother work her fingers to the bone to provide for her family after his dad left them. Determined never to be a burden and to make his own way, Grizz decides he’ll never marry. It’s easy enough when the only girl who has ever held his attention is off limits. Patricia Keaton fell in love with Grizz the first time he picked her up out of her crib and played Patty Cakes with her. Her feelings only grew over the years that her brother’s best friend spent more and more time with the Keaton family. Now that she’s come of age, and Grizz has separated from the army, she’s sure it’s time to get her man. But when a dark figure puts Patty in danger, Grizz does what he never thought he’d do; he agrees to marry Patty and be her shield against the menace. Only now, with a ring on her finger, Grizz has no good reason to keep his distance, and Patty has every reason to play her role as wife to the fullest of the job description. Will Grizz take on the spousal privilege offered him by the woman of his dreams? Or will he continue to keep his best friend’s sister at arms length through their whole marriage of convenience.
The Rancher takes his Love at First Sight
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 16:48
Hypothetically speaking, can an Army Ranger war games strategist and an environmental scientist bent on saving the planet fall in love at first sight? Romey Capulano knows that marrying Jordan Spinelli is the most logical, expedient, and practical way to save the farm commune she’s lived on her whole life. But when the pragmatic-minded, hydroponic gardener says I do, she’s surprised to find her heart speeding up when he makes his vows, her hands tingling when he slides the diamond on her finger, and her breath quickening as he leans in for the kiss. Succumbing to the notion of love was not a part of her plan, and she’s sure it will ruin the platonic relationship that she and the genius Army Ranger have planned out for themselves. Jordan Spinelli is certain he’s coming down with something the day of his arranged marriage to Romey. Why else would his blood run hot, his palms sweat, and his heart keep skipping beats? Better he catch an illness than feelings for the level-headed soil scientist. Because falling in love was not a part of their carefully constructed, peer-researched marital agreement. As the two try to navigate a loveless marriage, unknown forces keep pushing them into each other's arms. Divine acts keep pushing their lips within kissing range. Unspoken desires keep causing their hearts to face the inexplicable truth; the unquantifiable math that all adds up to the obvious. But will Jordan and Romey be able to admit to themselves, and each other, that their platonic vows are a shame because they just might have fallen in love at first sight?
The Rancher takes his Convenient Bride
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 16:47
Instalove alters the plan when an Army Ranger makes a calculated deal to wed a female rancher in a modern day marriage of convenience.    Army Ranger Tony Keaton is under a tight deadline. He’s got just 90 days to break ground, construct, and open the elite forces training camp he and his men have been planning since they left the military. The problem is his camp, which is on the grounds of the Purple Heart Ranch, needs access to the adjoining creek for their training exercises. Luckily, the stunning female rancher who owns that piece of land is willing to make a deal. Cattle rancher Brenda Vance is shedding ranch hands who can’t stand working for a woman. But she’s also bleeding money as she modernizes her property. To cover the debt of the technological advances, she agrees to sell the creek to Keaton. But the only way to cut through the red tape and transfer the land quickly enough to meet his 90 day deadline is to get married. Their iron-clad prenup protects her assets, but what will protect her heart? As Keaton and his unit of Army Rangers work the land with no problem taking orders from a woman, Brenda has dangerous dreams of this marriage lasting longer than the red tape requires. Dating isn’t on Keaton’s to do list, but a woman like Brenda makes him want to move love to the top of his priorities. Will these two stick to the deal and go their separate ways once the camp is up and running? Or will they change their plans and make this marriage of convenience last?
His Permanent Scar
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 16:47
A man with visible scars. A woman hurt by betrayal. Will an unexpected bundle of joy be their cure?   The Army calls Sean Jeffries a hero, but his hesitation to take down a child suicide bomber left dozens wounded and him with a permanent scar. Wracked by nightmares of those he couldn’t save, he’s sworn to live a life of solitude in penance. His only bright spot is his nurse, Ruhi. But when she finds herself in trouble, can Sean step up to be a hero again? 
Ruhi Patel’s casual approach to dating leads to men who won’t commit. After her last non-boyfriend not only dumped her, but stole her dream job, Ruhi swears off men. However, she soon learns she’s pregnant. Being a single mom is not part of her plan. So when her favorite patient proposes a platonic marriage of convenience, Ruhi takes it into serious consideration. 
After the two say “I do,” feelings begin to grow. But Sean is holding himself back, convinced he doesn’t deserve happiness. And Ruhi is afraid she’s falling for yet another unavailable man. Can these two sidestep heartache and allow themselves to be loved despite their scars? 
Find out if love can truly heal all wounds in this light-hearted, sweet romance of convenient arrangements that unfold into lasting love. His Permanent Scar is the fourth in a series of marriage of convenience tales featuring Wounded Warriors who are healed with the power of love.
The Prince and the Pie Maker
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 16:46
A playboy prince looking to be taken seriously. A pastry chef with her sights on the main dish. Can a fake engagement serve up their just desserts?  Prince Alexander, Cordoba’s notorious second son, was spared the burden of ruling the monarchy, much to the nation’s relief. His exploits around the world have made him tabloid fodder, so when he wants to pursue his dream of opening a fusion restaurant, no one takes him seriously. The only way to convince investors he’s a good risk is to secure his inheritance—which will only happen after he marries. Too bad Alex never intends to get married. New York City pie maker, Jan Peppers was left at the altar on her wedding day. Even worse, she can’t afford to leave her business partnership with her ex and his new wife who toss salt in her wounds on the regular. Jan’s chance for freedom comes in the form of a deal with Prince Alex—become his chef and fake fiancée and open the restaurant they’ve both dreamed of. As luck would have it Jan never intends to walk down the aisle again. Now they just have to convince the world that a playboy prince would fall for a plain Jane of a pie maker. As Alex and Jan plan the menu, feelings start to heat up in the kitchen. But if the truth of their fake engagement comes out, Alex’s investors will back out and Jan will face another humiliating jilting. Or maybe they’ll serve up a real relationship that’s something to savor for all time. Find out if love will reign in this light-hearted, sweet romance of royal engagements. The Prince and the Pie Maker is the second in a series of royal romances that are beyond the common tale! 
The King and the Kindergarten Teacher
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 16:46
He’s the king of his domain. She’s the queen of nap time. Can they learn to rule with their hearts? Esmeralda Pickett reigns over the subjects in her kindergarten class. She’s probably the last adult who still believes in fairy tales because all the stories do for her young charges is put the kids to sleep. Esme dreams of being swept off her feet by a charming prince, so when she’s saved from the dangers of texting while walking by a real live king, she’s certain her storybook romance is set to begin. Though sparks fly between the king and the kindergarten teacher, the pages get stuck when Esme learns that the monarch can only marry a woman of royal blood. And while she’s a true blue New Yorker, her blood is as red as it comes.   King Leonidas’s first wife was selected for him at birth. Now a widower, Leo has the right to choose his second wife, but it won’t be the love match he’s secretly dreamed of making. The small country of Cordoba is facing an economic crisis, and marrying a rich duchess would secure his people’s future. But can his heart afford another loveless marriage?   As Esme and Leo get to know one another, it’s clear there’s a thing between them. But another thing— her lack of royal blood—is keeping them apart. As the clock ticks closer to midnight, will Esme get her storybook ending? Or will this fairytale turn grim?   Find out if love will reign in this light-hearted, sweet romance of royal engagements. The King and the Kindergarten Teacher is the first in a series of royal romances that are beyond the common tale!
El Ranchero Se Casa Por Conveniencia
Updated at Dec 19, 2021, 18:39
El amor a primera vista lo cambia todo cuando un ranger del ejército llega a un acuerdo estratégico para casarse con una ranchera en un matrimonio de conveniencia moderno. El ranger del ejército Tony Keaton tiene una fecha límite ajustada. Solo dispone de noventa días para preparar el terreno, construir y abrir un campamento de adiestramiento para fuerzas de élite que él y sus hombres han estado planificando desde que dejaron la milicia. El problema es que el campamento, que está en tierras del rancho Purple Heart, necesita acceso al arroyo contiguo para los ejercicios de adiestramiento. Por suerte, la imponente ranchera que posee ese terreno está dispuesta a llegar a un acuerdo. La ganadera Brenda Vance despide a unos ayudantes que no soportan trabajar para una mujer. Pero además está perdiendo dinero con la modernización de la propiedad. Para cubrir la deuda que le provocan los avances tecnológicos, acepta venderle el arroyo a Keaton. Pero el único modo de atajar los trámites burocráticos y traspasar la tierra lo suficientemente rápido como para cumplir con el plazo límite de noventa días es casarse. El acuerdo prenupcial blindado protege sus bienes, pero ¿qué protegerá su corazón? Mientras Keaton y su unidad de rangers del ejército trabajan la tierra sin importarles que una mujer les dirija, Brenda sueña con inquietud que este matrimonio pueda durar más de lo que requiere la burocracia. Salir con alguien no figura entre los planes de Keaton, pero una mujer como Brenda hace que el amor pase a ser una prioridad. ¿Se ajustarán al plan y seguirán sus propios caminos una vez que el campamento esté listo y funcionando? ¿O cambiarán sus planes y harán que dure su matrimonio de conveniencia?
El Rey Y La Maestra Del Jardín De Infancia
Updated at Oct 21, 2021, 01:01
Él es el rey de su dominio. Ella es la reina de la siesta. ¿Podrán aprender a gobernar con el corazón? Esmeralda Pickett reina sobre los sujetos de su clase de jardín de infancia. Probablemente es la última adulta que todavía cree en los cuentos de hadas, porque lo único que hacen las historias para sus jóvenes pupilos es poner a los niños a dormir. Esme sueña con ser conquistada por un príncipe encantador, así que cuando un rey real la salva de los peligros de enviar mensajes de texto mientras camina, está segura de que su romance de cuento está listo para comenzar. Aunque saltan chispas entre el rey y la maestra del jardín de infancia, las páginas se atascan cuando Esme se entera de que el monarca sólo puede casarse con una mujer de sangre real. Y aunque ella es una neoyorquina de pura cepa, su sangre es de lo más roja. La primera esposa del rey Leónidas fue seleccionada para él al nacer. Ahora, viudo, León tiene derecho a elegir a su segunda esposa, pero no será el matrimonio por amor con el que ha soñado en secreto. El pequeño país de Córdoba se enfrenta a una crisis económica, y casarse con una rica duquesa aseguraría el futuro de su pueblo. ¿Pero puede su corazón permitirse otro matrimonio sin amor? A medida que Esme y Leo se van conociendo, está claro que hay algo entre ellos. Pero otra cosa -la falta de sangre real de ella- los separa. A medida que el reloj se acerca a la medianoche, ¿conseguirá Esme su final de cuento? ¿O este cuento de hadas se convertirá en algo sombrío? Averigua si el amor reinará en este desenfadado y dulce romance de compromisos reales. ¡El Rey y la Maestra de Jardín de Infancia es el primero de una serie de romances reales que van más allá del cuento común!