Story By SimplisticPassion


Began writing small stories in 2016 and relocated to many different writing sites but am now on Stary/Dreame with two of my novels signed. Currently reediting some of my novels to improve the experience when reading them. Any questions feel free to message me :)
Updated at Dec 2, 2023, 13:10
"Will you two just stop!" I screamed hearing the dark lust that consumed me. "Stop what?" The two said in unison, the look in their eyes didn't make it easier to contain my hunger. Backing up I desperately tried to keep the slightest amount of distance, but every step I took they closed in with two more. - Rated Mature- Explicit language, violence, and sex scenes are embedded in this novel. This serves as the authors only message. "Stop trying to make me admit I want you!" I screamed back, finishing my sentence I felt the cold lockers hit my back. It wasn't long before both solid bodies were pressed against my own making me scream inside. Their eyes poured into my body with such intensity I couldn't resist the throaty moan that's been begging for a release. I felt a hand grip my hair tightly pulling with a bit of force before trailing hot kisses down my throat and over my collarbone but stopped after one suck. The feeling returned on the other side of my neck as lips touch my ear his hot breathe making me shiver. The quarterback's lips against my neck sucking as his goalie brother whispered in my ear. He licked just below my neck blowing to send shivers down my spine "We'll stop trying when you stop fighting".
I'm Sorry, Little Wolf | Werewolf Romance
Updated at Dec 2, 2023, 08:29
?'? ?????, ?????? ????... Alpha Sutton of WhiteAsh, a ruthless alpha with the craving for bloodshed and a knack for violence invites Calliope Dusken and her pack to join them in celebrating their sacred Moon Festival. With the number of unsolved murders growing between the rival packs, Sutton plans to get to know his enemies a little bit better. When the two alphas discover they're mates, bad blood begins to boil and dark secrets become revealed. Calliope is left to decide between what she wants and what she knows is right.
Cursed with an Alpha Soul | Werewolf Romance
Updated at Jan 5, 2023, 02:31
(Werewolf/Love Triangle/Fantasy/Drama) MALEDICTUM LUPUM. The curse of the wolf. A tale lost to history. Truth mixed with fable - leaving no trace of the original message sent to warn others. Werewolves have been thought of as nothing more than characters in young teen movies and romance novels for centuries. ***** Ella Parker had expected to finish high school like every other teenager. - to go on afterwards with a decent job and to find her corner of the globe to live out the rest of her days. Under the light of one special full moon, Ella is left to find answers to what happened to her. With eyes dark as melted rubies and a constant temper boiling under her skin, she has yet to realize many lives rest in her hands. Torn between her old life and new, Ella struggles to find balance. There is only one person who may have the answers, and the undeniable pull she feels towards him she cannot fight forever: Carlos Willis - her past lover and now, bound partner. In the end, no one has yet to break the curse of the wolf.