Story By Georgette Gouveia

Georgette Gouveia

After Hopper
Updated at Dec 5, 2021, 23:32
When Vicky D'Angelo lands her first secretarial job after high school at a prestigious engineering firm in Manhattan, she hopes only it will lead to a better life for herself and her struggling, single mother. It isn’t long, however, before she realizes the company she works for is no ordinary engineering firm, and the colleague she has fallen in love with, no ordinary young man. Both will deliver her into a brilliant, unexpected life -- but at a cost.<br><br>Based on a true story and Edward Hopper's painting <i>Office at Night,</i> this is a short story about growing amid great uncertainty, accepting both loss and life coming full circle with love.
Seamless Sky
Updated at Mar 12, 2020, 22:46
Jade Cabral strides into the 21st century as a golden guy. Brilliant and beautiful, with a California cool and a Harvard education, he is poised for wealth and success in New York’s Financial District. But Jade harbors a secret flaw, a thirst for revenge against Señor Rodriguez, the California landowner who deprived his father – Señor’s out-of-wedlock son, John Virgil -- of his family’s rightful inheritance and place in the world. Jade thinks if he succeeds in New York, he can make up for every loss and humiliation his family has endured at the hands of Señor. That searing quest leads him into the arms of Nan Spencer, a lovely, fragile socialite, and to the top of the financial world, the Twin Towers, on September 11, 2001.
Updated at Mar 12, 2020, 22:46
He was a romantic and a realist, a lover of strong women and beautiful men. And though he was at one time the richest, most powerful man in the world, his most prized possession was a book -- Homer’s The Iliad, annotated by his tutor, Aristotle. Most of all, he was as much a myth as a man and a mystery ... even to himself. When Alexander the Great died in Babylon in 323 B.C. a month shy of his 33rd birthday and after conquering and reordering Persia, he left a sprawling empire and a burning question: What drove him? Before Alexander, culture flowed East to West. After, it would flow West to East, and we are the heirs of the continuing tension between the two. In this historical novel, Alexander encounters the only two enemies he cannot defeat: death and time. Surrendering to both, he considers a life that attempted to bridge seemingly irreconcilable opposites -- East and West, Persians and Greeks, a brutal father and a ruthless mother, a wily wife and a male soulmate. And above all, a tempered mind and ungovernable passions.
Burying the Dead
Updated at Dec 12, 2019, 06:07
Playing off today’s headlines, Burying the Dead serves up a high stakes game of love and death set on the power courts of Washington, DC, and other glittering world capitals. There Dimitri “Dimi” Orlov is a rising Russian tennis star whose glamorous, globetrotting career provides the perfect cover for his real day job -- agent and assassin. Trained by his government from the time he’s discovered in an orphanage, Dimi is assigned to assassinate the president of the United States -- a brilliant but arrogant onetime New York prosecutor who’s proved too independent for his Russian backers -- by romancing and enlisting his abused first lady, Catherine Darlington. Dimi courts the lovely, loveless Catherine at Renaissance House, a new cultural center in historic Dupont Circle that’s a front for Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), and at the US Open. There he’s shadowed by CIA agent Mitch Abramson, who has begun to connect the dots. But just as the various matches – Dimi and Catherine, Dimi and Mitch -- heat up, Dimi makes a choice that could have his bosses take him out of the game permanently.
The Penalty for Holding
Updated at Dec 12, 2019, 06:07
When the playboy quarterback of the hapless New York Templars is injured in a freak sexcapade, backup QB Quinn Novak picks up the ball and takes the team to the playoffs. There he attracts the attention of two other quarterbacks who’ve been rivals since high school, Mal Ryan of the Philadelphia Quakers and Tam Tarquin of the San Francisco Miners. Quinn begins a volatile relationship with the narcissistic Mal and a loving one with the open-hearted Tam, keeping each secret from the other. What he doesn’t know is that the two have a complex sexual history of their own.