Story By paul.abah007


Updated at Feb 12, 2022, 02:15
Danushiki is a potpourri of the past, present, the ethereal and the spiritual and mystical. Danushiki enjoys the first eighteen years of his life with his parents, siblings and other inhabitants on a secluded and mysterious island. While the inhabitants are loyal worshippers of the various gods and goddesses of the island, they are all forbidden from utilising the diamonds for any prohibited purpose. These diamonds causes a Lloyd Herbert Lyttleton to sail from the Empire to Shaingwa with like-minded sailors, long before Danushiki’s birth. After he manages to escape, he implants his obsession with the island in young Kenneth Whyte. Danushiki sneaks beside a dancing ground which is forbidden for any male, and is soon captivated by the dance moves of Sarme. After he falls in love with her, his destiny is revealed inside the sacred grove, in the presence of his father. Before he embarks on a three year initiation-cum-training in Cobra Land, he has sexual relations with Sarme, which culminates in a pregnancy. While in Cobra Land, Danushiki and other male youths like himself are trained and instilled with discipline by their instructors. Lloyd Herbert Lyttleton soon commits suicide, while Kenneth Whyte works his way to the top of the Empire’s military cadre and becomes a General. After successfully convincing the Queen of the Empire and other nobles and royalties of his quest to get diamonds from the ‘hidden’ island of Shaingwa, he is given soldiers, weapons, firepower and enough resources to plunder the island and bring diamonds back to the Empire. Unknown to General Kenneth Whyte, the Queen of the Empire sees him as an ambitious and treacherous individual who must be executed forthwith. On his part, General Kenneth Whyte plots a coup against the Queen of the Empire. General Whyte and his forces arrive Shaingwa and are resisted by Danushiki’s Uncle - Ziali, who kills a handful of them, but loses his life afterwards. Thereafter, five hundred overzealous warriors of Shaingwa, without undergoing a fortification exercise, rush to battle against General Whyte and his forces. They are soon slaughtered in a bloody encounter, followed by Shaingwa’s inhabitants who are turned to sex-slaves and slaves by General Whyte’s forces. Danushiki and nine hundred and ninety-nine warriors return from Cobra Land that same evening. Sarme, who has since birthed a son for Danushiki, catches General Whyte’s eye, and soon becomes his mistress. The High Chief of the island (Sharkoti) , and Danushiki’s father are killed, while Danushiki hatches a plan which leads to the deth of several soldiers from the Empire. Danushiki utilises his supernatural transformation powers in water, sea and land in the battle against the foreigners. Sarme’s identity as Danushiki’s lover is inadvertently revealed to General Whyte. Danushiki severs Colonel Anderson’s hands, which later leads to his death. After Sarme is killed by General, the soldiers from the Empire are vanquished by Danushiki and his nine hundred and ninety-nine warriors, General Whyte attempts a futile bid to kill Danushiki’s son before being killed by Danushiki.