Story By Pandora Charlotte

Pandora Charlotte

One Night Stand With That Beggar
Updated at Sep 29, 2022, 01:29
Her lips tasted like cherries, and her supple body rolled against him like a wave, pressing tight. Amos hugged her even tighter, molding them like two perfect jigsaw puzzles. Her familiar scent tingled his senses; all he knew was that he wanted more. Eudora moaned, neck arching to give him more access as he peppered kisses down her elegant neck. No woman could make him feel the same way Eudora did...then again, no woman could get this close to him. "Amos..." His heart skipped a beat. Amos captured her lips once again, swallowing her whimpers... ... Trapped in a loveless marriage and having endured her husband's countless affairs while refusing to touch her, Eudora decided to take revenge by having a one-night stand with the dirtiest and ugliest person. Thus, she chose a beggar-like man on the streets. Unexpectedly, this man was Amos, the most successful businessman in the world. He was allergic to women, but Eudora was a special case. Amos could not forget that passionate night and swore he would find her. They met by destiny again, but Eudora couldn't recognize him this time. Smirking, Amos tightened his grip on Eudora and pressed her against the wall. "You took advantage of me that night. And now it's my turn!"