Story By saveitforlater11


Playing With Fire
Updated at Jul 29, 2020, 12:33
She's been a lone wolf since the death of her parents, left to fend for herself in a world shes unfamiliar with. Her mother had her existence and scent of what she really was masked from other supernaturals. She was a nomad who hid her true identity from the world. Everything went according to her mothers last wish until the night she played with fire. Now she has to find herself, but will she risk being burnt by the one who is destined to save her?
His Flower
Updated at Feb 12, 2020, 11:21
A big move to NYC to start college brings new problems to Lily's already complicated life. Afraid for her brothers life and her own as the secrets of her fathers death starts catching up to them, and a new romance that leaves her shattered. Will she run again or will the man that crashed into her life be the one to save her?