Story By jennifer francis

jennifer francis

Hi guys my name is Jenna, come from NSW Australia. Just a little bit about me and my books there is a little part of me in nearly every book I have written. The Defiant Mate/Luna - Nate is the name of my son in real life, and he is stubborn. His Luna is Already a Luna - My favorite move in Karate is the empi, which is the use of your elbow, I like betting on things that are silly with my friends, not with monetary, the prize usually cake or a bottle of wine. Her Alpha\'s Orders - The moons down Jo-jo\'s back, I have that down my back. I love to paint, my dining room is full of canvas and easels, paints and brushes. Jo-Jo\'s art studio, is my dream writing office. I itch to go to Soul and Singapore, on my 2024 list. Unscentable - The Luna gown Piper made for herself, is the wedding dress I would wear if I was ever to get married. I also gave piper a Nissan Rogue because that tickled my fancy as a car. (here in Australia we don\'t have those. Bejewelled - Kick ass Ninja, I love that bike. The Rejected life of Mala Luca - I know martial arts, and I love orchards, that\'s why she sits out there in one to write. The Unclaimed Human Luna - I love camping myself, being out in nature is my go to. I love watching Korean and Mandrin drama\'s. A little bit about my writing - I write my books by hand, the old-fashioned way with pen and paper and then type them up, I like this process gives me a good chance to edit in the typing phase, and see if I\'ve missed anything, in my story line. It takes me a long time but I like it this way. i like to be at least 30 ch ahead of where my readers are in case of writers block. I been writing for dream now since March 2022, hope you enjoy my style, though I know it will not be for everyone. My writing style is a little differently from most. Werewolf dramas - I have brought in some unique gifts to certain characters and all my books will have those due to how much fun it be to write it, Gamma\'s will all have Gamma charm, Luna Calm, and the occasional Alpha will have mindsight, Usually a former leader or his unit, not the current one, just to annoy him lol. Most of my characters will be built around emotional traumas, not physical and they will all be 26 to 30ish, usually have a terrible or deeply sad back story, to give the feeling of being unloved or hated over something they have been mistaken for. My characters will be second chance mates themselves or mated as a second chance for their antagonist to the story. My Human books - will generally be a romance intrigue style, so a little mystery to be resolved while falling in love or trying not to fall in love. I have plans for a few standard human books, they won\'t be for everyone, but just flow out of me as well.
Not just, the Beta
Updated at Oct 20, 2024, 22:04
Slade and Oriana, the future Alpha and Beta heirs to the Highland Hills pack, are torn apart and their lives ruined and destroyed by one act of coercion, by their own fathers. An act that their own parents, the entire Alpha unit and both their mothers also thought would bring the pack together, and create a harmonious life for both their heirs. A decision that will destroy all their lives in the end. Oriana the future Beta find herself betrayed by not just her own mother, father and brother Hayden who has covered her position as the future Beta all her life, born just six months after she was, to take the position from her. She finds herself betrayed by the entire pack’s hierarchy including the one person she thought she could trust the most, Slade her friend and future Alpha, when he to chooses her brother over her, to be his actual Beta. Oriana leaves the pack in order to live her life the way she wants; no longer will she be deemed unworthy or called irresponsible by anyone, no more will she live being told that Hayden would be the better choice because he’s a boy. Her life is now her own, and she does not concern herself with pack life, opts to live as a rogue out there on the other side of the country well away from those would lie and betray her. Slade the future Alpha to the pack finds himself surrounded by lies and deception, all created by his own father and the Alpha Unit of his pack. He has lost his friend, his future Beta, only to find out he, himself, was the target of coercion by more than one. Something that rips his life apart and turns his happy world to misery. Something he now wants to find a way to extract revenge; upon those that ruined not only his life, but Oriana’s as well and for what? nothing in his eyes. Can Slade survive the deception and turmoil that is his life, can he find a way to change the pack for the better, to unseat those who he now can no longer trusted in his eyes; his own parents, who he now deems unworthy of leadership, due to what they did to he and Oriana. Slade will plot and plan against his own father, the entire Alpha Unit, and he will find a way to punish them for their wrong doings. All while he is trying to find a way to bring Oriana back into the pack; she is missing and he has no idea where she went; but regardless of how long it takes, he will never give up on her. Can Slade’s hopes and dreams of finding her and bringing her home become a reality? Can Slade exact revenge on her behalf without being banished himself? Can he get the evidence to prove to Oriana that he didn’t betray her? Will she believe him? if he can ever find her and convince her to speak with him. Can he put himself in front of her on a full moon, something that has never happened? Could she be more to him than not just, the Beta. This is a tale of why coercion is forbidden within the wolfen realm, here you will see how one decision, turns to devastation and the ruination of many lives, for not just the future Alpha and his Beta, but all those involved in the act itself. Where two worlds become vastly different as Oriana and Slade’s lives move on without each other, and how they grow and become stronger people. One living their life happy and unaware of the turmoil of the other.
Luci, the Alpha and Beta's Concubine
Updated at Oct 13, 2024, 22:11
The direct prequel to The Alpha & Beta's Regret, as well as the story to be continued of after Alpha Addison. Book 3 in the series The Birth of a Triune. Luci did not get her wolf at 16 like everyone else, and her father Alpha Orien deemed her wolf-less and has laid out many strict rules around her. Which she as a pure-blooded Alpha finds to constraining and pushes back against. He is always at her, constantly contradicting himself where she is concerned to find ways to punish her. Her mother Alpha Addison tries to help and give Luci the full freedom she wants and deserves, but the turbulent relationship she has with her father comes to a head when she meets Alpha Rafe and Beta Jack, and finds herself sleeping with the two of them. Orien is furious with her and lashes out verbally at his daughter, words that should never be utter by any wolf, alpha or not. Can Luci ever forgive him? After breaking his bond to her, where she flees and is contained and brought back from the darkness trying to swallow her alive at her own pain and heartbreak by her father. This one conflict see’s Luci’s whole life turn upside down and inside out. As throughout the course of the next two years, Luci has to deal with Orien’s overbearing ways, all the while pretend that she is still considered to be the heir to Nightfall; something she knows her father doesn’t actually want. Act as though he is her father still, even though their family bond is completely broken and unsalvageable in her eyes. So that her mother Alpha Addison, will not leave her Goddess Gifted Mate, something that is precious in Luci's eyes. knowing that her turbulent relationship with Orien has always been a sore point with her mother. This is the tale of Luci’s life; how she felt she needed to try and keep her mother and father’s bond intact and try to remain true to who she is at the same time. How her relationship and feelings blossom for Alpha Rafe and his Beta Jack. How she will become their concubine and come to live with them, love them only to be devastated at the loss of them when they come home one day marked and mated to others.
The Last Bears Daughter
Updated at Jun 9, 2024, 23:10
Leigh, a pure hybrid bear/wolf shifter rejected at 18 for being a half-breed, does not want a second chance Mate. She has a hidden lineage, and more than one secret to be kept hidden from those around her. Finds herself, in the Cloudy Haven Pack for assistance with a rogue alpha attacking her Alpha's allied pack, she is there to train the pack. To hunt and retrieve, if possible, an enemy to gain information from to help resolve the war. Alpha Brax also brings aid to the Cloudy Haven Pack, where he finds himself having to get between Leigh, an Elite Warrior and her acting Alpha, Farley, they can't get along he is curious as to why. But Brax, sleeping with Leigh the day he arrives doesn't help the situation. Ticks Alpha Farley off to no end. Brax comes to think Leigh is an entitled spoiled brat, does not like this trait at all. He believes that she is not that much different from the She-wolf who rejected him when he was 18, for simply being the third heir to his pack, and not the next in line. Brax and Leigh argue and come to dislike each other during the course of the allied assistance they are both providing to Alpha Micheal of the Cloudy Haven Pack. Can they get passed their own difficulties to help resolve the war and save Cloudy Haven from an unknown enemy who attacks randomly but seems knowledgeable about what goes on within Cloudy Haven at the same time. Can they find the rogue Alpha and bring him and his rogues down? Then a few weeks after meeting and coming to dislike each other, the full moon sets and they find themselves gifted to each other. Will they be able to resolve their issues and come together or will they turn a blind eye to each other, their Mate Bond and reject each other? Go their separate ways due to neither of them wanting another mate. Something neither of them knows or understands about each other, that they've both experienced a not so nice Mate Bond before and have been soured by it. A tale of secrets, war and betrayal, within this war can there be love?
Alpha Addison
Updated at Mar 17, 2024, 22:10
This is the life of Alpha Addison, how her life led her to be what she is today. Prequel to the Alpha & Beta's Regret. Why she is the way she is with Alpha Orien. through this tale you will learn of who Addison truly is and come to understand the love she has for her daughter. Through this tale you will see; How she grew up, her home pack and the life she had led before turning herself rogue and fleeing. How she met Alpha Lucian her Siren Mate, learn of the tale of how she loved him and then tragically lost him. How she then came to meet Alpha Orien while still pregnant and the reasons of why she chose to accept him, while still trying to come to terms with losing the love of her life Lucian, and the tale of Luci's birth.
My Mate, My enemy
Updated at Dec 28, 2023, 21:06
Alpha Raygan is a 200-year-old pure-blooded Alpha, a renowned war general that considers herself mate-less. She is the Heir to The Wintering Moon Pack if she can find her Goddess Gifted Mate before her younger brother who's just 26 and is now of the right age to take over, her own father has set a law that states one must not only find their Goddess Gifted Mate but be Marked and Mated before taking the seat as Alpha. She's had enough, is Mate-less as far as she's concerned, spends six months dancing and drinking inside a Gypsy pack in Germany after a disagreement with her father. Where Raygan meets a Handsome Alpha that is un-mated, wanting to have a lust fuelled few days of amazing sex they both agree to a naughty weekend of no names and no pack talk. After several days of the best sex she’s ever had Raygan gets called back to her pack with the threat of war coming and leaves her Handsome in the bed of his hotel room to go defend her pack. War with the Cold Moon has come, they've been enemies for 50 years, since they killed her mother and tried to take over Wintering Moon. A truce had been called after she put an end to that war, one she negotiated herself. But no longer do either pack's mingle anymore, where once they had been more than close now were enemies to each other. Raygan takes a prisoner to call an end to the war she returned home to, one of the Heirs to Cold Moon. To get answers as to why it started and why the Cold Moons Alpha, Steffan, believes they have stolen his daughter; a girl none within her pack know of. She is to meet the future heir to come to an agreement of cease fire until they can figure out what is going on, why Alpha Steffen believes they took his daughter, only to find out he is the Handsome Alpha from Germany. She had been sleeping with the enemy and didn't even know it. The best sex of her life and with the enemies Heir. The full moon sets during the meeting and they both scent each other out. Finally after 200 years she is granted her Goddess Gifted Mate and he turns out to be her Enemy. Can she accept the enemy as her Mate, can they come together and sort out the war and can she keep her secret from her own pack. That Alpha Karsyn of Cold Moon is her Goddess Gifted Mate, something which she needs; to claim the Alpha seat to her pack. Something she knows her younger brother Zac is now out to get for himself, for upon her return home she found him all loved up with a she-wolf, Dee. Who Zac claims is his Goddess Gifted mate. Who will get the title of Alpha to her pack, if she doesn’t tell her father Alpha Grant the truth about Alpha Karsyn, their enemy, being her Goddess Gifted Mate, she will lose her rightful place as the next Alpha to the Wintering Moon Pack. What will she do?
The Alpha & Beta's Regret
Updated at Sep 29, 2023, 23:08
Luci was their concubine, she disappeared into the lake that backs onto the eastern edge of their pack, went in and never came out after they came home Marked and Mated. Alpha Rafe never felt her sever from him or the pack, his Beta Jack never believed she died. 6 and a half years after this day, Alpha Rafe and his Beta Jack, are being hollowed out and losing their strength to run their pack. their Mates Melissa and Maria deny them their true nature, to share their Mates between them. Go home to their family pack to many times a year and don't seem to care if it hurts them. blame both the Alpha and Beta for no heir to the pack being provided. War comes to the Black Forest Pack, and Alpha Rafe and his Beta Jack know they are going to lose, the Man bringing war upon has specially trained men and are killing their warriors. They do not know why war has come to them but find out the man attacking them is an Alpha they know but are not aligned to, Alpha Vitor of the Bloodless Moon Pack. Why did he attack them? what does he want? A creature emerges from the lake and saves them, can connect to Rafe, calls him Alpha and his wolf bows down to it. then it is gone as quickly as it comes. Beta Jack is certain that the creature is Luci, but Rafe does not believe, Luci was a wolf, they knew this, have known her since she was 18. Alpha Victor has now seen the creature in the lake, the power it wields, wants it for himself. He must have it, will do whatever it takes to get it for himself. Knows what it is, a Siren half breed and a fully realized Alpha Blooded one at that. He will get it or find a way to lure it to him, to make it do his bidding at any cost. Luci herself is seen a week later caught on camera in her wolf form Kali, fighting two rogues, then herself in human form before she runs away and disappears into the lake. No prints to be found coming out of the lake. Can Alpha Rafe and his Beta Jack, find out why their own Mates deny them their true nature and weaken them without concern for it? Can they find Luci? Can they find out what she truly is? Can they bring her in? Their biggest Regret is the disappearance of Luci. They must bring her back to the pack at all costs, reunite her with her mother and family, apologize for the way things turned out between them. will she trust them again?
The Unclaimed Human Luna
Updated at Jun 8, 2023, 23:05
Eliza Hunt is an 18 year old human girl, struggling with decisions made around her, for her. After she is made to go and live with her mother and new Stepfather within the Wandering Moon Pack. Unknown to her the world she is pulled into is the wolfen world. Kept in the dark by her mother who is now Mated to an Alpha wolf and she is none the wiser. Only told she is moving to a massive apartment complex owned by her stepfather, she is made to move from her home California to Utah. Where she now has a stepbrother named Conner, a 22 year old, who is a dark and brooding man. It is clear to Eliza, that Conner does not want her in his home anymore than Eliza herself wants to be there. All she wants to do is escape this new life that was forced upon her. One where she finds herself, attracted to her stepbrother in ways she\'s never been drawn to another before. Only to find he is not a man she should be attracted to. He is cruel and hurtful towards her on purpose, wants her to leave and she knows it. Even though he cannot keep his hands to himself. Eliza does not feel as though she fits in, finds herself needing to act as though she is fitting in, to please her Stepfather and gain some freedom. Runs away only to be hunted down and brought back, by no other than Conner himself. Once again Eliza needs to try and build trust and try\'s to fit in, all the while plotting her escape from the life she now finds herself in, a life where she can\'t say no to Conner, doesn\'t understand it, doesn\'t want it and is very confused about her attraction to a man she dislikes and knows, does not like her. Can she escape a life of strict rules for the freedom she longs for, can she escape Conners need to possess her, find her freedom and to be who she wants to be. Will Eliza ever truly know what he is, what she would become if Conner and his father were honest about what they are. Would she accept him after all he has done to hurt her?
The Defiant Luna
Updated at Apr 16, 2023, 12:05
After Jay-la returns to her home pack, she finds herself conflicted about being Mated to the Alpha of the pack, seduced by her own wolf into claiming him, Nathan is a man she loves but hates at the same time, for banishing her all those years ago. She believes he has only brought her home because his wolf wants his Mate, and that Nathan himself only wants her in his pack for his children and heirs to be with him. Can she ever really believe that he wants and loves her, or is it simply his wolfs desire to claim his Mate that has brought them together.
The Rejected Life of Mala Luca
Updated at Mar 7, 2023, 01:05
Where does one go when rejected by their Mate? Banished by their Alpha? or turned themselves rogue to escape the pain that is their life within their home pack. There are packs, if one can find them, for those considered rejects, to their own and they grow exponentially. These packs accept all rejected wolves, male or female. All that are rejected are welcome within these packs, where they can be with others like themselves, kindred spirits, where they have no fear of punishment or brutality, these places are called The Rejected Packs. They are secretly supported by the wolfen council. A Rejected Pack will stay as such until one day the pack is considered to be big and strong and is recognized by the wolfen council as worthy of reintroduction to the wolfen society as a fully legitimized pack with a new name. This is the tale of one Rejected she-wolf Tamala Lucas; known now as Mala Luca, thought to be wolf-less, is shunned by her pack and treated cruelly by those around her. This tale tells of why she leaves her pack, how she comes to live within a rejected pack, what her life is like there, who she will become and who she meets and befriends. Learns a Mate is not a terrible thing after all, is able to see the good of a Mate Bond and will come to helps others to accept their fated Mate. Even though she never wants it for herself would rather have a chosen Mate, someone she knows, can trust and chose to love on her own terms. Mala will try stay clear of her past that comes knocking once more for her over the years, after being hidden for along time, from her former mate. Her Mate who rejected her at 18, even though she was the fiercest warrior, rejected for being wolf-less, now he wants her back, he knows she is not wolf-less and is still the best fighter out there. A ruthless fighter who takes no prisoners. Knows that Mala would make for a Warrior Luna, something highly prized and would make any pack stronger, would give him good strong heirs. Not something that Mala wants for herself, she has no desire to go back to her home pack, regardless of the way her former Mate is or how he gets to her, to find her and try to bring her back to him. What will Mala do to keep her life inside the rejected pack?
Updated at Feb 10, 2023, 17:33
8 years after a horrible moment with Gabriel on her 18 birthday, Cinda finally returns to her hometown, a place she never thought she would return to for good, a place her now dead husband believes she should be. Cinda never told her family she got married or that her husband died a year ago. She is now back in town and having to deal with Gabe and their forbidden attraction to each other. An attraction that is taboo in his books because Lori his mother took her in as her foster child, and now thinks of Cinda as her daughter, can they survive each other. While Gabe is trying to figure out who she really is and why anyone would want to hurt her. Can Gabe win her over and steel himself against his belief that the one woman he's been in love with all his life is not Taboo, to him. Can Cinda be kept safe when she will not listen to Gabe due to their relationship and past history. Can Cinda let herself fully love this man, a man that broke her heart at 18 by called himself her "brother" at the most intimate moment of her life, to stop anything from happening between them, a word he has never once acknowledged before. Always corrected people told them that she was his foster sister, not his sister. Can they stop fighting long enough to come together and find love and happiness.
Updated at Dec 1, 2022, 01:05
Piper rejected her Mate at 21, as he could not scent her, did not know who she was. Unable to handle the pains of betrayal anymore, she moves away to live her life as a human, her wolf Harper no longer able to shift to her wolf form, to weakened by their life inside the pack. Piper knows she is unscentable to her own kind, no one has ever even noticed her, has been alone in her pack since she was 10 years old. Leaves her home pack for her own self-preservation and survival, Rejects her Mate while he sleeps in the hope it will break their bond to each other, runs away to live her life out in the human world. Mate-less with only the mind of her wolf left. Years later Piper is threatened by and Alpha to have her reported to the Wolfen council and be sent to prison if she didn't do as he wanted and make a dress for his daughter, then again threatened by that same alpha as he tried to make her a part of his pack. Piper manages to get away, leaves the country to feel safe from him. Unbeknownst to Piper, her Mate has found her due to her reaction to him in her store, comes to the conclusion she is his lost mate. Though Piper believes he has found another Mate, as Bradley Drake brought a she-wolf right into Piper's store himself to force Piper to make the woman a Luna Ceremony gown. Piper knows she is unscentable to him and cannot handle seeing him with another it is too much pain for her and her wolf. After fleeing the country to escape the other Alpha after her, she is rendered unconscious after a fight for her life and wakes up Marked by her Mate, inside of his Pack, a place she and her wolf swore they would never return to. Can she learn to trust in him, will she believe that he has scented her? Can Piper and her wolf Harper, find out why they are unscentable? Will Piper and Harper trust in the Mate Bond and want to claim their Mate in return. Can Bradley Drake win over his Mate Piper Harper and bring her back into the Pack she was born into? will Piper accept him and become the Luna to the Pack she once felt abandoned by? so abandoned it in return herself, with no intention of every returning.
Her Alpha's Orders
Updated at Sep 29, 2022, 23:09
Jo-anne wakes up mated to West the future Alpha of her pack, neither he nor her have any memory of how this came to be, forced to stay with him due to wolfen laws. Neither of them want to be in the Mate Bond with each other. Jo-anne begs him to reject her want's out of their Bond as much as he does, demoralized by his constant Alpha ordering of her to tell him why she did this to him. she can not tell him what she does not know. Wants to be free, tries to kill herself but survives and is brought back to him. now wolf-less. Rejects him just hours before she is to be announced as the future Luna to the Pack A mysterious set of marks appears down her back on her 18th birthday at the time of her birth and brings about her what she calls the Shivers, and erotic sensations that fills her body with pleasure, to which she has no control over, when, where or for how long it happens, no reason she can not explain it, has to learn to live with it. Jo-anne has years of therapy to get over her past and move on with her life. 10 years of freedom and she is now 28 is required to go back to the pack to pledge allegiance to the new Alpha, West himself as he becomes the Alpha to her pack. She is happy and healthy, happy for him who has a Mate on his arm, but he is not happy. Jo-anne is expecting to be able to leave the pack for a 2 year period once she has pledged loyalty to her new Alph., An agreement made with her former Alpha, Alpha Damien. West does not like this and Alpha orders Jo-anne to never set foot in Korea. Can Jo-anne survive his Orders, can they find out about the past and can she figure out her mysterious markings and her true identity, can they get past the history to find a way to a peaceful future. Can she survive inside the pack long enough to find all the answers to the mystery that brought them together and ripped them apart.
His Luna's Already A Luna
Updated at Jul 10, 2022, 02:26
Lucinda an 18 year old wolf-less Luna Survived and rescued her packs remaining females and children from a s*******r by an invading Alpha. Given sanctuary by another pack in secret to keep them safe. 8 years later Lucinda now an expert in bladed weapons and Compound Bows finds herself Fated to her second chance mate. An imposing Alpha who\'s thoughts on Luna\'s a little more than off, only interested in a mate if they can create him a strong heir. Will he learn how to love and bond to a fated mate? Can he gain her trust to find out about her secret past? A tragedy all have heard of, but understand nothing about. Can the two of them come together and will their goddess gifted Mate Bond be strong enough to save her from her past.
The Defiant Mate
Updated at May 10, 2022, 03:07
Jay-la is banished by the future Alpha, Alpha Nathan of her pack, Blood Moon Pack, her lover for just over a year, for striking with claws out his newly found fated mate, told to never come back. Jay-la leaves as alpha ordered, not turned rogue only because he is not yet the Alpha in charge. When she asks her wolf Kora why she strikes the future Luna with claws out Kora responds, "to protect pup." She returns to university to live on campus to finish her law degree, stays in the human world working as divorce lawyer, staying away from her pack, away from the future Luna who hates her and she knows would never tolerate her pups. A secret no one knows about. Six years she has been away when she gets an official pack letter to return home, she burns it and defies the new Alpha in charge's order, Alpha Nathan, to come home. He will bring her in no matter what. She will never go back. She will fight to stay in the human world, away from him and his Luna who would harm her children. Confined to try and capture her in the human world, as she is well known to the humans around her and can not suddenly just go missing, can he bring her in and return her to his pack, to his side where she belongs?