Story By Shilpi Singh

Shilpi Singh

Updated at Oct 1, 2021, 06:53
This is the second installation of the book 'the lost girl' where Victoria the girl entrusted with the burden of being the most powerful witch and burdened with power that she resents, has now due to the traumatic events in the face of the battle in the last book forgotten everything and started anew as a freshman at a human college living a happy go lucky life with people that relate to her. Whereas , on the other side of veil that separates the mortals from the supernatural world the unseen but very prominent difference has occurred in the life of her friends knowing that Victoria is no more a part of their life. Specially her beloved Knox who is now very short tempered and has lost the remaining happiness in his life. In the wake of all this chaos lies a greater danger approaching the supernatural world unknown to all it's residents. Only can the darkest powers sense its arrival but the enchantress is known to be gone and Victoria remembers nothing of being anything more than human. Will Victoria find her way and discover the power within her and save her friends and the supernatural world and find her love in all this chaos or will she cho0se a happy human life over it ?