Story By Missy Tina

Missy Tina

The Siren's Vampire Soulmate
Updated at Apr 2, 2020, 18:02
In this magical world, witches created vampires, a mistake they made trying too figure out immortality, in an effort too fix their mistake they made sirens. They live for about 500 years, they're fast in the water, stronger then humans, can read all minds, but can only mind control supernaturals, and of course they're gorgeous. How else are they going too attract their food... the blood of vampires. Zapphire is scared for her soulmate, that her ex boyfriend, the king of sirens will kill her soulmate, and how can their realtionship will work with their species against them? So what will she do? Accept her soulmate, or reject him? Does the Moon Goddess ever make mistakes? Lets find out in Zapphire's and Matthew's love story. MESSAGE FROM THE AUTHOR: Hi guys! This is my first story that I'm sharing with people. Please be gentle with me! I hope you enjoy it!