Story By D.P. Rosano

D.P. Rosano

The Human Connection
Updated at Jul 20, 2023, 01:07
Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C. is dedicated to bringing outstanding and inspiring science fiction & fantasy, new adult/young adult, mystery, paranormal, middle-grade, non-fiction, Christian, and more to readers!
To Rome With Love
Updated at Mar 3, 2022, 01:01
"Rosano stages mysteries with the insider knowledge, finesse and flair of the accomplished wine, food, and travel writer he is. And it all happens in Italy."- Ambassador Magazine Some memories are never forgotten. As Tamara discovers the charms of Rome in the arms of her first love, the sights, food and wine sweep her away. Giorgio changes how she thinks about living. Decades can pass – marriages, death, and family can intervene – but those moments linger in the hidden layers of her consciousness. And just when Tamara thinks she has forgotten Giorgio, they find each other again... and their lives are changed forever.
A Love Lost in Positano
Updated at Mar 2, 2022, 01:28
After working for years in a war zone, Danny D'Amato needs a break. Stressed, he chooses the blue waters of Positano for his escape. Soon, the pages of his diary fill with notes about the woman he meets on the sunny Mediterranean cliffs, and his conversion from a war-weary veteran to a man in love. In a few days, he and Gaia fall in love, share their lives, and imagine a future together. And then, she is gone. After Danny spends countless days looking for Gaia, the vast distance between them finally closes... but for reasons they could have never predicted.
Vivaldi's Girls
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 18:06
Antonio Vivaldi's music has mesmerized audiences for three hundred years. A less known story than his musical genius was the impressive figure that he was in Venetian society; the young, red-haired prodigy could make women swoon with the sweeping grandeur of his violin performances - especially after he traded in his priest's robes for the dashing attire of a celebrity. Through the words of his lifelong friend, Domenico Trapensi, Vivaldi's Girls tells the mesmerizing story of Vivaldi's time as a music teacher at Venice's Conservatorio, of those who fell for more than just his violin lessons, and of his romancing of other girls on the road to the Italian cities in his time.
Un Amor Perdido En Positano
Updated at Dec 30, 2021, 19:43
Después de trabajar en Kabul durante varios años, Danny D’Amato necesita un descanso. Estresado por la guerra, elige las aguas azules de Positano para su escapada. Pronto, las páginas de su diario se llenan de notas sobre la mujer que conoce en los acantilados al sol del Mediterráneo y también sobre su propia conversión de veterano harto de la guerra a hombre enamorado. En pocos días Gaia y él se enamoran, comparten su vida e imaginan un futuro juntos. Y entonces ella desaparece. Tras pasar Danny inumerables días buscando a Gaia, la gran distancia entre los dos por fin se elimina…aunque por motivos que ninguno de ellos podría haber previsto.