Story By Karthik Sridhar

Karthik Sridhar

Have just started with my writing journey hope you all will be with me in this journey and will give lots of love and support
Updated at Sep 19, 2023, 08:11
In the world's deepest shadows, a legend awakens—the birth of Fenrir, the mightiest werewolf in million years . Blessed with unimaginable power, he holds the fate of werewolves and existence itself in his paws. But the true tale begins with a mistake—one that binds him in a cursed puppy form, rendering him powerless. What grave error could unleash such a malevolent spell? And how will he break free from its suffocating grasp? As Fenrir embarks on a quest for redemption, he stumbles upon a forbidden love with Ella, a pure hearted girl who sees the good in him. But as their love blossoms, so do the stakes, and Sebastian must find a way to save Ella from peril. With his abilities shackled, will he find the strength to protect her? Follow Sebastian through this enthralling odyssey of self-discovery, love, and sacrifice. Can he shatter the curse that binds him? What unimaginable consequences await if he succeeds? Brace yourself for an adventure that will unearth the raw power of choices, the essence of love, and the resilience of the human spirit. "THE WEREWOLF OF ANCIENT STREET’S " takes you into a world where darkness and light collide—a world where destiny hangs in the balance, and every turn of the page brings forth new mysteries to unravel. Will you dare to delve deeper?