Story By dimanochieblessing


leave while we went in.She closed the door and turned to us."now you both are gonna hold your ears, squat down and up.She said a
Updated at Nov 9, 2020, 00:30
The Korean god . TKG . Chapter 5 . Jennifer Owens . . ~ Kim ~ . As her hands were still wrapped tight around me, I wrapped my legs around her so she wouldn't throw me. I wrapped my hands around her neck too and she started to spin me around. "Omma " I cried softly. Anyway, I'm not letting her go too. We're gonna fall together. "Kim let me go " she said and I shook my head. "Yah! Let her go " Sofia yelled and I held Rein tighter. She started spinning around and the whole student started shouting. We're both gonna die today. Kang and Hae Ra ran to me and tried getting me outta Rein's hold. "let her go bitch" Hae Ra said as they helped me get down. I squatted and placed my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath. It wasn't enough so I sat down on the floor and they started laughing. My eyes were spinning in my sockets as I tried calming down my breath. I looked up and saw my angel staring but he quickly glared and turned away. Boh?! My angel just glared at me? Ah? See what those stupid Star have caused. Now my angel thinks I'm a weakling. "noor! (you!) " Rein yelled breathlessly. "what's happening here " we heard Mrs Smith's voice and we froze. "it's Rein and Kim fighting " Lexi the school parrot blurted out. She quickly covered her mouth with her hand when Rein and I gave her a look. "follow me " Mrs Smith said and I laid flat on the floor. Aigoo! What have I gotten myself into? I got up and we both followed Mrs Smith to a class room. Not really a class room, the dance room but it was empty. Mrs Smith signalled the remaining "Sta", Kang and Hae Ra to