Story By notebookgirl99


Hi, I\'m tiffany a self proclaimed author from Jamaica with a dream to one day become a published author. Help me get to 500 followers to finally get signed by dreame. Thank you so much.
Updated at Dec 26, 2021, 08:50
Stary Writing Academy 3 is ‘Elite Academy - Dare to be a teen. Alia is your typical high school senior about to graduate and looking forward to attending her dream university. Apart of her schools tradition focuses on the annual 20 year visit from one of the members of the Tober Family the only remaining Royal family in their small European country. Prince Kristoper St. Paul was the one chosen by the King and Queen to represent the family and Alia is given the responsibility being head girl to represent the school and be the Prince's host. At first Alia is honored , but then she soon discovers that he's not the prince charming everyone makes him out to me. Stary Writing Academy 3 is ‘Elite Academy - Dare to be a teen.