Story By Cathaliah


Cathaliah is a undergraduate, she is kind, caring and love to read romance novels. She believes she is always right and loves herself so much. But who wouldn’t? She is from the Caribbean, she recently start writing and would love for you to read her books. Also, she love to write about mating.
The Royal Twins
Updated at Jul 18, 2021, 09:13
Twins separated at birth because of how powerful they can be when connect. They met with each other for the first time and felt a connection, they later realized that they have the same mate and that they are twins. They both possess the strongest, baddest and special wolves. They later reunited with other family members and decided to take revenge on the person who killed their parent. After the twins were reunited, the spell place on them was broken, revealing that she is a tribrid a very powerful one at that. She possess the power of a witch, vampire and not to mention a werewolf.