Story By nassy space

nassy space

His silent wife
Updated at Oct 15, 2021, 09:05
Sofia is a girl who knew nothing about struggles of life , she is always under the look of her parents and had no say of her own life. when the time came she was married off to one of the most successful bachelor's , Erick .. He was a cold billionare who owned almost every part of the broadcasting systems in the world. what will happen when the billionaire himself isn't concernced of his silent submissive wife ? Read to find out. This is a work fiction and everything written is from the author's ideologies .Any resembelance from the book is entirely coincidental. Note : the cover is not mine.
Is it my fault?
Updated at Feb 17, 2021, 14:06
Henry used to be one of the poor local men in his small town .During his teen years he worked hard to brighten his life and his future ..Then after years of struggle and fighting he became an adult and achieved something, and he had everything but during that time he also lacked something too . Was it really hard getting love and affection to the people who i cared for the most ? - Henry Is it his fault that destiny wanted to play hard on him? Join his journey to know the prons and the cons which he faced and endured to know if anything happened during that time when he was searching for love , positivity and success. was it all worth it? Few typos and spellings errors might be spotted .Thank you for choosing and reading my work .