Story By Robert Louis Stevenson

Robert Louis Stevenson

Updated at May 3, 2023, 23:32
"Bajamar" era en origen el principio de una obra muy ambiciosa y extensa que luego, por el desánimo del propio Stevenson y las vueltas que da siempre el mundo de los escritores, acabó convirtiéndose en una novela corta. Así y todo, resulta una historia terriblemente interesante y entretenida, con un tratamiento de la psicología de los personajes y, quizá sobre todo, un exotismo aventurero, que la hacen una lectura más que agradable. Se trata de la última novela del maestro Robert Louis Stevenson y un clásico comparable a su obra más conocida, "La isla del tesoro".Herrick, un hijo de buena familia demasiado torpe para desempeñar ningún trabajo, Huish, un cockney londinense de carácter miserable, y Brown, un alcohólico capitán de barco sobre el que pesa el hundimiento de su barco mientras estaba borracho, malviven en un puerto isleño después de haber caído en desgracia. El azote de la influenza (tuberculosis) les pone inesperadamente en sus manos una goleta sin capitán y cargada de cajas de champagne que deciden robar. En su periplo por los mares del sur, en el que se pone de manifiesto la incompatibilidad de tres personalidades tan opuestas, acabarán encontrando una islita casi olvidada y a un personaje tan extravagante como casi sobrehumano, Attwater, un misionero que comercia con perlas...
Le Naufrageur
Updated at Apr 21, 2023, 02:55
«Vous voulez dire que vos histoires d’opium, d’épave, de contrebande et celle de l’homme qui devint votre ami étaient vraies?» Loudon Dodd, un américain qui vient de débarquer aux Îles Marquises, étonne les membres du «Cercle» un lieu de rencontre des expatriés: «Vous vous rendrez bientôt compte par vous-même que nos occupations touchent à l’art, puisqu’elles sont un effort combiné de l’imagination et de l’observation, le mouvement en plus. Vous serez bientôt sous le charme!»
Le Maître de Ballantrae
Updated at Apr 21, 2023, 02:46
Publié en 1889, "Le Maître de Ballantrae" est le chef-d'œuvre de Robert Louis Stevenson.Ce roman d'aventures, qui commence en Écosse en 1745, entraîne le lecteur sur les champs de bataille, sur les mers avec les pirates, vers les Indes orientales et enfin en Amérique du Nord avec sa terrible forêt sauvage, hantée par des trafiquants, des aventuriers patibulaires et des Indiens sur le sentier de la guerre.On retrouve l'inspiration de "L'Île au trésor" (1883), enrichie de celle du "Cas étrange du Dr Jekyll et de Mr Hyde" (1886), car Stevenson poursuit son exploration obsessionnelle du mystère et des ambiguïtés du mal.Le héros, James Durie, Maître de Ballantrae, livre à Henry, son frère cadet, un combat sans merci. Stevenson décrit la fascination romantique que ce protagoniste diabolique, séduisant, raffiné, intelligent, implacable et sans scrupules, est capable d'exercer sur ses proches et jusque sur les narrateurs chargés de relater ses aventures prodigieuses.
L'île au trésor
Updated at Apr 17, 2023, 22:59
Paru dans le magazine écossais pour enfants Young Folks en 1882 sous la forme de feuilleton signé «Captain George North», puis sous la forme de livre en 1883, après que l'auteur eut apporté de nombreuses modifications à son texte, "L'île au trésor" est un roman d'aventures écrit par l'écrivain écossais Robert Louis Stevenson, le chef-d'oeuvre incontesté d'un maître du roman d'aventures.La vie du jeune Jim Hawkins bascule le jour où un marin ivrogne et balafré s'installe dans l'auberge tenue par ses parents. Qui est réellement celui que l'on surnomme le "capitaine" ? Pourquoi se cache t-il ? Une nuit, des pirates attaquent l'auberge. Jim n'a que le temps de s'enfuir, emportant avec lui le secret du vieux forban : la carte d'une île abritant un fabuleux trésor...Va-t-il trouver le trésor, et sortir vivant de l'Hispaniola, le bateau que le mène à l'île au trésor?
L’isola del tesoro
Updated at Apr 17, 2023, 19:11
"L’isola del tesoro", romanzo d’avventura di Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), viene inizialmente pubblicato a puntate sotto pseudonimo sulla rivista inglese per ragazzi «Young Folks» (ottobre 1881 - gennaio 1882) e poi in volume nel 1883. Il romanzo racconta in prima persona l’avventurosa vicenda di un ragazzino, Jim Hawkins, che nel XVIII secolo trova una mappa del tesoro e salpa con un gruppo di pirati per recuperarlo. Nel romanzo, che inaugura la grande tradizione del tema piratesco unendola con quella dell’avventura sull’isola deserta (con il Robinson Crusoe come modello maggiore), si fondono molti filoni narrativi e topoi romanzeschi: il romanzo di formazione, il rapporto conflittuale tra il Bene e il Male, il fascino dell’ignoto e dei mondi tropicali, l’iconografia tipica del pirata, la “mappa” con la “X” che indica il punto in cui scavare.
Updated at Apr 13, 2023, 23:23
Pubblicato nel 1893, Catriona riprende vicende e personaggi da "Il ragazzo rapito", uno dei romanzi più famosi di Stevenson. Nella prima parte l'intrepido David Balfour cerca con tutte le forze di ottenere giustizia per gli innocenti accusati di essere i responsabili dell'omicidio di Appin, fatto storicamente avvenuto. Nel frattempo, il protagonista incontrerà la dolce Catriona, figlia del giacobita James MacGregor, e nella seconda parte i due giovani fuggiranno tra l'Olanda e la Francia, in un crescendo di avventure e pericoli.
L'Isola del Tesoro
Updated at Apr 6, 2023, 03:04
Le giornate di Jim Hawkins trascorrono monotone come garzone nella locanda di famiglia a Bristol, Inghilterra. Il ragazzo non perde mai occasione di ascoltare le fantastiche storie dei marinai che visitano la locanda, sognando ad occhi aperti che anche lui, un giorno, salperà alla volta di mari lontani. Quel giorno arriva all'improvviso quando il pirata Billy Jones muore nella sua locanda. Mentre libera la sua stanza, Jim scopre il vecchio baule del pirata, e al suo interno la mappa di un'isola lontana... che cambierà la sua vita per sempre.
Treasure Island
Updated at Mar 20, 2022, 19:51
Treasure Island (1883), by Robert Louis Stevenson, is one of the most famous children's novels of all time. Published for the first time in installments in the children's magazine Young Folks in the years 1881-1882 under the title of Sea Cook, or Treasure Island ("The cook on board or the treasure island"), it tells a story of "pirates and treasures "and has certainly contributed significantly to the popular imagination on these topics (starting with the stereotype of the pirate in the classic form in which he appears, for example, in Peter Pan and Pirates of the Caribbean). It is generally regarded as a Bildungsroman, but it contains unusual elements; for example Long John Silver, used by the author to describe the potential ambiguity of morality, is not a completely good character but not completely bad either. 
Treasure Island (Illustrated Edition)
Updated at Feb 24, 2022, 23:49
Young Jim Hawkins comes into possession of a map depicting an island where the infamous pirate Captain Flint has buried his prey. Together with a colourful crew under Captain Smollett, a dangerous search for the pirate’s treasure begins. But parts of the crew, especially the unscrupulous ship’s cook Long John Silver, turn out to be pirates from Flint’s former troop. In the end, countless fights between Jim and the pirates stand in the way of recovering the treasure.“Treasure Island”, first published in 1883, has inspired young and old for generations; and there is hardly a reader who has not devoured this exciting adventure novel from the first to the last page.The book is decorated with the original illustrations. 
Treasure Island
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 15:16
The piratical coming of age of Jim Hawkins, who discovers a map of Treasure Island among an old sea captain's possessions – and then follows it. Parrots, 'pieces of eight' and the lovable, but morally ambiguous Long John Silver.Treasure Island is an adventure novel by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson, narrating a tale of "buccaneers and buried gold". First published as a book on May 23, 1883, it was originally serialized in the children's magazine Young Folks between 1881–82 under the title Treasure Island or, the mutiny of the Hispaniola with Stevenson adopting the pseudonym Captain George North.Traditionally considered a coming-of-age story, Treasure Island is an adventure tale known for its atmosphere, characters and action, and also as a wry commentary on the ambiguity of morality — as seen in Long John Silver — unusual for children's literature then and now. It is one of the most frequently dramatized of all novels.The influence of Treasure Island on popular perceptions of pirates is enormous, including treasure maps marked with an "X", schooners, the Black Spot, tropical islands, and one-legged seamen carrying parrots on their shoulders.
Robert Louis Stevenson – The Complete Collection
Updated at Jan 18, 2022, 23:51
56 Complete Works of Robert Louis StevensonA Childs Garden of VersesA Christmas SermonA Footnote to HistoryAcross The PlainsAn Inland VoyageBalladsCatrionaDavid BalfourEdinburgh Picturesque NotesEssays of Robert Louis StevensonEssays of TravelFablesFamiliar Studies of Men & BooksFather DamienIn the South SeasIsland Nights' EntertainmentsKidnappedLay MoralsLetters of Robert Louis Stevenson vol 1Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson vol 2Master of BallantraeMasterpieces of Mystery in Four VolumesMemoir of Fleeming JenkinMemories and PortraitsMoral EmblemsNew Arabian NightsNew PoemsPlays of Henley and RL StevensonPrayers Written at VailimaPrince OttoRecords of a Family of EngineersScribners Stories by English Authors in FranceSongs of TravelSt IvesStories by English AuthorsTales and FantasiesThe Art of WritingThe Black ArrowThe Body-SnatcherThe DynamiterThe Ebb-TideThe Merry MenThe PocketThe Sea FogsThe Silverado SquattersThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. HydeThe Waif WomanThe WreckerThe Wrong BoxTravels with a Donkey in the CevenneTreasure IslandUnderwoodsVailima LettersVirginibus PuerisqueWalter RaleighWeir of Hermiston
David Balfour
Updated at Jun 3, 2021, 23:17
We follow continued adventures of David Blafour. He attempts to gain justice for James Stewart, who has been arrested and charged with complicity in the Appin Murder. David makes a statement to a lawyer and goes on to meet Lord Prestongrange, the Lord Advocate, to press the case for James' innocence.
In the South Seas
Updated at Jun 1, 2021, 23:23
For nearly ten years my health had been declining; and for some while before I set forth upon my voyage, I believed I was come to the afterpiece of life, and had only the nurse and undertaker to expect. It was suggested that I should try the South Seas; and I was not unwilling to visit like a ghost, and be carried like a bale, among scenes that had attracted me in youth and health. I chartered accordingly Dr. Merrit’s schooner yacht, the Casco, seventy-four tons register; sailed from San Francisco towards the end of June 1888, visited the eastern islands, and was left early the next year at Honolulu.
The Black Arrow (Illustrated)
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 09:24
From the author of Treasure Island and Kidnapped comes The Black Arrow, an adventure classic set in England during the War of the Roses. The swashbuckling story tells of a young man betrayed by his brutal guardian and forced to seek the help of a secret society. Dick Shelton must locate John Amend-All, leader of the mysterious fellowship of the Black Arrow and his guardian"s sworn enemy. Shelton successfully infiltrates the Black Arrow and gets swept up into the greater conflict surrounding them all.
Treasure Island
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 09:24
Peg-legged pirates, colorful parrots, and plundered riches—they’re all here in Robert Louis Stevenson’s original seafaring adventure. When young Jim Hawkins decides to follow a map to buried treasure, he must befriend or outsmart memorable characters such as pirate Long John Silver, captain Billy Bones, and island man Ben Gunn. Mutinous plans, mysterious deaths, and a tangle of double crosses keep Jim guessing all the way to the prize. Inspired by real-life seafarers, Stevenson captures the adventurous spirit of the times and the imagination of readers, young and old alike.
Saga Six Pack 8 (Annotated)
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 09:24
“One’s back is vulnerable, unless one has a brother.” - The Saga of Grettir. Saga Six Pack 8 includes The Bondman, an 1890 best-selling saga series by Hall Caine set in the Isle of Man and Iceland (The Bondman, The Book of Michael Sunlocks and The Book of Red Jason), an original saga by Robert Louis Stevenson, The Waif Woman, an essay comparing Greek and Norse mythology by Hélène Adeline Guerber and Grettir the Outlaw: A Story of Iceland by Sabine Baring-Gould. There is also an image gallery featuring author portraits and art from Iceland. Saga Six Pack 8 The Bondman: A New Saga by Hall Caine. The Book of Michael Sunlocks by Hall Caine. The Book of Red Jason by Hall Caine. The Waif Woman by Robert Louis Stevenson. Grettir the Outlaw: A Story of Iceland by Sabine Baring-Gould. Greek and Northern Mythologies - A Comparison by Hélène Adeline Guerber. Image Gallery.
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 09:24
Kidnapped (1886) - written three years after Stevenson’s blockbuster hit Treasure Island - tells the story of David Balfour, a young Scot kidnapped by brigands during the Jacobite Rebellion who teams with master swordsman Alan Breck Stewart to cross battle-torn Scotland and claim his rightful inheritance. Kidnapped was well received and sold well during Stevenson’s lifetime. There have been about 21 movie and TV versions of the book made, most notably by Disney in 1960. “A masterpiece.” — Henry James.
Le reflux
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 08:16
Dans le décor idyllique de Tahiti, Robert Louis Stevenson fait le récit d'un naufrage dramatique. Papeete. Un navire de guerre français appareillait, à destination de la France : il se trouvait à mi-distance du port, tout fourmillant d'activité. Dans la nuit était arrivée une goélette, que l'on voyait à cette heure en rade, tout près de la passe, et le pavillon jaune, emblème de la contagion, flottait à son mât... Ce roman a été écrit, en 1893, en collaboration avec Lloyd Osbourne. Un récit rocambolesque qui pose aussi la question de la rédemption. EXTRAIT Disséminés par tout le monde insulaire du Pacifique, des hommes appartenant aux diverses races européennes et à presque tous les rangs de la société, y portent leur activité et y propagent leurs maladies. Quelques-uns réussissent, d’autres végètent. Ceux-là sont montés sur des trônes et ont possédé des îles et des flottes. Ceux-ci en sont réduits, pour vivre, à se marier : une dame au teint chocolat, épaisse et joviale luronne, entretient leur paresse ; et, vêtus en indigènes, mais gardant toujours quelque trait hétéroclite d’allure et de maintien, parfois même un dernier souvenir (voire un simple monocle) de l’officier et du gentleman, ils se carrent sous des vérandas en feuilles de palmier et font les délices d’un auditoire indigène avec des souvenirs de café-concert. Et il y en a aussi d’autres, moins souples, moins habiles, moins heureux, peut-être moins vils, qui persistent, jusque dans ces îles de cocagne, à manquer de pain. À PROPOS DE L'AUTEUR Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) est né dans une famille écossaise de bâtisseurs de phares et de marins. Il est l'auteur du célèbre roman L'île au trésor.
L'ile au trésor (Illustré)
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 08:16
De méchants pirates et une île déserte qui recèle un trésor caché. Redécouvrez ce grand classique dans une édition entièrement illustrée.
L'Île au trésor
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 08:16
Extrait : "Comme j'attendais ainsi, je vis s'avancer vers moi un homme qui sortait d'une pièce voisine et dans lequel je reconnus à l'instant John Silver. Sa jambe gauche avait été coupée au niveau de la hanche. Il y suppléait par une béquille dont il se servait avec une habileté surprenante, sautant de côté et d'autre comme un oiseau."
Treasure Island
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 07:38
The most popular pirate story ever written in English, featuring one of literature’s most beloved “bad guys,” Treasure Island has been happily devoured by several generations of boys—and girls—and grownups.
Lo strano caso del dottor Jekyll e del signor Hyde + The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Updated at Mar 30, 2020, 19:46
Due eBook in uno! Edizioni integrali italiana e inglese. Two eBooks for the price of one ! Italian and english unabridged editions. Sinossi: Il romanzo si svolge nella Londra vittoriana di fine Ottocento e segue le indagini dell"avvocato Utterson, da sempre buon amico del dottor Henry Jekyll, preoccupato perché questi ha fatto testamento a favore di un certo signor Hyde. Il romanzo ci porta a poco a poco a scoprire che cosa sia effettivamente successo: il dottor Jekyll, da sempre affascinato dalla convivenza forzata tra il bene e il male nello stesso individuo, trova il modo di riuscire a scindere le due personalità mettendo a punto un siero, naturalmente somministrandolo a se stesso, quindi concretizzando la sua metamorfosi nel sadico Hyde, per poi ritornare nelle sue vere sembianze con altrettanto antidoto, ma la quantità di antidoto necessaria per ritornare alla sua condizione iniziale è sempre più forte, finché la situazione
Il signore di Ballantrae. I grandi classici del romanzo gotico
Updated at Mar 30, 2020, 19:46
Ambientato nel periodo delle rivolte giacobite (1745), Il signore di Ballantrae è la tragica e misteriosa storia della rivalità tra due fratelli, rampolli di un’antica casata scozzese. James, il maggiore, è egoista, affascinante, manipolatore e diabolico, capace di incantare chiunque, ed è perciò amato dal padre, dalle donne e da tutti quelli che entrano in contatto con lui. Henry, il fratello minore, è invece silenzioso, modesto, remissivo e disprezzato da familiari e sottoposti. Dopo la notizia della morte di James, partito per entrare nell’esercito del principe Charles allo scopo di sostenere la causa degli Stuart, Henry eredita l’intera fortuna familiare e sposa Alison, fidanzata di James, ancora innamorata di quest’ultimo. Ma James non è morto e improvvisamente ricompare sulla scena per riprendersi la sua parte di eredità e ricoprire d’ignominia il fratello minore, accusandolo di avidità e tradimento. L’innata rivalità tra i due si inasprisce, sfociando nell’odio più feroce, e li condurrà fin nella lontana America, in una sfida all’ultimo sangue. Grazie alla maestria narrativa dell’autore nel delineare vicende, avventure e personaggi e alla sua straordinaria capacità di penetrazione psicologica, Il signore di Ballantrae è considerato da una parte della critica il capolavoro di Stevenson ed ha suscitato l’ammirazione di alcuni tra i più grandi scrittori del mondo, tra cui Henry James, Ernest Hemingway, G.K. Chesterton e Jorge Louis Borges. Quest’ultimo lo amava in modo così appassionato, che, in collaborazione con il suo partner letterario Adolfo Bioy Casares, gli dedicò uno dei suoi scritti per rendere onore al suo splendore. Henry James dichiarò che la sua lettura gli aveva procurato la più grande emozione letteraria che avesse provato nella sua vita. Chesterton paragonò per intensità i capitoli che si svolgono nel castello scozzese dei Durrisdeer alle grandi tragedie greche. Capolavoro della letteratura di tutti i tempi, ricco di fascino, mistero e avventure, Il signore di Ballantrae è un libro che riesce a tenere il lettore col fiato sospeso fino all’ultima riga, coinvolgendolo nelle spire di emozioni straordinariamente intense e lasciandogli un ricordo indelebile.
La freccia nera
Updated at Mar 30, 2020, 19:46
Tutto ha inizio con una freccia nera, scagliata in una mite giornata di primavera... Il protagonista, Richard Shelton detto Dick, scopre chi è il responsabile della morte di suo padre e decide di vendicarsi, unendosi alla banda di fuorilegge detta appunto “della Freccia Nera”, che lotta contro i tiranni che da tempo vessano la gente del luogo, tentando di fare giustizia. Regalando al lettore un’atmosfera medievale alla “Robin Hood”, con i banditi nascosti nelle foreste, i frati, i castelli e i cavalieri, La freccia nera offre anche una descrizione storica dell’Inghilterra sotto il regno di Enrico VI: un paese insanguinato da una terribile guerra civile, dove i poveri e i deboli erano vittime dei ricchi e dei potenti e dove soprusi e ingiustizie si susseguivano in continuazione. In questo clima di terrore Dick combatte la sua personale battaglia, lottando per amore della donna che ama: la bellissima Joanna Sedley, rapita dall’assassino di suo padre per essere data in sposa a un altro uomo. Tra fughe, intrighi e tradimenti, Dick diventerà un uomo coraggioso e un condottiero valoroso. 
La Isla del Tesoro (Ilustrado)
Updated at Mar 23, 2020, 02:34
La historia más célebre de Piratas, con ilustraciones originales.
Treasure Island (Illustrated)
Updated at Mar 19, 2020, 05:46
An old sailor named Billy Bones comes to lodge in the rural Admiral Benbow Inn on the West English coast. A former shipmate, Black Dog, confronts Bones and engages in a violent fight with him. After Black Dog is run off, a blind beggar named Pew visits to give Bones "the black spot" as a summons to share a map leading to buried treasure. Shortly thereafter, Bones suffers a stroke and dies. Pew and his accomplices attack the inn, but Jim and his mother save themselves while taking Bones's sea chest. Inside the chest, they find a map of an island on which the infamous pirate Captain Flint hid his treasure. Jim shows the map to the local physician Dr. Livesey and the district squire John Trelawney, and they decide to make an expedition to the island, with Jim serving as a cabin boy. They set sail on Trelawney's schooner, the Hispaniola, under Captain Smollett. Much of the crew, as it is later revealed, are pirates who served under Captain Flint, most notable of which is the ship's one-legged chef "Long John" Silver.
Treasure Island
Updated at Mar 19, 2020, 05:46
With original illustrations by Louis Rhead. TREASURE ISLAND is an adventure novel by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson, narrating a tale of "buccaneers and buried gold". It was originally serialized in the children"s magazine Young Folks between 1881 through 1882 under the title Treasure Island, or the mutiny of the Hispaniola, credited to the pseudonym "Captain George North". It was first published as a book on 14 November 1883 by Cassell & Co. Treasure Island is traditionally considered a coming-of-age story, and is noted for its atmosphere, characters, and action. It is also noted as a wry commentary on the ambiguity of morality-as seen in Long John Silver-unusual for children"s literature. It is one of the most frequently dramatized of all novels. Its influence is enormous on popular perceptions of pirates, including such elements as treasure maps marked with an "X", schooners, the Black Spot, tropical islands, and one-legged seamen bearing parrots on their shoulders.
Stevenson (Annotated)
Updated at Mar 19, 2020, 05:46
Robert Louis Stevenson (13 November 1850 – 3 December 1894) was a literary celebrity in his lifetime and remains one of the most translated authors in the world (Currently ranked #26). He was a novelist, poet and a prolific travel writer in an age when moving across nations was arduous and fraught with peril. Stevenson lived his short life to the full. Of the cocaine-fueled writing binge that produced Strange Case of Jekyll and Hyde, his wife Fanny said: "That an invalid in my husband"s condition of health should have been able to perform the manual labor alone of putting 60,000 words on paper in six days, seems almost incredible." No Robert Louis Stevenson collection would be complete without Treasure Island, another genre kick-starter which, partly thanks to Disney, remains alive in the public’s imagination; and Kidnapped, Stevenson’s famous “boy’s” novel. There is also The Black Arrow: A Tale of the Two Roses, a lesser known historical romance adventure set during England’s Wars of the Roses, and An Inland Voyage, a pioneering work of travel literature by Stevenson about a canoeing trip through France and Belgium in 1876. This collection includes an image gallery with portraits of Stevenson, photographs from his last years in Samoa, copies of first edition book covers and reproductions of many original Victorian illustrations. Stevenson Six Pack An Inland Voyage Treasure Island The Body Snatcher Strange Case of Jekyll & Hyde Kidnapped The Black Arrow: A Tale of the Two Roses *Image Gallery.
Updated at Mar 17, 2020, 02:03
Extrait : "C'était au mois de mai 1813 que j'avais eu le malheur de tomber aux mains des Anglais. Ma connaissance de la langue anglaise, — j'avais appris cette langue dès l'enfance et la parlais presque aussi aisément que le français, — m'avait valu d'être choisi par mon colonel pour certaine besogne des plus délicates." À PROPOS DES ÉDITIONS LIGARAN Les éditions LIGARAN proposent des versions numériques de qualité de grands livres de la littérature classique mais également des livres rares en partenariat avec la BNF. Beaucoup de soins sont apportés à ces versions ebook pour éviter les fautes que l'on trouve trop souvent dans des versions numériques de ces textes. LIGARAN propose des grands classiques dans les domaines suivants : • Livres rares • Livres libertins • Livres d'Histoire • Poésies • Première guerre mondiale • Jeunesse • Policier
Le Roman du Prince Othon
Updated at Mar 17, 2020, 02:03
Extrait : "Vous chercheriez en vain sur la carte d'Europe l'État de Grunewald. Principauté indépendante et membre infinitésimal de l'Empire d'Allemagne, ayant joué pendant quelques siècles son rôle dans les discordes européennes, elle disparut enfin à la maturité des âges et sous la baguette magique de certains diplomates déplumés, comme disparaît un spectre à l'aube." À PROPOS DES ÉDITIONS LIGARAN Les éditions LIGARAN proposent des versions numériques de qualité de grands livres de la littérature classique mais également des livres rares en partenariat avec la BNF. Beaucoup de soins sont apportés à ces versions ebook pour éviter les fautes que l'on trouve trop souvent dans des versions numériques de ces textes. LIGARAN propose des grands classiques dans les domaines suivants : • Livres rares • Livres libertins • Livres d'Histoire • Poésies • Première guerre mondiale • Jeunesse • Policier
Nouvelles mille et une nuits
Updated at Mar 17, 2020, 02:03
Extrait : "Quelques lenteurs, il faut en convenir, embarrassent le début. Peu nous importent, par exemple, les idées et les habitudes de M. Utterson, un personnage d'arrière-plan, dépositaire du testament bizarre qui fait passer tous les biens de Henry Jekyll entre les mains de son ami Edward Hyde, dans le cas de la disparition du testateur." À PROPOS DES ÉDITIONS LIGARAN Les éditions LIGARAN proposent des versions numériques de qualité de grands livres de la littérature classique mais également des livres rares en partenariat avec la BNF. Beaucoup de soins sont apportés à ces versions ebook pour éviter les fautes que l'on trouve trop souvent dans des versions numériques de ces textes. LIGARAN propose des grands classiques dans les domaines suivants : • Livres rares • Livres libertins • Livres d'Histoire • Poésies • Première guerre mondiale • Jeunesse • Policier