Story By T.J. Story

T.J. Story

F a c e b o o k Group: T.J. Story/Mysterydream I have always had characters pop up into my head, and now I want to bring their stories to life. Follow me and comment to let me know what you think of the chapters or story. Also, check out my F*cebook group page where I would love to interact with you all! and, just thank you all for the support. It means the world to me!
Drowning in Hades
Updated at Jun 6, 2024, 22:03
Full Blurb coming soon. You will need to read Andrei's Human Mate before reading this book as they tie together.
Hazel and Maeve
Updated at May 13, 2024, 19:06
Currently on-hold until June 15th. Hazel and Maeve are the daughters of Opal and Mark. They were kidnapped from a young age, but thankfully, found by their Uncle Apollo. They now share a very close bond with Uncle Apollo. The two twin girls are just going with the flow as they are wanting to finish high-school. Hazel and Maeve are both 17, but they will be turning 18 in a week. They are so excited for their party as other packs have been invited to come and the party everything is going well until both girls freeze as they utter the words “Mate”... Will the girls have two mates who are brothers or will they have to share one? They will have to figure out their relationship while also dealing with threats coming from a secret admirer. Who is this mystery person that keeps sending the girls these love letters that make their skin crawl? What will this person do when it comes out that Hazel and Maeve have met mate or mates? Will this mystery person go to the lengths of kidnapping the girls or calling war upon the pack?.. This will also be the 3rd book of the Axel series. In order to understand the book better..I would read Dominic's book first or start with Axel while making your way to the 2nd book and finally this one. BUT it can be read as a stand-alone.
Andrei's Human Mate
Updated at Mar 5, 2022, 20:54
#DreameLoveStoryContest I am Andrei Valvick the son of Skylar, Elijah, and Aiden Valvick. I am just trying to get through the second semester of High school so I can finally go to live in Hell. My twin sister and I are the only ones in the family that can visit Hell or choose to live there, if we want to. I feel like I belong in Hell as my mind is one dark place. I am a mixture of Demon and werewolf, but I am about 95% Demon. I have no wolf unlike my twin sister. But what happens when Andrei stumbles upon his mate and finds that his fated one is a human? Andrei will have to jump through hoops to get his mate to understand his world and Andrei will have to make the choice of either choosing Hell or his mate. What will he end up choosing? Will he end up with his mate, or will his mate run away from Andrei? Andrei's Human Mate: Book 3 of the Demon Queen series. In order to get some of the characters you might want to read some of Two Twins and One damaged mate.
Dominic: Son of Axel and Forrest
Updated at Dec 21, 2021, 11:30
I am Dominic: Son of Axel and Forrest. I am currently 20 years old and in about 2 years I will become Alpha of our pack, Abisso Oscuro. The reason I am becoming Alpha so late is because I am still going through training. It has taken so long to train because I am a mixture of both my dads. I am a Demon Wolf with elemental abilities, everything my two dads can do I can do. I shifted when I was 15 and ever since then I have been training to better control myself as it took me a bit to get my emotions under control now the only thing missing is a mate. I want what my two dads have as well as my Aunt and Uncle. I also want a mate who understands what it means to be mated with someone and how you should treat that person….but who knows. “Son, you will find someone.” My father, Axel, tells me while putting a hand on my shoulder. I sigh. “I don’t know, dad.” “Dominic, stop it. You will find your mate and I bet you are going to meet him when you least expect it.” My other father, Forrest, says to me. I nod. “I guess you two are right.” I say jokingly causing them both to scoff before laughing. Little did I know how true their words were… **Updates will be every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday**
You Intoxicate me
Updated at Dec 2, 2021, 17:40
!THIS BOOK IN ON-HOLD! “You Intoxicate me.” He whispers in my ear as his hands on my hips. I look up to meet his eyes to see love swimming in them. “You Intoxicate me.” I whisper back before he slams his lips onto mine. Causing sparks to shoot through my body as I wrap my arms around his neck and let go of all my worries. Follow along this story to read about Ambrose Eclipse and Crimson Moon as they end up ruling the werewolf world. They will have trails to face as Crimson will turn into a werewolf and they will have to work together to deal with the NightWalkers. It is also not a typical human girl turning into a werewolf as Crimson Moon is an assassin who is well known throughout the werewolf community. Ambrose is also a strong Alpha who is highly respected throughout the werewolf community as well. This is an insta-love, no cheating, no abuse, kickass lead woman story that will have you melting. **Mature content. 18+**
Derek's Reign
Updated at Nov 15, 2021, 19:03
“Your mother was shot.” My name is Derek and I am taking over the family business from my mother. My mother is known as the Mafia Queen and I have been training to take over since I was 18. I was fine with the life I was living. I was a ruthless leader as my mother started handing over some things. She was still involved but for the most part, I was in charge. My whole world got turned upside down when my father told me that my mother was shot....then I met someone who was making me feel things. She was turning me into a man that I never thought I could be, but I am not sure if she will accept me for who I truly am.
Updated at Sep 10, 2021, 21:37
**This book contains Daddy Kink. Do not read if you do not like Daddy Kink** "Son, you need to find your mate soon. This pack needs a Luna." My father reminds me for the hundredth time. I just roll my eyes at my father who just sighs at me. "Dad, WHOEVER my mate is will come to me when the time is right. I will not question the Moon Goddess." I made sure to raise my voice on the whoever part because my father needs to understand something about me, but I cannot exactly say it out loud. My father just rolls his eyes at me while he gets up to leave my office. Once he reaches the door, he turns to me and speaks. "Find a Luna by the end of this year or I will set you up with someone's daughter." I went to say something, but he just slammed the door before I had the chance. My wolf in me wanted me to jump up and go to cuss my father out but before I could I get a mind-link. "Alpha, a rogue entered our pack. We took him to the cells." I sighed as I stood up to go down to the cells. As soon as I enter the cells, I stop in my tracks as I come to face the rogue. My wolf jumps in my head as he yells MATE. Follow along with this story to find out if these two mates will become the strongest werewolves of their kind. Alpha Axel and his mate Forrest. **COMPLETE**
Two twins and One damaged mate
Updated at Sep 9, 2021, 20:08
CAN BE READ AS A STAND-ALONE. **This book is a work of fiction. it isn't written as if things are happening within real time. this is a fanasty land so the timelines move faster. Again, this is work of FICTION.** "Will you c*m for us, little one?" I throw my head moaning at the tone my mates are using. "Beg for it." I am about to lose my mind. "Please, Elijah. Aiden. Please." I beg them to let me find my release. Skylar used to have a normal live even though her parents died when she was young, but then everything changed the moment she turned 13. 5 years of wanting to escape the hell she lives every day... and then finally she gets the chance. Who knew that she would end running to a pack that had her two mates there. Who knew that she would be mated to Twins. Will she let go of her past trauma to let her mate's love her? Will she be able to handle her true self once she starts to find herself? Elijah and Aiden want nothing more then to love their mate with everything in them. The bothers have always been close since they are twins, so the fact that they share a mate is exciting to them. They just want to help her with finding herself.
Naughty Snippets
Updated at Aug 10, 2021, 21:12
18+ should be the ones to read this book because I will not hold back and there will be different types of scenes every chapter. I just hope that this stories fill your hidden fantasies. It will have girl on girl, boy and girl, boy and boy, 2 boys one girl, and etc. I hope you enjoy these chapters that fill your darkest desires. **18+ Mature Content**
The Demon Queen
Updated at Jul 25, 2021, 21:15
The Moon Goddess blessed me from the moment I was born. I came from an Alpha and a Luna, but I did not gain a wolf like everyone else. I was always told that I was different for a purpose, and I didn't know how true those words would be until I ran into my mate one day. “I am Your Queen.” I figured it would be better not to push him right now. He smiles at me, his eyes calming down a bit, but then he grins evilly at me. “Good girl.” This is a complete fantasy world to where anything is possible and things are different. Demons are different compared to the stories that you have grown up hearing and many other things, as well. **COMPLETE**
Mafia Queen
Updated at Jan 13, 2021, 10:56
I took over the Mafia world when I was 16, and now I have dominated it. Now I am the 22-year-old badass who can ruin your life if you double cross her. Everyone knows me as the Mafia Queen of the Mafia world, but everyone else knows me as Willow. My brother has also made a name for himself as my ride or die who is not to be messed with. I am not easily effected, but what happens when someone ends up crossing my path that makes my heart jump from my chest? **COMPLETE**