Story By Temple Madison

Temple Madison

Strangers in Paradise
Updated at Dec 1, 2021, 18:39
Fallen angel Adam Blackstone, also known as Adamas the Black Knight, is gorgeous as hell, from which he escaped. Adapting quickly to life on Earth, he builds a new life as the owner of a popular restaurant. Despite being mortal and vulnerable to the earthly dangers, he still thrives. And he is waiting for the meeting that will change his new life.<br><br>X-Tilla, the Underworld’s best assassin, follows Adam through a vortex to Earth. He undergoes several changes while in the vortex, just like Adam did before him, and arrives on Earth without memory of his past. He now goes by the name Phoenix Webber and struggles to adapt to life on Earth, not being able to find a sustainable job. That is, until he arrives for an interview and meets Adam by accident.<br><br>The two men are strongly attracted to each other. They fall in love, and quickly learn there are obstacles in mortal life to conquer. Phoenix experiences strange dreams and visions until he remembers he followed Adam to Earth to kill him. Realizing every mortal has both a good and a dark side, Phoenix struggles with fear, loyalty, and love. Will he disobey the command to kill Adam? Or will love really conquer all?
Sin and Salvation
Updated at Dec 1, 2021, 18:38
It was a dark night on a shadowy path when two men came face to face. One man carried a knife, the other, a Bible.<br><br>Rocco Marz was a rebel with a free spirit and a hair-trigger temper. He cursed freely and obeyed no one's rules but his own. Nathan West was a devout churchgoer with a spotless reputation, but something was missing in his life.<br><br>Once Nathan got to know Rocco, he was drawn to him sexually and tempted to step into his world of sin. But it came at a high price. Did it mean Nathan was doomed forever? Did it mean he was bound for hell?<br><br>Or did God in His wisdom have a reason for bringing these two conflicting personalities together?<br>
Jupiter's Jungle
Updated at Sep 29, 2021, 07:57
When club owner Jupiter Marston drinks water from a wild cat’s paw print, he doesn’t realize a curse lurks in its depths and becomes a were-creature living in two different worlds. One night a handsome young biker who is lost and hungry walks into his club, and Jupiter falls in love. Shane is on the run from a dangerous lover, and he discovers Jupiter is a dangerous were-cat.<br><br>Then the full moon takes Jupiter deep into the mysterious urban jungle and, when he doesn’t return, Shane goes to find him. A woodland fairy saves him from death and removes the curse by wiping both men’s memories. A magic wind thrusts them back into the past, but with their memories of each other gone, will they fall in love again ... or will Shane and Jupiter pass by each other like wandering ships lost in the night?
The Dark Prince
Updated at Jun 21, 2021, 00:14
Savanne, prince of Casmir and heir to the throne, is a handsome man loved by all, until he is sent to another reality known as Earth. He is lost in our world, and can’t find the doorway back home.<br><br>Writer Val Kingsley finds a mysterious man on his doorstep, clearly in need of help, and takes him in. He finds it hard to believe Savanne came from a different world where fairytale characters are real.<br><br>The two men feel a strong attraction to the other, and Val decides to accompany Savanne on his harrowing journey back home. Will this adult fairy tale have a happily-ever-after ending, or will it go down in defeat from an evil that is too strong, a magic too powerful, and a love caught in between?
Dance of Blood
Updated at May 7, 2021, 20:31
Ares, the God of War, is cast out of Olympus by Zeus, and sent to Earth where he adopts the name Cato Mendez. Pretty soon, he is successful, rich, and lonely. And he has no memory of Olympus, playfield of the gods, and who he really is. Handsome as he is, finding a soulmate seems impossible. Christopher Locke is a brilliant dancer, wasting his talent at a local club, but has no ambition to further his career. He is content, as long as he has his dancing and music to dance to. Christopher, however, has no time to develop a long-term relationship. When the two meet, sparks fly. Before they know it, they are involved in a relationship. Then Olympus calls, and Cato and Christopher have some decisions to make. How will Olympus affect their relationship? Will Christopher be able to do what he loves best? And will Ares win the war that will decide the future of Olympus?
King of Sin
Updated at Mar 12, 2020, 22:46
Handsome, fearless Lathe Bronson is New York City’s weapon against crime. He works and lives alone, fighting a war in the back streets where gangs operate in the dark. Pretty soon, they start fearing him, and give the cop a fitting name. They call him Lucifer. Dissatisfied with his pampered, sheltered life, gorgeous Anjelo decides to escape by getting acquainted with life on the streets. Innocent and naïve, he feels drawn to the city’s dark side. But he’s an easy target in an underworld with no rules. When his path crosses Lathe’s, sparks fly. Can he overcome his own dark side and save Anjelo? Or will Anjelo’s wings get singed, trying to find love?
Prince of Hell
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Divided between Heaven and Hell, by good and evil, and light and dark, a crossbreed named Dante was created in the depths of Hell to lead a pack of assassins in the ultimate destruction of Earth. For this purpose, Dante was given superhuman powers he can use while passing himself off as human. Early in his mission, Dante meets an ally named Fate Ferguson. With the help of Fate, he learns about another Kingdom. A kingdom in direct contrast to the one that created him. Heaven. With good and evil warring for his soul, the day soon comes when Dante has to make a choice. Can he overcome his birthright and use his powers for good? Or is the evil too strong for him to be anything but the Prince of Hell?"
Night Flyer
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Gabe Wesley recalls only three good memories while growing up: the superhero comics cluttering his room, drawings hanging on his wall for inspiration, and the view from his windowsill during electrical storms. These memories fuel his dreams about flying through the sky and saving the world from evil. When Gabe grows up, he’s the hotshot pilot of a sleek plane called Night Flyer. One night while surrounded by a group of gay bashers, he’s touched by the finger of God. From that experience, he slowly evolves into the one thing he’s been dreaming of all his life -- a superhero. Then Deuce Gannon comes into his life. He’s as different from Gabe as night is from day. When these two men meet, their lives are turned upside down."
Carnival Cowboy
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"At the end of a bloody trail, Johnny Redd finds an incredible secret. While struggling with a bullet in his chest, he crawls along the ground until he finds himself surrounded by a maze of quaint carnival tarps. Inside is a world of color, costumes, false hair, nails, eyelashes -- and a man who dresses like a woman. It’s a world of trickery, deception, and lies. Johnny makes it just inside the tent when his strength fails and he faints dead away. When he awakes, he’s reminded of the bizarre reality that surrounds him. It’s that he learns he has been taken care of by a man – er. woman -- by the name of Frenchy Starr. The name rolls from the tongue of this fallen angel, this princess of darkness, this twilight queen. She’s a mystery, a dangerously beautiful mystery, and Johnny slowly becomes ensnared in the trap which she sets. After one night of incredible love, a jealous fan shoots Frenchy. Thinking her dead, Johnny’s heart is broken and he leaves in search of something to fill the hole she left in his heart. Enter Kit Dalton."
The Gay Blade
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Grant Damont is a self-made man who was well on his way to becoming a millionaire by the time he was twenty, and Paris Clayton is a cash-poor phone actor for gay men. When they meet at a club called Rouge, the two are immediately attracted to each other. But Paris can’t handle the fact that Grant’s money allows him to feast on escargot and filet mignon when Paris’s empty pockets will only allow him to scratch out a meager meal of hamburgers and French fries. But when Grant happens to find Paris on the street one night, he offers the actor two thousand dollars for sex. Because he’s desperate for money, Paris accepts. The one night stand starts something sizzling between them. Then Grant’s ex, Frankie Starr, walks in and opens up old wounds. Is Frankie back to renew an old love? Or does he want to steal Paris away and ruin Grant’s chance for real happiness?"
Trailer Trash
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"When Dezi Falconi, a pampered rich boy, meets up with Rox Forrester, a savvy trailer trash hottie, sparks fly. Living on opposite sides of the tracks makes them an unlikely couple until Dezi gets a good look at Rox and propositions him. Tired of being used as a rich man’s whore, Rox heatedly refuses the offer, but when Dezi hears his tale of woe, he decides to help Rox financially, and in time they fall deeply in love. Eventually Nick Falconi, Dezi’s father, finds out about Rox. Nick is a powerful man, used to having anything he wants, and he wants Rox. This puts Rox in the middle of an impossible situation when he learns that Nick holds the strings to Dezi’s money. If Rox doesn’t leave Dezi and become Nick’s whore, he’ll leave Dezi penniless. What should he do? Submit to a dirty old man’s perverted desires, or run away with Dezi and start a new life -- one that includes murder?"
Sugar and Spice
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"When she's Sugar, she's every man's dream, but when she's Spice, she's his nightmare! Dark nights and full moons mysteriously turn a beautiful white-haired beauty into a growling, voluptuous she-devil who dines on blood, flesh, and sex. She's a dancer at the Rock Candy Club where she has her pick of men. By the time the evening is over, not one, not two, but three take the beautiful dancer to the parking lot for an evening of sexual debauchery. While she's enjoying the hot feel of these hard bodies inside her, her sister Spice makes an appearance, and the parking lot runs red with blood. Later she meets a mysterious, fair-haired stranger who falls in love with her. Used to having any man she wants at her beck and call, she wonders if this man can satisfy the raging sexual appetite of both her and her devilish sister, or if should she send him back to the hole he crawled out of ... a hole called Hell!"
Baby Face
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Stoney Martin is a well-known porn star whose life is filled with bright lights and photo shoots. One night when he’s helping out a friend, a thug breaks into a local diner, recognizes him, and cuts into the flesh on his face, forcing him to sink down into anonymity. While hiding out, Stoney is discovered by Hud Spencer, a fan who has worshipped him through Baby Face Magazine for years. Hud pays to have Stoney’s fixed. They slowly fall in love and stay together until Hud learns Stoney wants to use his new face to continue his career in porn. This causes a rift between them Hud can’t handle, so he walks out. They move on with their lives. Stoney gets discovered by the Prima Donna Modeling Agency, and Hud starts his own software company. But at a modeling gig, they meet up once again, and neither can deny the old feelings that resurface. Should they give their love another chance, or is it dead and gone?"
Cowboy from Hell
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Storm Benedict was injured in a mine explosion when he was very young and wandered away from town dazed and disoriented. Ten years later, he returns a big, handsome, rough-talking, big-as-a-mountain cowboy who has inherited a ranching empire. After learning of Storm's inheritance, the town fathers legally attach the ranch and refuse to let it go until Storm gets married, so he sends for a mail-order bride. Saul Denis is a city slicker from the east with a secret desire to become a cowboy, but he doesn’t have the money to travel west until his sister Sable receives a proposal from a big, good-looking cowboy with a sexy grin. Saul swipes the letter, making a deal with Sable to go in her place. When he meets Storm, he is overwhelmed, quickly falling in love with the big cowboy. Soon, Storm reunites with an old drifter friend, Curt Sanders, and sparks fly between all three men. And then Saul’s sister Sable comes to town masquerading as a lady when she’s actually an evil little spitfire who tries to take Storm away from the other two men, including her brother. They eventually find out what she’s up to, and along with Storm, makes sure she gets what she deserves. Will Storm's passion for a drifter and a city slicker be the end of his empire, or will the three men stay together and fight for their love?"
Satan's Breath
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"WSCX Radio Station in Savannah, Georgia, isn't prepared for new late-night DJ Blaze Alexander. She’s way over the top for such a deeply religious city in the Deep South, yet at the same time, they can't seem to get enough of her. So every night from midnight to dawn, the sultry heat of the new Steam Queen envelops the city as she breathes her naughty suggestions into their ears. As they sit and listen to her deep, throaty voice purring and moaning her hypnotic words of passion, the unsuspecting city becomes drugged by the magic spell she weaves around them. But while Blaze is making cold beds hot and bringing lovers closer together, her arms remain empty because she can’t forget a dark night when Satan’s Breath blew hot and strong. Can she exorcise the demon that took hold of her on a long-ago night that keeps her away from the only man she will ever love, or will Satan’s Breath rise again and finish what it started so long ago?"
Walk on the Wild Side
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Tall, dark, and dangerous, Reny Stark is from the wrong side of the tracks. A criminal, a thug, and a brawler, he’s the best at making bad choices, until one such choice landed him in prison for five years. Now Reny is out and has a great big chip on his shoulder. Having lost everything, he has no future. He’s unemployable, and the only place he can afford to live is in a cheap rundown room in the plague pit of New York City called Gangland. At one time he didn’t care what he had to do to stay alive, but now he’s trying to stay clean -- but the gangs won’t let him. Since he’s not a member of any gang, they’ve fingered him as their assassin, and one night he is forced to honor a contract on someone’s life, or die. Having little choice, he haunts the city streets until he finds his target, and hates him on sight. He’s everything Reny is not. He’s young, ambitious, good looking, and with a great future ahead of him. This man is so clean he squeaks while Reny is covered in the dirt of the ghetto, stuck with a prison record, and no hope of ever getting out. Because his target has had an easy life, Reny expected a soft, prissy guy that wouldn’t put up much of a fight, but instead he looms hard and tough, and refuses to go down. Ric Ferrand may be young, but he knows all about living a hard life and the tough choices that come with it. Although he’s always had kind of a yen for the wild side of life he’s tried not to let the evil of the city pull him down. But now the streets are fighting back in the person of Reny Stark, the scariest, sexiest, and most complicated ex-con this big city has ever produced -- and this tough guy wants to kill him. Then something happens that Ric didn’t count on. He slowly gets so know and understand the brute whose next stop is Death Row, and begins to have feelings for him. Taking a big chance, he invites him home where the contract killing gets lost between the sheets making Ric realize some guys are just better when they’re bad."
The Blond Satan
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Greg Spain is not only a successful ad exec and senior partner at one of New York’s finest advertising agencies, but he’s also the most beautiful, brilliant, and intimidating man you’ll ever meet. To look at him – with his loose tie, his shirt constantly creeping out of his pants – you might think he’s a slob, but you couldn’t be more wrong. He’s what they call an independent spirit, who walks the world alone until he finds himself strolling through a park one night to get to a taxi stand on the other side ... and meets the devil. With a bolt of lightning in the shape of a pitchfork, Greg finds he’s made a deal with the devil. Now he’s cursed with a split ego, both man and animal in one form. Before he knows it, he’s caught up in full moons, dark streets, bloody trails, and prey beneath him. To make matters worse, he meets a man would might be his soul mate, and even though his impulsive, reckless side causes his passion to burn bright, both know their love can’t be kept on a leash. Every time they get together, their love is accompanied by a dangerous passion that includes bites, blood, and scars, and Greg is haunted by one question. Is it possible for him to be tamed enough for a serious relationship, or will he forever be The Blond Satan?"
Tarnished Hero
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Danger lurks around every corner and police officer Eddie Scarlett needs to stay focused on capturing a serial killer before someone else dies. A hot, sexy, blue eyed stranger is not a distraction he can afford ... or can he? Eddie Scarlett, one of NYC's finest cops, is a tarnished hero. According to the scum on the street, Eddie is handsome, hot, and dangerous, but he has a heart as black as death. He’s called a back alley cop because he does undercover work for the NYPD, making him familiar with every back alley in the city. When a crime spree breaks out, Eddie meets what he thinks is a whore with beautiful blue eyes. During their first encounter, they slam together like two taxis on Broadway. Before their relationship can even get started, Eddie has to go undercover. It’s the kind of case that will test the resolve of a tough cop, forcing Eddie to forget his blue-eyed lover, his own identity, and even his common sense to melt into the city’s back alleys and capture a master killer wielding a cold blade."