Story By Harley boots

Harley boots

I\'m a leap year baby. Not a lot of people know what that means so I\'ll explain it means that my birthday only comes every four years. I\'ve never really written a book before so I sorry if you don\'t like it. Please remember I feelings so if you don\'t like something please let me know but make sure you try to but it nicely. Also I would like to let everyone know that picture is just my dog sleeping. Thank You, Harley Boots
Updated at Nov 21, 2019, 19:07
Katherin a 700 year vampire queen hybrib goes on a hike where she finds her mate alpha of the eclipse pack Nick. "Who are you?", I said still smelling roses and tulips "Mate!",he said sounding happy like a little kid on Christmas day "um... I'm Nick, and you are? "I'm katherin but you can call me cat" I said holding my hand out. He shook it.