Story By N.C. East

N.C. East

Private Conversations
Updated at Jul 3, 2019, 02:15
You are the hero and I am the heroine, willing to do whatever you ask. No small talk. No games. No strings. Just pure, hot sex. Where do you want me? On the table? On the bar? I’m hot and willing and I’m yours. Sixteen different, luscious ways to satisfy that need. I’ll gives you just what you crave for those private moments. Are you going to the bar or is it a lazy day at home playing video games? What happens next is up to you. My only desire is to see that you peak the wonderful mountain of ecstasy. I am the woman of your dreams, literally. I am whoever you want me tob e and I am doing whatever you want me to do. The next move is up to you – I’m waiting.